Like any other business in the health and wellness industry, your acupuncture business should get insurance that protects your finances and professional reputation. For one, acupuncture carries higher risks in terms of malpractice claims. For another, insurance is one of the requirements by the state before giving a license to operate. Therefore, finding a reputable acupuncturist insurance provider is no longer an option but a necessity.
Here are some of the benefits of getting an insurance for an acupuncture business:
Malpractice coverage. Over time, the number of clients that come to your clinic grows. The more clients you have, the higher the chances that a client or two you treat will lodge a malpractice complaint. But you do not need to wait for that to happen before you protect your business and professional reputation. With malpractice coverage from an acupuncture insurance provider, you can rest assured that insurance can cover the financial burden of addressing that complaint.
Premises liability. It is commonly called slip or ‘trip and fall’ insurance. As an insured acupuncturist, you can expect that your policy covers the potential risks of a guest on the premises alleging damage to their personal property or injury in the clinic area, such as slipping from a wet spot on the floor, tripping on a frayed rug or fainting and falling off the treatment table.
Business personal property coverage. An acupuncturist insurance provider can also offer protection to the insured for lost, stolen, or damaged property of the business, such as equipment. For example, the policy can protect items such as a treatment table, furniture, or other business property that is not a permanent fixture of the building structure.
Peace of mind. When you know that something provides protection should somebody file a complaint about your acupuncture business, you can sleep well at night knowing that things are in place by giving you financial coverage to take care of untoward events in relation to your practice.
Are you looking for a reputable acupuncturist insurance provider? Look no further than the American Acupuncture Council. Call us at (800) 838-0383 for inquiries.