Can acupuncture have a positive effect on hormonal regulation in women?
Researchers are looking at how acupuncture may affect hormonal regulation, such as alleviating hot flashes in menopause or addressing menstrual irregularity.
Some researchers are also studying acupuncture’s impact on fertility, and its use linked to getting pregnant sooner and having better outcomes from IVF treatments.
Research on acupuncture has been extensive, with evidence supporting its effectiveness for many health conditions.
Healthcare continues evolving to less-invasive, natural, and drug-free methods, with acupuncture now being a first-line complementary healthcare choice.
Remember, the American Acupuncture Council (AAC) offers an unparalleled track record in acupuncture risk management.
There is a reason acupuncturists have trusted AAC with their business for 50 years.
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