Malpractice Insurance
The AAC policy has been developed and designed over many years to first provide what all basic acupuncture and oriental medicine providers need. Simply put, most acupuncturists that start their practice are looking for coverage for needling, herbal remedies, moxa, and cupping. Over time your practice changes, grows and develops. You may want to add modalities like; Gua Sha, or Bloodletting, or facial rejuvenation. We not only know what these terms mean, we also understand the risks of these modalities. AAC likely has developed a program to protect you from enhanced risks of your profession that these other modalities may present.
We hear from time-to-time that someone has found a less expensive acupuncture malpractice insurance policy. Or that they have found a company that offers to cover more of the things that an alternative healthcare professional does. Some choose not to sign up with AAC or choose to leave AAC for what they perceive as the better deal. Many come back to us and tell us that the cheap acupuncture rate was a teaser rate and the rate was quickly increased. Or they discover that what they thought the policy would cover, in fact, was not being covered. Don’t be tricked into misleading claims. Join the leader and stay with the most affordable, reliable malpractice insurance company.