Our Commitment
Helping You Promote Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
There are many insurance brokers and companies that want to sell you a policy. The American Acupuncture Council (AAC) sells a malpractice insurance policy and wants to be involved in your professional community. All the senior managers at AAC are trained in auricular acupuncture. We visit acupuncture schools, attend conferences and CEU classes to keep up on changing trends in the acupuncture profession.The American Acupuncture Council has founded and funded the Consortium for Oriental Medicine Research and Education (COMRE), chaired by Marilyn Allen. Over the years, many schools, vendors, and acupuncturists have contributed to COMRE. One of the first goals that COMRE accomplished was the funding effort to provide worldwide standardization of acupuncture and oriental medicine terminology and needle points. Another accomplishment of COMRE was the promotion of more acupuncture codes in ICD-9 and ICD-10. To help move this profession forward COMRE is currently involved in promoting efforts to gather all acupuncture research in a central location so it can be cataloged and cross-referenced. COMRE is also working with Acupuncture doctorial programs to archive doctorial dissertations.
AAC frequently partners with acupuncture professional associations, organizes acupuncture vendors, and provides charitable contributions to promote and enhance the visibility of acupuncture and oriental medicine to the American public.
It should not be enough for an insurance company to just sell you a malpractice insurance policy. You should have an expectation that the acupuncture professional liability insurance company you do business with is fighting alongside you to help promote your business. You should not settle for an insurance company that mainly sells to medical doctors. Or for an insurance company that insures those that want to practice “dry needling.” Or even those that never have a presence in your profession other than to take your money. Our commitment to you is not only do we sell an affordable, reliable malpractice insurance policy. We also are a leader in helping you promote acupuncture and oriental medicine.