Category Archives: Acupuncture Insurance Coverage Options

Research Confirms Acupuncture for Chronic Neck Pain

Is acupuncture an effective treatment for chronic neck pain?

Among adults in the US, neck pain has an annual prevalence rate exceeding 30% with close to 50% experiencing continued degrees of chronic neck pain or frequent occurrences.

A study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine showed the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture and electroacupuncture in patients with chronic neck pain.

The study revealed when acupuncture was added to conventional treatment it relieved pain better, and electroacupuncture relieved pain even more.

Healthcare continues evolving to less-invasive, natural, and drug-free methods, with acupuncture now being a first-line complementary healthcare choice.

Remember, the American Acupuncture Council (AAC) offers an unparalleled track record in acupuncture risk management.

There is a reason acupuncturists have trusted AAC with their business for 50 years.

Not an American Acupuncture Council member? Get a Quick Quote and find out how much you will save! Click here!

Customizing Acupuncture Business Insurance For Your Needs

Every company is unique. Therefore, if you buy acupuncture business insurance, you must choose one that specifically addresses your needs. In other words, tailor your insurance to the needs of your business.

Here are some guidelines you may find helpful:

Assess your practice risks. Take note there are specific risks and liabilities inherent to your acupuncture practice. For instance, your risk factors may include patient care-related risks, employee injuries, property damage, and cyber security. Assessing your practice risks will help identify the insurance package worthy of your money.

Understand the coverage options. There are different coverage options in acupuncture business insurance; make sure you are familiar with them. You may consider malpractice insurance, premises liability, business personal property (BPP), and cybersecurity protection – all of these may be necessary to your business.

Customize policies to address unique risks. Communication is the key when choosing an insurance policy; make sure you ask the insurer essential questions. The goal is to understand every detail of what they offer so that you can tailor your policy to address your unique risks and requirements.

Strike the balance between coverage and affordability. Of course, you would want coverage that can give you optimum protection; however, you should also consider the cost. The goal is to strike a balance between the insurance policy and its price, aiming for better coverage at a reasonable cost. With that said, consider factors such as deductibles, coverage limits, and the premium costs associated with customizing your acupuncture insurance policy.

Review and update coverage regularly. As your acupuncture business evolves and grows, your insurance needs may change. For instance, you might transfer to a more spacious clinic or offer new acupuncture treatments. Regularly review your insurance coverage with your insurance agent to ensure it remains adequate and up-to-date.

Are you looking for a reputable company offering acupuncture business insurance? Look no further than the American Acupuncture Council. Contact us at (800) 838-0383 for inquiries.

Acupuncture Business Insurance: Things to Consider When Choosing an Insurer

As an alternative treatment, acupuncturists stand at a higher risk of exposure to malpractice complaints compared to other types of businesses. Such complaints can come from any of the clients. Thus, a protection that shields an acupuncture business from these complaints should be in place.

Acupuncture business insurance is the answer for every acupuncture clinic’s protection needs – regardless of business size. If you are running one, it should be there in your to-do list. It provides the protection you need to ensure your business (and your professional reputation) is okay should a client file a complaint against you, claiming malpractice.

Now, the question becomes: how to find a reputable/trusted acupuncture business insurance provider. While there’s no definitive set of guidelines, you should consider the following criteria:

Experience. One of the indicators of how reputable an insurance provider is is the number of years they have been providing the acupuncture service. A company with decades of experience (like the American Acupuncture Council) means it has weathered the market’s ever-changing climate; it thrives even when the market is unfavorable. The length of years in the industry has polished the processes of experienced insurers for better services.

Insurance coverage. Of course, the insurance package inclusion is another important factor when deciding which acupuncture business insurance to choose. For acupuncturists, malpractice insurance, professional liability insurance, premises liability, worker’s compensation, and business owner policy are the top coverage areas to consider. See to it that your prospective insurance provider offers these coverage options.

Financial stability. There are several ways to assess whether or not a company is financially stable. For instance, you can look into their assets and ask for a copy of their annual report or financial summary. You can also check on complaints or problems through your state insurance department. And you should also find out how many insurance claims they disbursed money for in one business calendar year.

Reviews. Lastly, do not forget the power of word of mouth. Read what their previous and current clients say about the company. If negative reviews far outweigh the positive ones, you have a compelling reason to cross out that particular insurance provider from your list of prospects.

Are you looking for a reputable acupuncture business insurance provider? Look no further than the American Acupuncture Council. Call us at (800) 838-0383 for inquiries.

Acupuncturist Insurance Offers Must-Have Protection for Your Practice

Like any other business in the health and wellness industry, your acupuncture business should get insurance that protects your finances and professional reputation. For one, acupuncture carries higher risks in terms of malpractice claims. For another, insurance is one of the requirements by the state before giving a license to operate. Therefore, finding a reputable acupuncturist insurance provider is no longer an option but a necessity.

Here are some of the benefits of getting an insurance for an acupuncture business:

Malpractice coverage. Over time, the number of clients that come to your clinic grows. The more clients you have, the higher the chances that a client or two you treat will lodge a malpractice complaint. But you do not need to wait for that to happen before you protect your business and professional reputation. With malpractice coverage from an acupuncture insurance provider, you can rest assured that insurance can cover the financial burden of addressing that complaint.

Premises liability. It is commonly called slip or ‘trip and fall’ insurance. As an insured acupuncturist, you can expect that your policy covers the potential risks of a guest on the premises alleging damage to their personal property or injury in the clinic area, such as slipping from a wet spot on the floor, tripping on a frayed rug or fainting and falling off the treatment table.

Business personal property coverage. An acupuncturist insurance provider can also offer protection to the insured for lost, stolen, or damaged property of the business, such as equipment. For example, the policy can protect items such as a treatment table, furniture, or other business property that is not a permanent fixture of the building structure.

Peace of mind. When you know that something provides protection should somebody file a complaint about your acupuncture business, you can sleep well at night knowing that things are in place by giving you financial coverage to take care of untoward events in relation to your practice.

Are you looking for a reputable acupuncturist insurance provider? Look no further than the American Acupuncture Council. Call us at (800) 838-0383 for inquiries.

The Value Of Acupuncture Insurance Quotes

Getting insurance is one practical decision you can make for your acupuncture business. It acts like a safety net not only for your professional name but your business as well, in case somebody from the side of your clients tries to drop you onto a legal battleground stemming from “malpractice.” But how can you be sure you get a favorable insurance package considering an overwhelming number of insurance providers are out there? One strategic approach you can employ is to request acupuncture insurance quotes.

By requesting acupuncture insurance quotes, you increase your chances of getting the best deal the insurance industry can offer. And the following is what is at stake:

Malpractice coverage. While getting injured or having adverse reactions to acupuncture procedures is relatively uncommon, you should not take chances as an acupuncture business owner, especially since this job involves insertion of needles at various depths. A typical insurance package includes malpractice coverage to protect you from patients who may complain of injury or harm from your treatment.

Business interruption coverage. You can customize your acupuncture insurance coverage to include the protection needed in case of untoward business disruptions due to natural calamities, fires, or accidents. Acupuncture insurance that provides business disruptions coverage can compensate your business for lost income, ongoing expenses coverage, and quick recovery assistance.

Financial protection. Lawsuits are not only time-consuming; they can also flush your finances down the drain. That is why something must protect you and your business, and that is where acupuncture insurance comes into play.

Business property coverage. Acupuncture procedure requires specialized equipment and furnishings; thus, they need protection. You get the protection you need for your property with acupuncture insurance. The coverage includes repair, replacement, or reimbursement.

General liability coverage. It protects your acupuncture business from diverse clients claiming damage for bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury occurring within your premises during their visits.

Are you looking for a reliable acupuncture insurance provider? Look no further than the American Acupuncture Council today.

Call us at (800) 838-0383 for inquiries.

Acupuncturist Insurance Quotes

Many describe insurance for the acupuncture business as an “à la carte” product. That means you can choose insurance products from different options instead of buying the whole package. The goal is to have a policy that is custom designed to best suit the protection you need. In other words, you pay only for a particular insurance option for your business.

New to the acupuncture business? If you plan to buy insurance to protect your business, it will be advantageous to you if you are familiar with different acupuncturist insurance quotes. In this way, you will know which particular insurance product to purchase.

So, here are various types of acupuncturist insurance quotes you should know about:

  • Worker’s compensation quote – provides information about insurance that aims to protect your business from paying for your workers’ medical care and rehabilitation – for employees who are injured while on the job or contract a work-related illness. It also covers a portion of lost wages, disability benefits, and even death benefits for the dependents of employees killed in work-related accidents.
  • Malpractice quote – you need this information about insurance products protecting your business and professional from lawsuits claiming malpractice or negligence on your part as an acupuncture treatment provider.
  • Premises liability – this provides information about the policy that protects your business in case of interruption for several reasons. Property protection generally covers owned or leased buildings and their content, such as furniture, equipment, and fixtures damaged from calamities and fire.
  • Professional liability quote – information regarding insurance providing coverage for license protection, sexual misconduct defense, cyber liability, and insurance audit defense.

There are more coverage options associated with the acupuncture insurance package. Make sure you ask your prospective insurance provider to learn more.

Online looking for a reputable company that offers comprehensive acupuncture insurance coverage? Talk to an expert at the American Acupuncture Council today.

Please call (800) 838-0383 for more inquiries.