Category Archives: Workers Compensation Insurance

Acupuncturist Insurance Quotes

Many describe insurance for the acupuncture business as an “à la carte” product. That means you can choose insurance products from different options instead of buying the whole package. The goal is to have a policy that is custom designed to best suit the protection you need. In other words, you pay only for a particular insurance option for your business.

New to the acupuncture business? If you plan to buy insurance to protect your business, it will be advantageous to you if you are familiar with different acupuncturist insurance quotes. In this way, you will know which particular insurance product to purchase.

So, here are various types of acupuncturist insurance quotes you should know about:

  • Worker’s compensation quote – provides information about insurance that aims to protect your business from paying for your workers’ medical care and rehabilitation – for employees who are injured while on the job or contract a work-related illness. It also covers a portion of lost wages, disability benefits, and even death benefits for the dependents of employees killed in work-related accidents.
  • Malpractice quote – you need this information about insurance products protecting your business and professional from lawsuits claiming malpractice or negligence on your part as an acupuncture treatment provider.
  • Premises liability – this provides information about the policy that protects your business in case of interruption for several reasons. Property protection generally covers owned or leased buildings and their content, such as furniture, equipment, and fixtures damaged from calamities and fire.
  • Professional liability quote – information regarding insurance providing coverage for license protection, sexual misconduct defense, cyber liability, and insurance audit defense.

There are more coverage options associated with the acupuncture insurance package. Make sure you ask your prospective insurance provider to learn more.

Online looking for a reputable company that offers comprehensive acupuncture insurance coverage? Talk to an expert at the American Acupuncture Council today.

Please call (800) 838-0383 for more inquiries.

Here’s How Acupuncture Workers’ Comp Insurance Can Take Care Of Your Employees (And Your Business)

As an acupuncturist running a clinic, you are aware that your business can be vulnerable not just to possible lawsuits from clients, but also to a worker’s compensation in case of injury or even death in the line of duty. Both can have a drastic impact on your finances and cripple your business to the ground. That is why having acupuncture workers’ comp insurance is vital to keeping your business thrive and your professional reputation intact.

Here are some ways acupuncture workers’ comp insurance can take care of your staff (and your business) in case they figure in a work-related accident.

  • Hospital services for the affected employee, including any necessary medical and surgical care and procedure
  • Orthopedic devices, if prescribed by the doctor
  • Hearing devices
  • Nursing care

It is imperative to underscore that under acupuncture workers’ comp benefits, your affected employee may continue to receive medical care until the care is no longer needed, as long as it is related to the initial workplace injury.

Also, an insurance provider may deny a claim due to a variety of reasons. Thus, both the acupuncturist and the employee must be aware of the common reasons for denial, which include the following:

  • When you miss the deadline of filing for workers’ compensation claim (Both the employer and employee should be aware of the deadline of filing)
  • When there’s a failure to send a notification to the employer about the injury (as an employer, you must also keep track of your employee’s condition)
  • When an injured employee is under the influence of alcohol, drugs
  • When the insurance does not qualify the medical condition for coverage (there are certain types of conditions that insurance may not cover such as a simple back strain or repetitive motion injuries)
  • When an employee is no longer part of the company (An employee needs to ensure that he is still part of the company during the filing of the claim; an insurance company needs to ensure that if the employee has been away for so long for his recovery, he still has a job when he is back ready for work)
  • When the employee isn’t hurt on the job (when the injury isn’t acquired during hours)

Are you looking for a reputable company that provides acupuncture workers’ comp insurance? Contact American Acupuncture Council (AAC) today at (800) 838-0383.

Acupuncturist Workers Compensation Insurance

Employers in all states in the US, with the exception of New Jersey and Texas, are required by law to have workers compensation insurance. It is aimed to provide coverage for employees who suffer a work-related illness or injury. This includes those who are working in the acupuncture industry.

If you are running an acupuncture business, acupuncturist workers compensation insurance is one important item that should be included in your to-do list; you should work on it with due diligence. Your goal is to find a reputable insurance provider that delivers the most comprehensive coverage for your employees at reasonable prices.

What can a worker compensation insurance do for your acupuncture business:

  • It pays for the medical care and rehabilitation for employees who are injured in the line of duty or contract a work-related illness.
  • It covers a portion of an employee’s salary, disability benefits and death benefits for the dependents, in case the former gets killed or disabled after a work-related accident.
  • It provides coverage for all of the employees of a business except independent contractors (and special provisions must be made if employees work out-of-state).

How to find the right insurer for workers’ compensation insurance

Not all acupuncturist workers compensation insurance service providers are created equal. Some are just way better than the others when it comes to delivering services and coverage. With that said, it makes sense that you are careful with your decision so your hard-earned money will not be wasted.

Here are some tips to finding the right insurance provider:

  • Length of service in the industry. Has your prospect been in business for years? Several decades, perhaps? Why is it important to ask this question? Primarily because the length of service means industry experience. With long years of experience comes a more refined service process.
  • Reviews and feedback. It is essential to know what other acupuncturists are saying about the service of a particular insurance provider. When the negative feedback is overwhelming, then you have a valid reason to walk away and find a new prospect.
  • Product inclusions. Many times, a seller comes to you flaunting their insurance product, but you have to be vigilant and carefully scrutinize their offer. You must examine the terms and conditions in details – line by line – so you can find out whether what you are dealing with is worth it or not.

Looking for the best deals on acupuncturist workers compensation insurance? Contact American Acupuncture Council today at (800) 838-0383.