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Pelvic Floor and Pregnancy – Dr. Krystal Couture



In today’s vlog, we’re going to be talking about one of my favorite topics. The pelvic floor and pregnancy.

Click here to download the transcript.

Disclaimer: The following is an actual transcript. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.  Due to the unique language of acupuncture, there will be errors, so we suggest you watch the video while reading the transcript.

Hello everyone, and welcome back. I’m Dr. Krystal Lynn Couture, the Pelvic Accu, and I’m here for another blog. Brought to you by the American Acupuncture Council. If you haven’t popped over to the American Acupuncture Council website, you absolutely should because they sponsor amazing vlogs throughout the month.

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In today’s vlog, we’re going to be talking about one of my favorite topics. The pelvic floor and pregnancy.

In order to really understand what’s happening with the body through pregnancy, I want to talk about the energetics of pregnancy and conception, as well as talk about a little bit of the spirit of the Po, evolution, hormones during pregnancy, the Yuan Chi, Teeny bit about pathologies during pregnancy bodily changes and then the restoration and repair process of The body that it goes through during that pregnancy experience so in the simplest terms when we’re talking about conception is going to be the addition of Yin, and yang Right?

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Yin is going to serve us as those prenatal qi energies and the postnatal qi energies. So therefore we’re going to have the connection of essence and blood. Yang is going to serve as the minister fire. As we go deeper into conception, the mum is going to provide different things. Then the father is going to provide, right?

And in order for them to provide these in balance and harmony, they have to be balanced and harmonized within each of the individuals prior to conception. This is going to lead to the healthiest form of. pregnancy and for the fetus, right? So we want the mom to have the spleen, the liver and the heart in good communication with each other, and also in the perfect balance, not in excess.

Not in deficiency, and this is so that making, storing, and the governing of blood will be harmonized for the pregnancy and for the fetus. The chong and the ren also need to be in balance, and they need to be open for pregnancy. to occur. The chang is going to be that mover of the blood and the ren is going to provide us with that yin.

So we want to see harmonization there. We also want to see the kidney jing in a state of vitality, right? We need the mom to be vital when she comes into pregnancy in order for her to remain vital throughout the pregnancy and after the pregnancy because that takes so much. energy. I also need her to be vital because she’s going to be providing that energy to the baby as well.

I want the minister fire again to not be in excess and not be in deficiency. We need the perfect amount of fire. We want the postnatal chi and blood to be in harmony. Which of course is determined by so many life factors and how one is choosing to exist within their life along the path of their Tao.

And then finally the spirit of the Po is going to come in. From the dad, we need the liver to be in harmony. We also need that vitality from the kidney Jing and of course the postnatal Qi and blood. All of these in harmony and balance are going to contribute to a better life. Successful and bountiful, abundant pregnancy that serves the fetus to the highest and best.

So let’s talk a little bit about the spirit of the Po here. So the Po, as we know, is the corporeal soul. It is the tangible. It is the spirit of the lungs and it resides within the lungs. It is a physical soul. So it has a yin nature to it. It is going to be transferred from the mom. To the fetus, the PO, as we know, is the soul that comes in with the body at birth and it dies at death.

So it does not extend its spiritual journey. It’s corporeal. Thus, the constitution of the baby is reflective, not only of the kidney energy of the mom and dad, but also the mother’s lung energy, right? Spiritual access. Chapter eight says the corporeal soul is the entering and exiting. of essence. And I really love that quote.

And I really think working with the Po is so helpful in the journey to working with moms in their fertility phases. So let’s look at the Kinney Jing evolution. Okay. So during menstruation versus pregnancy that we’re going to have a different experience here. So during menstruation, we know that the kidney gin, it links to the Tian Gui, right?

The heavenly waters, the minister fire acts upon that. And then we have menstruation, right? During pregnancy, that kidney gin is going to nourish the fetus and it’s going to replenish and recycle. The Tian Gui is going to replenish and recycle to Restore and serve that kidney jing. So we have two different pathways of what’s happening with the kidney jing here.

Now we’re going to have abundant yin, right? We’re going to have an increase in fluids with that tian gui replenishing and nourishing the fetus. We’re also going to have abundant yang because there’s no release of that minister fire. So there’s a significant abundance within the body, within the pregnant body.

Also, we’re going to have the component of the energy that travels up the chong. To the breasts also with the stomach chi as well. That’s going to transform blood to milk on an energetic level So this kidney gene evolution is two different stories two very different stories of what’s happening in the body And I think that’s important for us to understand as well as to be able to share with our clients What’s happening on an energetic level in their body when their monthly bleed?

is no longer. Let’s talk also about hormones during pregnancy. So we’ll see that at the beginning of the pregnancy, HCG is going to spike and then it will drop the rest of our hormones. So progesterone, estrogen, estradiol cortisol, and of course our placental actogen, they’re all going to gradually increase to the birth.

And then they’re going to quickly drop off. This is why there are so many Different emotions, different feelings, different experiences throughout the pregnancy process and after the birth, there is a drastic change in hormones. We’ll also see just at the birth, we’ll also see oxytocin spike.

And then we’ll see oxytocin and prolactin spiking and cycling. So highs and lows. And that is when the fetus will be, the baby will be suckling, right? So there are those increases if the mom is going to be breastfeeding. So there are continuous changes of what is happening through the hormone cycle.

Now, if the mom is breastfeeding, there is a chance that the progesterone and estradiol, and even the cortisol are going to stay low, which is going to lead to more emotions as well, which are important to consider. So now Yuanqi in the fetus. Yuanqi is derived from prenatal Jing from the parents at conception and stored in the kidneys responsible for growth development and maintenance of life.

Now I really like this quote that I found in the Shilin Temple blog which describes kind of Yuanqi and the cellular nature. So cell division requires a fixed liquid base of Yuanqi which allows the cell which compromises the yin or essence of life to divide. Weakness in the yang qi, or yuan qi, or weakness of the yin causes the cells to lose its true identity, its dao, and to create chromosomal changes which cause the fetus not to develop in a way that is consistent with the laws of nature which desire harmony.

So basically what this is saying is that even at The basic, most simplest cellular level, the body, the fetus is seeking harmony. It is seeking homeostasis, and it is seeking that in alignment with the Tao, with the purpose. And there’s so much power in that, there’s so much understanding in that, and there’s so much energy that is required during that phase.

Very briefly, let’s touch on pathologies of pregnancy. The first that we’re going to talk about is going to be a deficiency which could be of blood and yin as well as kidney deficiency. Now this is going to be particularly seen in those who have a tendency toward overwork and thus may have a pre existing kidney deficiency.

Could be kidney yang or kidney yin depending on other factors, right? It’s really important for us to understand our clients that are over workers. If they are coming in with these types of deficiencies that likely, unless they make major lifestyle changes, they aren’t going to change during the pregnancy.

So we want to address that. We want to be aware of that so that they can have a successful fertility into pregnancy journey. Another thing that we’re going to see. is rebellious chi and rebellious chi is, it makes sense, right? Because of the physiological process that’s happening within the abdomen, that there’s going to be this upward rising energy where there’s meant to be a downward rising energy.

Now, this rebellious chi is going to impact the stomach channel as well as the Chiang Mai. And these are particularly related to emotional stress. So while there is that physiological component, emotional stress is going to compound rebellious chi. There’s also, again, with what’s happening in the middle here, that middle jiao can be obstructed and cause some spleen chi deficiency.

And the buildup of phlegm again, sounds obvious during pregnancy, but important for us to be really aware of. This is also going to be something that can create some disharmony between the Ren and the Chong channel, which we want the Ren and the Chong to be strong for fertility and strong throughout the pregnancy and afterwards.

So why are we bringing up pathology in this workshop? Really the key here is because I want you to be aware of the contributing factors. that can impact pregnancy and also that might impact the pelvic floor. So we start to think about kidney deficiency, right? And if this leads to our liver yang rising, or it liver win rising, that kind of thing, or An ultimate a deficiency in that Yuan qi that’s going to be an impact on the pelvic floor because of its connection with the kidneys, right?

And the reproductive system, that rebellious qi, that confusion, proprioceptive confusion of upward versus downward energy is going to be difficult for the pelvic floor. rises and falls as well, right? With contraction and relaxation. And so if there’s proprioceptive congestion or confusion in the energy channels, there’s going to be physiological proprioceptive confusion.

So want to be really aware of these pathologies and to advise our clients that are coming in for fertility in. The manifestation of overwork in the manifestation of over stress, right? And how they can really focus on this fertility time, focus on this pregnancy time to be with themselves and to be nourishing their own bodies and their babies.

Speaking of, let’s talk about the body. I’m really excited for this section. So in ideal circumstances before pregnancy, what we’re going to see is that the internal organs and the pelvic organs of the abdomen all share space. There’s no major distinction or separation between the organs of the pelvis and the organs of the abdomen.

The organs of the pelvis and the organs of the abdomen, they work in harmony with each other, and there’s enough space. So there’s no crowding within the body kingdom on a physiological level and an energetic level. Now again, this is an ideal situation, right? If we have a client that has endometriosis or has inflammatory bowel disease or something like that, we’re going to see something that looks a little different.

But for our purposes today, this is an ideal situation. At six to seven weeks of pregnancy, things start to grow a little bit. The uterus starts its growth process and the uterus actually within the pelvis starts to put some pressure onto the bladder. This is why we can see the need for increased urination, increased frequency of urination and urgency of urination.

early on in a pregnancy. The placenta is also developing in this six to seven week phase. At 10 weeks, things begin to change. The ligaments of the pelvis actually start to relax just a little bit and the pelvic joints loosen. So this is going to be the sacroiliac joints, the pubic joints, and the hip joints.

And this can actually lead to some of that. early on discomfort within the joints at the very beginning of a pregnancy. So it’s important for us to be aware of. Now, of course, we can also posit that as the ligaments are beginning to change, as they’re relaxing just a little, as the joints have more space, guess what?

The pelvic floor is going to be impacted as well because there’s going to be a little bit of a stretch on the pelvic floor already. So the tension within the pelvic floor is already starting to change at 10 weeks. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, things really begin to move, right? So the uterus is now the size of a grapefruit and it fills the pelvic bowl.

The uterus rises during this 12 week phase. It starts to rise into the abdomen because it’s too big to just stay within the pelvis. the pelvic bowl itself with all the other organs that are there, right? The anterior part of the pelvis sits upon the pubic, I’m sorry, the anterior part of the uterus sits upon the pubic symphysis.

So the bladder here, good news, yay, gets a little bit of relief. But the pubic symphysis is now going to be carrying the load, which progresses over time, right? So we can start to see this shift into pubic symphysis pain at around 12 weeks or a little bit later. Now, between 12 and 36 weeks, the pelvis starts to shift anteriorly.

So it’s neutral position is here and it starts to tilt forward, right? So that starts to begin at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Now there’s an automatic implication to the pelvic floor here, right? Because that pelvic tilt is changing the balance and the position of the ligaments, the tendons, and the muscles within the pelvic floor.

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, things begin to get squished. The rectum, the sigmoid colon, and the small intestine get pushed up and back. The ascending and the descending colon aren’t generally affected during this phase. The uterus continues to move up and push on that lower abdominal And at this point in time, abdominal strength and muscle tautness really impacted the position of the uterus being more anterior posterior.

So someone that has very tight, either fascia or musculature, or has strong abdominal contraction, the. Uterus is going to sit further back, whereas if the abdomen is weak or it’s slack for whatever reason, then the abdomen is going to push forward a bit more. Of course, there is that play with the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor as well.

They are so deeply connected. I can’t tell you the number of times, not with pregnant clients, but in general with clients postpartum. Or clients unrelated to pregnancy that I work with the abdominal muscles and we can make a shift in the pelvic floor. Such a cool experience. But moving on without getting a ton of tangent at 21, 28 weeks of pregnancy, things really.

get compressed and the weight distribution actually starts to shift at this point. So uterus expands into the mid abdomen. So it keeps expanding upward and it’s pressing now against the stomach. The load is increased upon the pelvic floor and the posture shifts posteriorly. to carry that load.

So the body literally is shifting back into the heels. Now at this point you may actually have clients that are complaining about posterior fascial chain pain. They’re also maybe talking about pelvic floor pain at this point as well because the pelvic floor is really holding a lot of the load here.

At 36 weeks, things really change. The uterus expands to fill the abdomen. It generally meets up to the xiphoid process and there’s pressure upon the diaphragm. That increased load on the aorta, the heart, and the lungs starts to show up at this point. And the abdominal muscles are really supporting the weight.

They’re working really hard to support the weight of the fetus. The vagina. and urethra at this point start to elongate. And then the perineum actually is stretched and enlarged and it begins to protrude outward. So once again, if we’re talking about the perineum, that’s the space between the external anal sphincter and the opening to the vagina in females.

Now, As that starts to expand, we can obviously make the correlation that the pelvic floor muscles are going to be stretched during this time. They’re going to be stretched to uncomfortable limits. At 40 weeks of pregnancy, the body is preparing for birth, and the head of the fetus lowers into that pelvic bowl.

The bladder, again, is compressed, and the colon is compressed. So this leads to all sorts of dysfunction within the excretory phases. If you’ve been pregnant, you know this. If you’ve been married to someone who’s pregnant, you know this. If you work in pregnancy, You know this, right? The round ligament, the utosacral ligament and the broad ligament are stretched.

So now these deep ligaments of the pelvis are beginning to stretch. Ligaments don’t have the same recoil that muscles do or tendons because they don’t have as good of blood flow. So this is important for us to be aware of because this is also going to contribute to what’s happening in the pelvis and the pelvic floor during the recovery process.

Now, postpartum, the body is going to be seeking recovery. The body, generally speaking, is going to be fatigued. It has just worked really hard for ten moons, right? In order to grow. a baby. So it’s going to be fatigued. It is also going to be stretched. The abdomen is going to be stretched. The ligaments are going to be stretched of the pelvis.

The pelvic floor muscles are going to be stretched. The back may actually be tighter from that weight distribution and that anterior pelvic tilt. The uterus, the vagina, the perineum, and the pelvic floor are going to be expanded, stretched, and potentially weakened, right? If we think about it, if a muscle is at its maximum stretch, it’s pretty hard from its maximum stretch to get contraction, right?

Whereas if it’s at a comfortable place in elasticity, getting contraction and relaxation is a lot easier. So there’s going to be some proprioceptive and kinesthetic changes that are occurring as well. Ligaments in the joints are going to be unstable initially. Everything is open and the organs are in a new alignment, which can lead to a lot of body and energy confusion and hormones.

Guess what? They’re all over the place. They are changing frequently and they’re changing differently in different people. So there are a lot of things going on with that body postpartum. In order to restore and repair postpartum, the organs have to return to alignment and function. The uterus size and position all has to return to its, pre pregnancy stage.

The perineum needs to heal. There’s going to be a ligamentous and joint recoil and repositioning that occurs. There’s going to be the fascia, the diaphragms, and the posture are all going to Balance or not balance. If the proper work and attention isn’t done or if the body is in severe depletion beforehand, the muscles of the abdomen, the back and the pelvic floor are all going to change.

The blood and the fluid will level out. And the energy and the meridian flow also hopefully will realign. And then there’s the emotional harmony. All this to say, and we have a whole talk coming up on postpartum, which is really exciting. But all of this to say, the body is going to try to do all of these things on its own.

Why? Because it is always seeking homeostasis. The body wants balance with the body. The Dow, the body wants to be in balance with your purpose here on earth. So it wants to do these things. Now as acupuncturists, we can help clients to intervene in this process and to facilitate the healing in all of these, in all of these phases, right?

There’s more than nine, but I just listed nine out so we can really do an amazing job to support our clients with the. Restoration, the recoil, and the return to their pre pregnancy state. Now, if you’ve been with me and the American Acupuncture Council before, you know that I have previously recorded a pelvic floor intro, a chat on menstruation in the pelvic floor, a chat on fertility in the pelvic floor, and this, of course, is our pregnancy and the pelvic floor chat.

We’ll also be doing a postpartum chat. And a menopause in the pelvic floor chat. So I can’t wait for more time with you. And I really hope you enjoyed our time today. Once again, I want to thank the American acupuncture council for sharing this space and sharing this vlog with acupuncturists around the globe so that we can share these teeny tiny little nuggets of wisdom that hopefully impact you, your practice and your clients.

In a positive way. Here’s some references. Once again, I’m Dr. Krystal Lynn Couture, the Pelvic Accu, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time with you today.

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Pelvic Floor and Fertility – Krystal Couture



In today’s vlog, what we’re going to be chatting about is the pelvic floor and its connection to fertility.  So let’s get into it.

Click here to download the transcript.

Disclaimer: The following is an actual transcript. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.  Due to the unique language of acupuncture, there will be errors, so we suggest you watch the video while reading the transcript.

Hi everyone, and welcome. I’m Dr. Kristal Lynn Couture, the Pelvic Accu. My passion is sharing pelvic care with acupuncturists. Around the globe really diving into the sacred medicine of the pelvis and using our unique viewpoints as acupuncturists to treat the pelvis in a holistic manner. This is why I’m so excited that my entire series on the pelvic floor,

and Women’s Health is brought to you by the AAC, the American Acupuncture Council. I just want to take a moment to thank them and share my appreciation and gratitude for the American Acupuncture Council for sponsoring yet another video. In today’s vlog, what we’re going to be chatting about is the pelvic floor and its connection to fertility.

So let’s get into it.

The table of contents for today’s workshop includes chatting about fertility in Western medicine. In order for us to have an interplay with Western medicine as Eastern practitioners, it’s super important for us to have an understanding of what’s happening physiologically in the body. And that means understanding the male and female feedback loops that occur with the body.

the reproductive hormone system. We’re also going to chat about fertility in Chinese medicine, of course. We’re going to get deep into our chat about Tian Gui today, as well as revisit Yin and Yang. We’ll have a look into the differences between Eastern and Western philosophy when it comes to looking at fertility.

within our clients. We’ll also look at the connections or potential connections between the pelvic floor and fertility. And we’ll look at a couple of studies and perhaps ask some questions that could infuse energy into future studies. And then finally, we’ll chat about how to provide support to your clients that are coming in now with potential pelvic floor and fertility issues.

So here we go. Let’s begin with fertility in Western medicine. As I mentioned, in Western medicine, we’re really dealing with the hormone reproductive physiology, which is really determined by the hypothalamic pituitary gonadular axis and the reproductive hormones, of course. There are both positive and negative feedback loops in females and in males.

The stages of conception include the healthy sperm production, high quality egg production, and high quantity egg production, successful transport during ovulation of the egg to the fallopian tubes, transportation of the sperm to the fallopian tubes, and then of course the sperm penetration of the egg, which would yield fertilization, and then finally that implantation of the fertilized egg.

into the thickened uterine lining. Okay. So let’s begin with these feedback loops. They might be a little confusing when we first have a look at them, but the key is to remember that whether a female or a male body, we are looking at this relationship and interplay between positive negati positive feedback loops, which encourage stimulation, and then negative feedback loops, which are the inhibition.

So let’s get our bearings around us. First off, GnRH is gonadotropin releasing hormone. This is released by the hypothalamus to stimulate the anterior pituitary gland. So you’ll see in green on your screen, the hypothalamus followed by the anterior pituitary gland. What happens here? in the first phase is that the pituitary hormone, inter pituitary is going to release luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone to stimulate spermatogenesis and testosterone secretion by the testes.

Great. Everything is in balance, right? But the body has a natural system. The body is always seeking homeostasis. And this is actually something I learned in school in Western medicine before I learned it in Eastern medicine. The body always wants balance, right? If your ankle is off on one side, your hip eventually is going to go off or your knee in the opposite side, because the body is seeking homeostasis.

Balance. The same is true of hormones. So the body in males has a natural negative feedback loop which halts the overproduction of testosterone and the overstimulation of spermatogenesis. So in this negative feedback loop, what we can see, so that’s marked by the red on the side of your screen, is that we have inhibin and we have testosterone, which are going to inhibit the secretion of GNRH to hypothalamus.

And then the, that will then, of course, inhibit LH and FSH by the pituitary gland. We also do have a little micro, feedback loop, which is that the Leydig cells will also stimulate spermatogenesis within the testes. So this is the basis of what the male feedback loop looks like in relation to hormones.

And we’re really looking here at a quantity game. We’re looking at the perfect quantity and that’s why we’ve got positive in the negative feedback loop. In females, the feedback loop looks similar, but it is slightly more complicated in that we’re not just looking at a perfect quantity, we’re also looking at the cyclical nature and that’s based on what the uterus is doing, right?

So again we have our hypothalamus, we have gonadotropin releasing hormone Then we have the anterior pituitary and then of course in this case we have the ovaries and the follicles and the uterus and endometrium. All are part of this hormone feedback loop, right? The endocrine system. The pituitary, the Gland is going to release LH and FSH, so luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, to stimulate several follicles to grow during that follicular phase, right?

Pretty, it’s named pretty aptly actually. So luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, several follicles begin to develop within the ovaries. Check. That’s our positive feedback loop in this phase. of the menstrual cycle. The negative feedback loop in this phase is that the dominant follicle is going to begin to produce estradiol, which is the most common type of estrogen in the body.

This can inhibit the GnRH, FSH, and LH production and this is going to cause the endometrium to begin to thicken. So we can start to see how this process is very unique and Very complex interplay of hormones. A lot of things can go awry here. In our next phase, we have ovulation. During the ovulation phase, we’re going to see that we have two positive feedback loops.

Same system is set up, and and in this phase, what happens is that luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone actually just stimulate that one follicle That is primary to mature. On the other side of the equation, we have the growing follicle continuing to produce that estradiol. And at this phase it begins to stimulate the G-N-R-H-F-S-H and LH production, and then the LH will serve to promote the.

to trigger the ovulation, right? So we can see that this is an overall negative feedback loop becomes a positive feedback loop. In phase three, we’re going back to a positive feedback loop and a negative feedback loop. So luteinizing hormone in this phase is going to stimulate the formation of a corpus luteum from the follicular tissue that is left behind after ovulation.

Okay, so that occurs within the ovaries. The corpus luteum is going to secrete progesterone, so now we have another hormone in play, and we see, if we look at my last presentation, or any of the hormone graphs that are out there, we can see that progesterone peaks at this time in the cycle, right?

When we have progesterone peaking, this is going to then inhibit GNRH, it’s going to inhibit follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone production. This maintains the endometrium. As the corpus luteum degrades and progesterone declines, this initiates the sloughing of the stratum functionalis.

So we have a basic understanding of these feedback loops. The key that I want you to remember here, even if you don’t have a total understanding of it or can’t remember it throughout the entirety of the cycle, is that This interplay can easily be jostled, right? We can impact the hormones in the body, we know, by stress, by lack of activity, by lack of proper nutrition, right?

So there are so many factors that can impact any of the phases of the body. this cycle and these feedback loops. Excuse me. Sorry about that. So that’s the key and that’s where Chinese medicine comes in to really have an impact because we come in with our needles and they’re like in our herbs and they’re like little lasers to target the exact parts of the body that need extra support.

So let’s just look for one sec at ovulation to implantation, and we can really see in this image, if we look at the ovary and then into the uterus, we can actually really see that this is about an eight to nine day process from the oocyte being produced to fertilization occurring and then migrating through the phases of cell development.

So we go from that first cleavage to the two cell stage, four cell stage, and we develop over time into the eight cell stage. And then we start to see the formation. of the inner cell mass, and we start to see how that blastocyte is immigrated into the wall of the uterus, right? And that, of course, is the implantation.

So again, this is another complex part of what’s happening in the total picture for female fertility. Now, if we have a look at Chinese medicine we’re looking through a whole different lens here, a whole different world. And perhaps the two uniting is the key to creating successful fertility in women and in men.

Ching Hsu, who’s a gynecologist during the Qing Dynasty, emphasized the unique difference between the blood And the menstrual blood. Blood is traditionally known to Ho House the Hun, and to nourish, of course, the tendons, the sinew, the skin, the eyes, and the hair, the Ian Gu or Heavenly Water. is considered to be the menstrual blood, which is derived from the kidney water and the female hormones of estrogen and progesterone.

The liver is the link between the two. Thus, the tonification of the kidneys is what is one of the most important things to consider when we’re working with fertility in Chinese medicine. Now I made a little bit of a graph here to help explain what we have going on. So if we look at this graph, we can see that we have kidney water and the impact of minister fire activates kidney water to become tian gui.

And then we have the link between tian gui and blood with the liver as the communicator between the two and the connection between the two. So let’s talk about minister fire first. Prenatal fire formed at conception on the du and the ren access. So minister fire actually exists before menstruation commences.

Some texts say that it is the kidney yang that turns the tian gui red. It’s just something to play with there. At 14, the ren opens and the chang flourishes, and this is what matures that tian gui. So the minister fire also serves to worm the uterus and balance the yin. which yields potentially conception.

It’s a pretty exciting process when we really look at it from this viewpoint, right? The Ming Men is the root of the Yuan Qi and the residence of both water and fire. The Yin of the five Zhang cannot nourish without it, and their Yang cannot develop without it. Without it. So what we’re saying here is we have this interplay.

Once again, I’m using that term. We have an interplay of water and fire where fire is not trying to overcome water and water is not Extinguishing the fire. And this is really existing within that role of the kidneys. So our system from Chinese medicine and Western medicine, we see some harmonization here, and we also see different and unique viewpoints.

And these different and unique viewpoints play to the physiology and the energy or the nature of the system. And that’s important to consider as we move forth with our chat here. So in my last presentation on menstruation, I shared this slide of yin and yang, and I’m going to share it again here so that we can remind ourselves of how important the yin and yang water and fire balance is within the body as we look at fertility.

So during the menstrual cycle phase, we have yang at its peak and yin at its minimum, then yang and yin cross, they intersect and the follicular phase begins where yin becomes yin becomes prominent Yang starts to become less prominent. And here we have the ovulation phase when each of these is at its maximum.

Then the yin becomes yang, right? And we start to see again, cross or intersect during the luteal phase. The yang begins to rise and the yin begins to fall. When we look at this and blow this up, blow up menstruation, we have During the menstrual phase, we have menstruation. The yang is going to peak and then drop in the qi and blood are going to be moving downward.

We know that, right? Because we have the discharge of menstrual blood or tian guai. The heart is going to be the one who is discharging During this phase, the invigoration of blood is going to be important to move all of the Tiangui out of the system. Next we have the follicular phase. During the follicular phase, the yin and blood in the system, are relatively empty.

Yin grows and crosses yang. And in this phase, the kidney tonification and blood nourishment is really important since we know that we’ve got this emptiness within the system, right? Building back, right? This is a constant Building and releasing. Building and releasing. We have, and there’s two builds and releases.

There’s the release of blood or Tian Gui, and there’s the release of the ovum, Yang and Yin, right? So the, these are really cool to play with this interplay with. So in ovulation, the Chong and the Ren and the Du are going to be fully activated. They’re going to be online. The Yin is going to be at its maximum.

The Qi and the blood are moving upward. In this phase, tifying the spleen to hold the blood is important when we’re thinking about fertility and also strengthening the Chung in the run. Now in the luteal phase, the yang is ra rising relatively rapidly and it’s warming the uterus needs to warm the uterus to prepare for that implantation.

Of the egg, of the follicle, right? The qi moves during this phase, so it’s important to both invigorate qi and blood. Now, what are the differences between western medicine viewpoints and Chinese medicine viewpoints when we’re talking specifically about fertility? In western medicine, we are looking at that endocrine function.

We are looking at the Hypothalamus, GNRH, and those feedback loops into the anterior pituitary and then those feedback loops to the reproductive organs. We’re looking at hormone balance. We are looking, hopefully, at organ function. And then we are looking predominantly at egg function. Quantity and sperm quantity and many of the interventions that western medical fertility doctors provide are to specifically increase quantity of egg and quantity of sperm.

This is a mechanical approach and it is a numbers game. If you’ve worked with clients for fertility, you are commonly seeing labs being run and they’ll look at the numbers being measured. A huge part of this. In Eastern medicine, we have a different viewpoint. We are looking at patterns. We’re looking at that yin and yang balance.

We’re looking at excess and deficiency. We’re looking at heat and cold. We’re looking at interior and exterior factors, right? We’re also looking at system function within the collaboration of the elements and the meridians. Then finally, we start to look at the systems in more specific ways. So we’re looking at the kidney water, the tian gui.

We’re looking at the liver blood. We’re looking through a cumulative and holistic lens. At the whole body and the patterns of the whole body, the entire symptom profile, the entire presentation of the client on the level of body, mind, spirit, and emotions is part of what we’re looking at when we’re trying to establish fertility.

We’re looking at the quality of the foods and the quality of the prenatal gene. So there are some significant differences here. Again, when the two are combined, is the collaboration going to be a unique solution to creating fertility in our modern world? And I think there’s a lot to be said for that. I think that collaboration is the key.

If, and here’s the if we don’t start talking to and educating our clients and our children as a collaborative, not just as acupuncturists, as a collaborative sooner about how they’re taking care of their bodies, what’s happening in their bodies, helping them to understand their own menstrual cycle and their own fertility.

If we are building health before the age of 14, before menstruation even arrives, before the maturation of sperm arrives, then isn’t fertility going to be easier in the first place? I don’t know, just a thought I have. Okay, so our unique perspective in Chinese medicine. The TCM approach to infertility treatment integrates the menstrual cycle as a simple, non invasive, sensitive, motivational, diagnostic tool to understanding a woman’s fertility status.

So that’s the nature that I talk about. It’s the nature of the body is what guides us to determine fertility, which is really about overall health in the system. Let’s chat here about the pelvic floor and fertility. While the pelvic floor And there’s a few studies that indicate this. While the pelvic floor is not likely a cause of infertility, there are seriously a few factors to consider.

One is that if there is pain in the pelvis and tension in the pelvis, One may be less willing to engage in sexual intercourse because of that pain and dysfunction. That pain or dysfunction may put them into strange body positions throughout the day, throughout, their life, but also throughout intercourse.

So again, that can really limit sexual intercourse. the ability for the body to conceive. If there’s pelvic floor dysfunction and dysfunction, I left it broad here because we could think about pelvic floor dysfunction as incontinence for example of bowel or bladder. If someone is experiencing incontinence, it’s going to be very difficult for them to be comfortable with engagement in intercourse, which can make it very difficult to conceive, right?

So there’s an indirect implication of how the pelvic floor can impact fertility here. But now we get a little bit deeper. If there’s congestion or there’s emptiness within the pelvic bowl, I think that can directly impact. Conception, right? There’s blood, which could be stagnation. It could be that the blood is not holding.

It could be that the blood has no motility. If the blood is, if the tiangui, or the blood itself, has stagnation, it’s not holding, or there’s no motility, I think it’s going to be very difficult for one to conceive. If there’s dampness or dryness, again, those fluids are not moving the way that they need to.

And if the fluids are not of high quality and they’re not moving the way that they need to then that can create potentially a block with pelvic floor which can impact fertility. There can be some physiological blocks as well such as accumulations like fibroids, endometriosis, we can have prolapses, there can be Altered spinal segment positioning, or SI joint positioning, and certainly these physiological blocks can also prevent one from being comfortable in the phase of connecting to themselves, connecting to what’s happening in their body, and being open to conception.

When we are in pain, and maybe this is a great research study, I hadn’t thought about that until now. When we are in pain. We are releasing different hormones, right? We are releasing a different set of hormones. So does the body have enough energy to then be at peak while it’s releasing peak reproductive hormone release while it’s working through the release of substance P?

I don’t know. That’s a good one. Injuries to the pelvic bowl are going to be another region. If there’s a trauma, if someone had a fracture, a ski accident, something like that car accident that impacted the pelvis in some way, or the sacrum in some way, that can definitely be a factor that’s going to at least contribute to fertility.

And then of course, energetic blocks. I think energetic blocks are definitely a contribution to fertility and many of those exist within the pelvic floor because the pelvic floor has many sinew connections. It has all of the meridians, most of the meridians running through it. The conception vessel and the governing vessel, which if the CVGV is blocked in general, I think it’s very hard to achieve conception through that state.

And I’ve really found that in my practice. And then finally, the spirit or the emotions. The pelvis is the root of the body. If the root of the body is holding emotions of trauma again, do we have enough energy to then conceive within the body? What does it take? So there’s a couple of studies out there that are sorting, starting to touch upon a connection directly between the pelvic floor, and fertility.

So in this study in BMC Women’s Health in 2024, this is like one of my favorite studies because it’s the first one that really starts to investigate this relationship. So this study for the first time investigates the causal relationship between reproductive factors and pelvic floor dysfunction.

The results suggested a causal relationship between some reproductive factors, but there were significant differences between female genital prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. So we’re starting to see that these physiological factors are impacting reproduction. In another study in alternative therapy health medicine in 2015, there were 13 192 female participants treated in a clinic between 2002 and 2011.

So this was almost a 10 year study, which is pretty amazing. And they had various diagnoses of infertility, including blockages of occluded fallopian tubes, hormone dysfunction, endometriosis. And some of the women were actually going to the hospital. through IVF. So the study was not specific. It was very general.

So we have to keep that in mind as we look at the results. In the intervention in this case, the clients underwent whole body patient centered treatments using protocols of manual PT which focused on restoring the Mobility and motility of the structures that affect the reproductive system. So specifically they worked on those concomitant tissues around the pelvis including, the back, the gluteals, the abdomen, etc.

The manual therapy represented an effective, conservative treatment for women diagnosed as infertile due to mechanical causes, independent of specific etiology. This is another big, important study. Basically, it’s saying that with a very minimally invasive approach, utilizing manual therapy, and no other interventions, utilizing manual therapy, we can impact what’s happening in the structure of the body, which can positively impact fertility.

So that’s an important correlation to consider. But is there some missing data? And I think there is. Unfortunately, there are really no data. Just few studies that link the pelvic floor to fertility, and until this one in 2024, there were almost none that were done on fertility as a whole. Some on interventions, specifically like PT or exercise or acupuncture, but none in direct connection between what is that correlation of pelvic floor dysfunction and fertility or infertility, right?

I think there are some questions. What types of pelvic floor dysfunction are correlated with infertility? What percentage of both males and females with pelvic floor dysfunction are also struggling with their fertility? Does a weak pelvic floor contribute to miscarriage? Likewise, does a tight pelvic floor contribute to miscarriage?

So is pelvic floor muscular dysfunction going to be contributing to one’s ability to hold conception? And are there specific gestational stages during miscarriage that are more likely to be associated with pelvic floor issues? I think these are important parts when we look at fertility and the pelvic floor as a whole.

So what can we do? Here are some pillars of pelvic patency, keeping the pelvic floor in an optimal state of nourishment and function. One is client education, and that is all encompassing. That can include helping the client to understand their body, to understand a little bit about what’s happening to their body.

During the phases of menstruation to help male clients understand what is happening physiologically during ejaculation, educating our clients on conception is really important. This is something that is missing in their childhood, but if they’re coming to see us in their fertile ages and they’re trying to conceive, this is the first line that we can start with is education.

We can also begin to educate them on patterns that we see within their body. If they are drinking smoothies and eating salads every day and they have a cold and damp uterus that’s a contributing factor, right? We understand those patterns. So helping the client to understand the patterns that are going on in their body and alter their nutrition or other factors, lifestyle factors, to help their body, give their body the optimal chance of success.

For healing, that’s a great way to start. Can also begin to educate our clients on posture as well. If we’re talking about mechanical issues within the pelvis that lead to pelvic floor dysfunction, educating clients on posture. And this could be as simple as if they have a desk job that every 20 minutes they stand up Do a little stretch and then sit back down right so that they can be in a place where their spine load is changed and they’re not stuck in a sitting position.

That anterior posterior tilt of the pelvis that they’re stuck sitting in is going to contribute to what’s happening within the pelvic bowl. Breathing. Breathing is so important. Encouraging our clients to get into the diaphragm with their breath, to take intentional breathing, to take intentional breaths is super duper important for the vagus nerve.

And the vagus nerve has fibers that go all the way down. to the pelvic floor. So it’s really important to work in breathing. And the pelvic breath is specific to recognizing that so often when our clients are experiencing leakage in particular, generally speaking, this is true as well. But if we think about leakage as our example, If they’re having leakage, very often it’s on the exhale.

So they are sneezing, coughing, or laughing, and then that produces leakage. Those are in exhale, right? So the pelvic floor is actually functioning in that state, in the reverse pattern of what we want. On the exhale, we want the abdomen, we know this if we’re yogis or therapists in general, we want the abdomen to be coming in.

We also want the pelvic floor to be coming in and out on the exhale. That’s the excretion of air. That’s sending the air into the world, right? That’s the excretion. On the inhale, we want to fill and we want to relax the abdomen. We want to relax the pelvic floor. So encouraging our clients to understand the pelvic breath is very important.

Finally, movement. Movement of qi and blood is particularly important to the health of the pelvis, right? Staying out of phases of stagnation is key and also encouraging our clients to move according to their cycles is really important. At the beginning of one cycle during, the menstrual bleeding phase, the tian gui release phase, it’s important to consider that clients might be a little bit more tired.

They’re not going to be at their peak of exercise during ovulation. They might feel great. They might feel like they can handle more exercise, more weight in the gym, a longer endurance activity, whatever it might be. And that’s okay. And it’s important for them to understand that their body feels different throughout these phases.

And that’s okay. as long as they find some way to move their body. Acupuncture. We are master technicians at working through patterns and helping to resolve the pain. imbalances. So acupuncture can really support our clients in treating those sinews, in opening blocks, and in nourishing the reproductive system in the exact way that it needs based on that presentation.

And of course, dissolving Accumulations is key too. And finally, if you’re into manual therapy, which I am, I love manual therapy. It’s a big part of my practice. Utilizing that manual therapy to help restore balance and establish embodiment. And this, if you’re not trained in pelvic floor work, it doesn’t have to be specific to the pelvic floor.

It can be within those concomitant structures. Don’t downplay working on the abdomen, working on the back, working on the butt, working on the anterior hips. in order to support our clients going through fertility.

Okay, so here’s a little bit about my series with the AAC, the American Acupuncture Council. If you’ve seen me before, you’ve probably seen my pelvic floor intro, as well as my pelvic floor and menstruation workshop coming up soon. We have a workshop on pregnancy. on postpartum and on menopause all in relation to the pelvic floor.

Again, I want to thank you for being with me today and I want to thank the AAC, the American Acupuncture Council, for hosting me through this series and sharing these blogs so that acupuncturists around the globe can get into the sacred medicine of the pelvis. Thank you so much for being with me and I really look forward To seeing you soon, take care.


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Fertility and the Importance of the Earth Element: Part 2



Click here to download the transcript.

Disclaimer: The following is an actual transcript. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.  Due to the unique language of acupuncture, there will be errors, so we suggest you watch the video while reading the transcript.

Hi, I’m Dr. Martha Lucas. I’ve been practicing Chinese medicine for more than 20 years. I have practices in Denver, Colorado, which is my private practice, and then I practice in a Western medicine clinic two days a week in Littleton, Colorado. And my Teaching site is lucas teachings.com, and then my private practice site is acupuncture woman.com.

Today I’m going to present fertility and the importance of the Earth element part two, and I wanna thank the American Acupuncture Council for allowing me to present this information to you. So let’s go to the slides.

in part one. We talked a lot about the importance of earth or the importance of good gut health for when people are having fertility challenges, both the men and the women. Having good digestion, as we know, is super important in Chinese medicine. It’s how we make our energy and One of the things we need to do with our couples is make sure that their guts are working well or all our patients.

We probably all focus on the gut for our patients, and I’m saying trust your gut is not a silly thing to do. Our guts were our first brains before the conscious . Brain came around before the conscious mind came around and made us start to not trust our gut. How many times have you heard people say that, oh, I should’ve listened to my gut.

It was telling me not to do that thing, and it didn’t work out exactly how I wanted. That’s because our gut is still giving us advice, but our conscious brain sometimes says no, that looks pretty good. I’m just gonna over, I’m not gonna listen to what my gut is saying. Turns out that our gut has millions of nerve cells that respond.

To stimulate and send signals to us. Think about how anxious you get before you do something new or forget. Have to give your first presentation at work. Those butterflies in your stomach are signals, your brain sends to your body indicating that something is up, something is different, something’s gonna happen.

Because your gut is so in tune with the rest of your body, it is important to take good care of it, especially when trying to conceive. In addition to the millions of nerve cells, your gut is lined with bacterial microbes that produce serotonin. That allows us to convert the food we eat into energy for our body to use, and that would partly be creating a warm, fertile environment where conception can occur.

There are three to 500 different kinds of bacteria, as well as more than 2 million genes in the gut. All of that is matched up with viruses, fungi, and other microscopic organisms that make up the microbiome that is affected by genetics, stress, lifestyle, diet, et cetera. Your microbiome affects everything from your metabolism to your propensity to certain illnesses, to your ability to conceive.

Gut health is a major concern for those trying to conceive, especially for those that have one of the following conditions. Crohn’s disease. Ulcerative colitis celiac disease. In my last presentation, I talked about the relationship between celiac disease and some fertility challenges. Inflammatory bowel disease, I B D, irritable Bowel syndrome, I B S, and those conditions can make it difficult to conceive for both men and women.

As I always say in my classes about fertility. Don’t forget about the man’s health. It’s yin and yang. It takes two, however you wanna say it. Sometimes just opening the man’s dai. Can improve conception success and also those conditions just mentioned can cause a decrease in libido. And so many of our couples, and I’m sure you’ve heard it again and again, the intercourse just becomes a chore.

The, I’ve treated so many men who are like, yeah, I do it, but it’s not the most pleasant thing. I’m tired of hearing about . Mucus and hormones and days of the month. I wish we could just be natural. It’s hard to be natural when natural isn’t working so well for you. So looking back at the gut health of both the male and the female can sometimes lead to an answer.

Other symptoms to look for that indicate gut issues include stomach pain, craving sweetss. We know that means the digestion is out of balance, gaining or losing weight unintentionally. The onset of anxiety or depression, rashes, . Or that they have an autoimmune condition that is getting worse, and that can all be because of an imbalance in gut bacteria that can cause inflammation, which may lead to a flare up in their autoimmune issue.

So now the blah, blah, blah part about how to change your diet, to improve your gut. But the good news is that I will talk about some specific food recommendations, some pulses and some treatment ideas. So what’s some general advice? Eliminate processed food for one thing. Processed foods have a lot of heat in them.

They use heat to process it, right? They use heat to take a nice fruit or whatever that’s nice and full of juice and liquid and turn it into something that’s processed that you can. Get out of a bag or a box. That’s toxic in our medicine. So trying to eliminate as many processed foods as we can.

Eat a diet with a blend of protein, fiber, fruits and vegetables include specific foods that improve gut health, which could be bananas. Oats, pistachios and give your patients a, an a good, interesting list, not just two or three things. Quinoa, chia, kombucha. ’cause some people don’t like certain things on the list.

Remember, kimchi, kafi, yogurt sauerkraut. All can improve gut health. Olive oil is a healthy, stable, it’s one of the. Things we have as a health stable in our kitchens. Its fatty acid content is well received by the gut bacteria, which is why it’s such a healthy oil. And so you can make your own or your patients can make their own simple vinegarette.

They can use extra virgin olive oil. A little vinegar. Avoid the plain white vinegar, salt, pepper, some citrus juice, Dijon mustard and herbs of their choice. Throw in a sprig of basil is really nice, or throw in dill or change it up a little bit with some herbs, some fresh herb of your choice.

believe it or not, because of its high fiber content. Popcorn is good for your gut, but not the prepackaged microwave kind. Again, toxic heat in there and the chemical lining of the bag is not good for your gut and the microwave popcorn is high in sodium. A little too high in sodium, you can make popcorn naturally yourself and dress it up with, make it.

You can make it sweet, you can make it savory. Ground cinnamon, curry powder, sea salt. Again, Italian herbs, any herbs, maple syrup, cocoa powder, or paprika to get some extra fiber. For a sweeter snack, you can make your own trail mix with walnuts and almonds for the omega threes. Blueberries, which have folate and vitamin C in them.

Good for the gut and for fertility and banana chips for some fiber. You can also add dark chocolate, coconut plates and sunflower seeds. So again, looking at foods that improve the gut and also can help with the relationship between the gut and hormones and fertility. Raspberry leaf tea is another thing that can help with irregular periods.

Or hormone imbalance. It also helps reduce swelling. Also, chamomile tea is particularly good. I don’t have that in the list. I think for digestion because it reduces inflammation. It actually has nice properties that can help both . Things like anxiety and depression and gut health because it reduces inflammation and it’s also calming.

So chamomile tea is another raspberry leaf is a middle, little more specific for hormone imbalance, but chamomile tea is really good to reduce, especially inflammation in the gut. And then you can try to. Eliminate as much sugar as you can. I keep saying you, but your patients, your fertility patients well, and these are actually probably good advice for everybody’s gut health.

Eating too many refined carbohydrates and sugary foods can cause imbalances in blood sugar and exacerbate conditions like P C O S and insulin resistance. So too much sugar also are kidneys. Can only process so much sugar. So if you’re eating too much sugar and you get, for example, an acne breakout, that can be your body telling you Uhoh, too much sugar for the kidneys.

They can’t process it. And so they use your skin as an exit. They use your skin as a detox organ because remember, our skin is an organ. Cutting down on sugar B. Vitamin rich foods help support energy levels blood cell production, and reduce the risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida and other brain defects in the fetus.

B rich foods include grass fed red meat, pasture raised chicken and eggs, and sustain sustainably sourced fish, avocados and leafy greens. Proper iron intake can help prevent low birth weight of the baby and increase hemoglobin for the mom. Hema iron is the form of iron that is most readily absorbed by the body and it can be found in grass fed red meat, pasture raised chicken and eggs, and sustainably sourced fish.

Foods high in folate, and we’re focusing here on folate, not folic acid can help reduce the risk of neural tube defects that we just talked about and include . How you can get it, folate, pasture raised chicken, lentils, spinach, strawberries, and a spice.

And remember what I call the burden of conception is not only on the woman, so how can the male conception partner change his diet in order to burst? Boost fertility well optimally. The male would also reduce eating highly processed foods. He will hopefully reduce the number of sugars he is eating, the amount of sugar he is eating.

Nutrients like zinc, folate, and omega three fatty acids can all improve sperm quality. It’s not only about the number, it’s about the quality. And men would also take care to avoid excess alcohol, excess caffeine, and phytoestrogenic foods like soy and meats that contain antibiotics and hormones. I’ve had a little theory in my mind working for years that some of the.

40% of male infertility that we’re seeing is due to them growing up eating foods with estrogen in them, and so their hormones can get way outta balance because it’s only been in the last decade or so I think, that we’re learning about meat and dairy that has estrogen in it, which would not only affect women, but would affect men as well.

So some meal ideas that include some of those foods I just went over and are gonna help the gut and . Fertility success includes something like a salmon stir fry with vegetables, slow cooking, beef and vegetables, right? Getting the warmth in there with the slow cooking, a spring salad with chicken or salmon to warm up the coolness of the salad, make.

A chicken and sweet potato dish, right earth food, warm or salmon and sweet potatoes, Turkey burgers if you want a low fat burger option. Egg salad, hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs, the ones that are pasture raised, a wild rice salad. Or add that to a dish with protein like salmon. Now, food advice specifically from a Chinese medicine perspective.

Would be one of the issues to avoid is dampness. When you’re trying to conceive, we wanna avoid creating any dampness because dampness causes blockages or stagnations in the body, right? So foods that create dampness. Or for which stamp ness is a side effect, include cheese. I just tell my patients dairy in general, white flour and sugar.

I had a patient, in fact, who was starting to have little like clear skin tags, flat skin tags, and this guy ate so much. Dairy, ice cream almost every day. Frozen dairy, pretty much the worst thing you can put in your body according to the theory of Chinese medicine and drank a ton of milk. And again, not that there’s anything wrong with that, if your body is tolerating that well, but I just suggested to him, can you just give up dairy or cut way, way down.

I’d love it to be zero for two weeks and just see what’s happens to your skin. And sure enough, he turns out he, those skin tags went away and he got tested for lactose intolerance and was lactose intolerance. So our body, his body was telling him, look, I’m creating dampness. This, Daryl, this dairy you’re eating is creating a symptom.

So when your digestion is working well, you won’t create dampness, right? That’s the whole key. Getting the digestion to work well, according to the theory, you should be able to eat anything, and it’s not going to create any symptoms or dampness or heat if your digestion works well, but if your metabolism is off or your calories don’t burn clean, then the leftover residue

Is considered dampness, accumulated dampness, clogs, organs like lungs, causing asthma or digestion or digestive organs causing indigestion, high cholesterol, and sometimes constipation or diarrhea. Vegetables can play a major role in reducing dampness, so this can include lightly cooked vegetables, lightly steamed vegetables, and then leafy greens in the diet.

You can interchange white and brown rice to reduce dampness. White is said to be more cleansing and brown rice is more nourishing. Millet and quinoa also are clean burning and they will help drain damp. Of course our advice would be to limit cold and raw foods because we believe they form dampness and they’re difficult to process because they use too much energy to warm up as I, I think, like I said about ice cream, I think of all the energy that our gut is having to use to just warm that up to body temperature is huge.

Limiting cold ice, cold especially, and raw foods. If you need to eliminate dairy, that’s just what has to happen. Then get calcium from foods like almonds, leafy greens, and broccoli. You can get calcium from other foods besides dairy. Eliminate sugar, but eat Chinese medicine sweet foods like rice, meat, and some vegetables.

As I said, you can give your patient a list if you can eat according to the seasons. Eat warming foods in winter in summer. Cooler foods like lightly cooked vegetables, those are still cooler. Steam them rather than bake them or fry them. Of course. And if you can eat what grows in your region, that’s great.

I’m in Colorado, so when I, it’s wintertime and we’re eating, according to our region, what grows in our region. We’re eating an awful lot of potatoes and onions, occasionally throw in some beets and other root vegetables. So in pulse diagnosis for the earth. Besides the usual and customary pulse positions that we all learned in school, my system shows the uterus and the prostate in the left chair or the, what’s traditionally the kidney position.

So when you’re working with fertility issues, you may wanna pay more attention to that left kidney position. You can see I have it written down, left side uterus and prostate so you can feel if there are fibroids in the uterus so you can feel if there’s inflammation in the prostate and. When conception happens after the fetus, after the cells are a certain size, you’ll be able to feel and follow the pregnancy.

That’s where you’re gonna look over there in the left side, the right side, of course, middle pulse middle position is spleen and stomach, where you’re gonna be looking at digestion. Now, here’s a drawing of what the might look like. Poor digestion, that arrow going down in the spleen, stomach. Okay. . If you’re not feeling a nice flow of energy from the kidneys through the spleen and stomach into the lung large intestine, that means there’s a digestive issue.

This particular picture would mean that old trauma is preventing the person’s earth element from nourishing them, just like the early trauma prevented them from being nourished emotionally and maybe physically, unfortunately. That pattern stays in and their digestion doesn’t work very well. So whenever you feel an imbalance in the digestion with your fertility patients, I advise you talk to them strongly about their digestion, be and explain to them, in order to make good blood flow to the uterus, we need to have good spleen and stomach.

We need to have good earth. We need to have a balanced digestion. And then obviously you can use all the other information in this presentation in part one, to talk to them about food, to talk to them about their gut microbiome, et cetera. Because what we wanna get to is this balance, yin and yang.

Sine waves is the perfect pulse, the good healthy pulse, sine wave yang and yin sine wave yang and yin and all. As you can see in this picture, all of the organ systems communicating with each other. This is what we’re trying to get with every treatment. Our goal of every single treatment is balance in the pulses.

At least that’s the way I teach Pulse diagnosis, and that’s the way I do my practice. Honestly, after more than 20 years, it’s pulse diagnosis, the excitement of feeling things in people’s pulses. That keeps me interested in Chinese medicine. If I did prescription Chinese medicine and oh, somebody came in with infertility or fertility challenge and I did this, I would’ve been bored years and years ago.

So you can see every presentation I’m going to . Impress upon you the importance of the pulses for not only diagnosis, but for treatment. So you can reach me@lucasteachings.com. That has a contact Dr. Lucas button. My pr private practice website is acupuncture woman.com has a contact button also on lucas teachings.com.

There is some food advice. There is a A P D F that you could print out and give to your patients. I just want to. Thank you for watching. I hope you learned a lot as if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me at one of those websites. I also wanna thank the American Acupuncture Council for sponsoring this webinar and allowing me to present this information to you.

And so I hope you have a great and enjoy treating your fertility patients. .

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Fertility and the Importance of the Earth Element: Part 1



Click here to download the transcript.

Disclaimer: The following is an actual transcript. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.  Due to the unique language of acupuncture, there will be errors, so we suggest you watch the video while reading the transcript.

Hi, I am Dr. Martha Lucas, and I am here to talk to you about the fertility and importance of the earth element. This is part one of a presentation. I would like to thank the American Acupuncture Council for allowing me to present this information to you. I have. More than 20 years of experience in Chinese medicine.

I have a private practice in Denver and also work in a western medicine clinic in Littleton, Colorado. So let’s go to the slides.

We all know the importance of good digestive health for good overall health. Digestion is how we make our energy, and that’s why I am sure that we all focus on all of our patients having good digestion. It turns out that gut health is very important for couples who are trying to conceive, because poor gut health can cause hormonal imbalance.

And when I’m talking about the earth element, of course I’m talking about spleen and stomach or digestion. And again, we know that. For example, earth and Metal, make up the immune system and earth and water make up the hormonal system. So we’re gonna be talking in these two presentations about the importance of Earth.

But again, and you all know this, we never just treat that standing alone, right? We’re always gonna treat all of the channels, all the organ systems, but hormonal imbalance would be Earth and . Kidneys, earth and water together and hormonal imbalances is one of the leading causes of infertility in both men and women.

And if you’ve heard me talk about fertility treatments before, you know that I treat the man and the woman. It’s yin and yang coming together, right? 40% of the time the fertility issue is the male’s issue. So it is very important that we also treat the male. And it is very important that we treat all the organ systems.

For example, if all you do is tonify the kidneys in water, but the dmai is blocked, then you’re, you could potentially be creating some toxic heat with all your ification. So that’s why in these presentations, I express the need to treat more than one organ system, and we are gonna be focusing on Earth in this part one and next time, part two.

When the gut microbiota is out of balance, it can lead to low grade inflammation throughout the body, including the product reproductive organs. So this is another reason why it’s so important to have the gut or the earth and Chinese medicine working well in, in western medicine, they call it the gut brain axis and the microbiome and the microbiota.

We call it earth or spleen and stomach. , that kind of inflammation, that kind of low grade inflammation can interfere with hormone production and signaling activity leading to irregular menstrual cycles, ovulation problems, and reductions in sperm quality. So you can see those are three causes, if you will, of.

Infertility or having a fertility challenge. I don’t like to use the word infertility because I feel like it’s a damning diagnosis. You’re infertile, oh, where do I go from there? So that’s why I tend to say fertility challenges. Changes or imbalances in the gut. Microbiome diversity or the gut microbiota can cause reduction or an increase in the levels of estrogen.

So either a reduction or an increase in levels of estrogen. In other words, an imbalance in estrogen, which also can lead to irregular menstrual cycles, irregular periods in terms of the bleeding part, impaired ovulation, P C O S, endometriosis. And again, all of those will ultimately or can ultimately affect fertility success.

So again, we see the importance of a balanced digestion. Unexplained infertility has been linked to systemic inflammation. Which I just said can be caused by gut imbalance and oxidative stress caused by imbalance in the gut microbiome.

Gut inflammation has been linked to decreased progesterone again. Leading to what looked like fertility challenges. Progesterone is responsible for healthy endometrial lining and implantation. So when it is low, and believe it or not, experts still aren’t really certain what too low is but when it is too low because of chronic inflammation, it can lead to implantation failure or recurrent miscarriages.

Immune system failure, sometimes caused by inflammation can lead to anti sperm antibodies, which attack the sperm and prevent implantation. Now, immune system failure would be autoimmune, right? And remember I said earlier, earth and metal, so spleen, stomach, lung, large intestine are our immune system, . We would need to, in that case, be treating, making certain, we’re getting the digestion balance, treating the immune system organ systems, and also the water.

Now the terrain is everything. This means I’m referring back to a very old argument that Pastore and Bernard had about . Is it the pathogen or is it the body’s ability to fight? And the story goes that Bernard was the one, the scientist who said, it’s so important to have important di good digestion, a good body.

And when you have a good healthy body, you can fight off germs. And of course, pastor was like, no, it’s the germ. It’s the germ. And the story goes that on his deathbed pastor said Claude Nar. Claude was right. The terrain is everything. And in Chinese medicine, that’s what we think, right?

Chinese medicine is . Primarily a preventive medicine. We’re always in our symptom mind, right? How often does a patient come in and say, I feel great, and I just wanna continue to feel great, so give me a treatment. We never do that with Western Medicine. We can’t even imagine it, right? We go in once a year for our annual exam, we feel great we make sure everything’s.

All our numbers are good, but we can’t imagine going in once a month and saying, Hey, Dr. Stroll, how you doing? But that’s how our medicine works. We get people healthy. I always tell people when they wanna know, how often should they come in? I always say how soon do you wanna get better? If this symptom is really bothering you, then I need to see you three times a week for just

Two weeks maybe, and then two times a week and one time a week. And we’ll get you to the point where I see you once a month. That’s because I believe the terrain is everything I have to get their digestion working well get their body working well again, get everything balanced and then we’ll move on to don’t let your symptom come back.

And if it does, the caveat is see you in a month. But if you need to come in earlier, then you need to come in earlier. The human gut is home to trillions of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that are collectively known as the microbiome. This complex ecosystem plays a crucial role in various aspects of health, including digestion, immune function, and even mental wellbeing.

The gut brain axis is very important to keep in balance. For issues like anxiety and depression. So all of those are related to the gut. The composition of the gut microbiome is influenced by a multitude of factors including diet, lifestyle, medication use, and of course stress levels. By nurturing the gut, women may be able to support their fertility journey and improve their chances of conceiving a healthy gut may just be the unexpected key to unlocking the door to parenthood.

So let’s go into some of the specifics about the gut brainin axis, and their impact on fertility. First of all, there’s nutrient absorption and metabolism. The gut microbiome aids in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from our diet. Of course, balanced good digestion, . We’re going to be able to successfully absorb nutrients.

Certain gut bacteria are responsible for producing essential vitamins and metabolizing hormones. There we go with the hormone, the hormonal aspect or the hormonal connection imbalances in the gut microbiota can impair nutrient absorption leading to deficiencies in key nutrients that are required for reproductive health like folate, iron, and vitamin D.

Estrogen metabolism is another important thing about the gut estrogen. A hormone that we know is crucial for female fertility undergoes a process called metabolism in the gut. Imbalances in the gut microbiota can alter the process leading to imbalances in estrogen levels. Excessive levels of estrogen or the accumulation of certain estrogen metabolites can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance that is necessary for conception and successful pregnancy.

Remember, we have to carry it through from successful conception through successful normal natural birth. A normal, healthy birth, rather normal, healthy birth. Healthy mom is the ultimate goal. Continuing with estrogen metabolism in the gut, estrogen is needed for proper ovulation and thickening of the uterine wall for pregnancy Balanced estrogen, but excess estrogen can cause irregular periods and prevent ovulation, thereby causing

Infertility or fertility challenge. Further, estrogen dominance has been linked to endometriosis and P C O S. Estrogen deficiency, on the other hand, can cause. Amenorrhea, which is absence of periods, which leads to anovulation, disorders of ovulation, actually account for 30% of female for infertility. So here we go again with the importance of the gut and hormones.

Estrogen has an important role in male fertility as well. It affects multiple organs and tissue in the male. A deficit or a surplus of estrogen can hinder the male libido and spermatogenesis, which is an inappropriate increase in extra diol, which is an estrogen steroid hormone that has been shown to lead to a decrease in sperm production.

And also too little estrogen in males has shown to have a causative effect on erectile dysfunction. Stress and mental health. As I said earlier, the gut brain axis, the gut is a bidirectional communication pathway between the gut and the brain, and it plays a vital role in mental health and also in stress regulation that can lead to things like anxiety and depression.

Stress can influence the gut microbiota composition, which in turn can affect fertility, high levels of stress, can disrupt hormone production, interfere with ovulation and reduce sperm quality. It’s why I would love to have the time to do a retrospective study of when couples give up or decide to adopt how many get pregnant, and it’s, I

Think it’s a, seems in my fertility practice like it’s a fairly large number, and I’ve always surmised that it’s because their level of stress goes down, their level of struggle goes down. Gut health and the thyroid. When there is an imbalance in the microbiome, it impacts immunologic and metabolic functions.

A study in 2015 found that hypo and hyperthyroidism were associated with small intestinal bacteria overgrowth, or what’s called sibo. And other studies have found a relationship between dysbiosis, which is an in general name for imbalance or inflammation in the . Gut and thyroid nodules. Underactive thyroid can affect fertility in a variety of ways.

It causes decreased cellular energy, meaning less mitochondria on ovarian cells leading to irregular or absent periods. It may increase prolactin, which suppresses ovulation, and it may lead to a decrease insulin sensitivity, which means more insulin in the blood. Increases androgens, which then disrupt ovulation and is especially detrimental to women who have P C O S.

Fortunately, there are steps that individuals and couples can take to optimize their gut health and enhance their fertility. Eat a balanced diet, okay? Blah, blah, blah. We hear that all the time, right? Modern medicine suggests eating a diverse range of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and fermented foods to promote a healthy gut microbiome.

these foods provide essential nutrients and promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Chinese medicine recommends eating what we call earth foods, right? Ones that are sweet in nature or taste sweet according to the theory of Chinese medicine, not . Cakes and cookies and are earth colored, so yellows, oranges, browns, and also warm in temperature.

Again, either warm physically, like we’ve actually warmed it up or warm in nature according to the theory of Chinese medicine. Now prebiotics and probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that can be found in certain foods like yogurt, or they can be taken as supplements. They can help restore the balance of the gut Bacteria.

Prebiotics, on the other hand, are non-digestible fibers found in certain fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and they nourish the gut bacteria. Also, there’s stress reduction to help couples engaging in some stress. Reducing activities such as exercise, meditation, and mindfulness can positively impact both gut health and subsequently fertility.

These practices do help regulate the gut brain axis and promote a healthier gut microbiota.

Research has found that women with recurrent pregnancy loss, A number of miscarriages show a higher prevalence of undiagnosed gut disorders. In particular, women with recurrent pregnancy loss were found to have abnormal gut permeability, which was found to contribute to the inflammatory reactions in the body that we talked about are earlier.

The researchers hypothesize that the inflammatory reaction caused by dysbiosis may be contributing to miscarriage pathogenesis. And they recommend that proper diagnosis and treatment of intestinal disorders in order to improve pregnancy outcomes. Very important for those particular women. Further, the gut microbiome is responsible for converting bound estrogen to free active estrogen according to a recent review.

Without a healthy microbiome, estrogen metabolism and function becomes impaired and can lead to a number of health consequences, including endometriosis, P C O S, hyperplasia and infertility or fertility challenge. It seems that we are finding out that treating the gut microbiome to modulate estrogen levels should be considered as a future treatment or a current treatment for estrogen mediated diseases, including infertility.

An interesting meta-analysis found that women with unexplained infertility, so that’s. The problem when your doctor says, oh, sorry, you’re infertile, and we don’t know why. They have a three and a half, 3.5 times higher odds of having celiac disease. In fact, it’s estimated that an Good percentage of women struggling with unexplained infertility actually have undiagnosed celiac disease, and it’s been suggested that unexplained infertility may actually be the first sign of celiac disease in some women.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, chronic inflammation may impact recurrent pregnancy loss. It also may cause decreased progesterone, which leads to implantation failure and the development of autoimmune processes that impact fertility. Now, women may think that this doesn’t pertain to them because they don’t have any gut symptoms.

Unfortunately, the absence of gas, bloating, stomach pain, Does not necessarily indicate good gut health, although the token symptoms of gut dysfunction do indicate something is wrong. A complete absence of symptoms does not indicate that you have a properly functioning digestive tract. They might be having regular bowel movements, no cramping, no gas, but it by no means guarantees that their gut is in good shape.

In fact, you can feel pretty good. It turns out, as I’ve seen in with people’s pulses for years and years, they tell me they don’t have any digestive issues and it turns out that they actually do. So some non digestive symptoms that may be a red flag with your fertility patients include . Constant hunger or cravings.

Now that would be earth and stomach, maybe stomach, heat, brain fog and diminished memory, kidney and earth, joint and muscle pain. Again, kidneys and earth or chronic fatigue, kidneys and earth or signs of estrogen deficiency or dominance, kidney and earth. So you can see all of these non digestive symptoms include Earth in our medicine.

So food allergies are another thing, as well as seasonal allergies. Those are earth and metal. Those can be an early red flag. Frequent colds and flu, earth and metal skin issues like eczema, acne, rosacea. Earth and metal or autoimmune issues, earth and metal. So again, you can see earth involved in these maybe red flags for fertility issues.

And as you can see in the bottom, there’s my pulse diagnosis diagram. And you can see that infinity symbol, which is literally the attachment of sign waves this way, sign waves that way, which is yang and yin. You can see that all of the organ systems need to be balanced and communicating with each other.

If we are going to create a warm, fertile environment for proper conception, successful conception, and a healthy birth, healthy mother. All right, so next time we are going to talk in part two about fertility and the importance of earth and a little more specifics about particular foods, ideas for combinations of foods.

Again, we’ll probably talk about the importance of pulse diagnosis and some ideas. In that realm. And so I wanna thank you for listening and also thank the American Acupuncture Council for allowing me to present this information. You can see my teaching website, which is lucas teachings.com, or contact me@acupuncturewoman.com, which is my private practice site.

So I’ll see you next time. .


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The Fertility Journey


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Disclaimer: The following is an actual transcript. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.  Due to the unique language of acupuncture, there will be errors, so we suggest you watch the video while reading the transcript.

Hi, my name is Tsao-Lin Moy and I am a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and massage therapy. With a brick and mortar office in Union Square in New York City. So I’d like to thank the American Acupuncture Council for sponsoring these events and presentations. And today I’m gonna be talking and sharing with you about the five top things to address when you’re working with fertility patients.

And so we’re going to go to the slides right now. Okay. . So these are the top five areas that we wanna address with our patients, especially when they’re struggling to conceive. Now I’ve been practicing for over 21 years, and I do have a very high success rate with treating patients, and this is because I always ha like address these areas aside from acupuncture and herbal formulations.

These are some key things that if you don’t address them, then you’re not gonna have the same success. Okay, and go the next slide. So you probably already know that fertility is, or infertility is a really big problem and it continues to grow, not only in the US but throughout the world. In most developing countries, at least 12% of the population is struggling with issues of infertility, and in particular in the us one in eight couples are experiencing infertility, and one third of them is also related to male issues, not just female issues.

Though what I do have to say is mostly you see female patients because they’re a little more proactive and they’re, they have hormonal fluctuations and stress really will affect their hormones. So the first and most important, which I find is mindset. Many of the patients that come to see me are super stressed out, and probably the same with you, that they’ve already gone through trying on their own getting frustrated, going to a fertility clinic.

And then being told that maybe they have low A m H, high F, SS, h that their cycles are all off, that they’re getting too old. And what that does is that creates a huge negative mindset. And so one of the issues is that, If the, your couples are already thinking that they’re not gonna be able to conceive, or they’re getting lots of information that is not good for them, like off the internet, then they’re gonna be approaching everything as a problem and it’s gonna be a lot harder for them to look for a solution.

So you might find that they come to you and say, oh, how can I fix my hormones? Or oh I don’t know, when I’m ovulating or I have polycystic ovary syndrome, which is something that’s, coming up as a polycystic ovary awareness month is coming up in September. . But what we do know is that research shows is that what you think really matters and having a positive outlook is gonna help to cope better with stressful situations, especially for couples that are trying to conceive.

And it also will reduce like negative health effects on the body. So what I would say is you have to listen to your patients really carefully about what they’re saying about their fertility and then . Keep an eye on that because if that is an ongoing theme with them and they’re focusing on that, then what happens is they’re not focusing on the bigger picture, which is overall health is gonna make a difference with fertility.

So what we look at is, and this is like the number one thing that I have my patients do not just only relating to fertility, but also to anything when someone has back pain and they’re like, oh, maybe I’m never gonna be able to go skiing, or, I’m ne maybe I’m not gonna be able to go running or play tennis anymore.

Those are . Worrisome. And so the focus is really, it’s not just only on the pain, it’s also gonna be on the stress that, what does that mean for an active life? A key thing which I would say is that many women’s self-worth is attached to their ability to getting pregnant. And they have these secret fears and limiting beliefs that are gonna leak into their thoughts, and that undermines their confidence. So even though they may be coming and doing all of those things that they actually might be working against themselves, right? So we’re creating this resistance or creating more internal stress.

So the beliefs and fears, they actually create an energetic, spiritual, and emotional block. And that actually affects the physical body. So what we’re offering them is an experience of themselves in a new way. So when they come for acupuncture, when they come and they get herbs and we speak to them Not so much in the Western medical, dialogue, but really talking about balancing their yin and yang increasing the blood flow, the flow of their tea improving sleep.

Those kinds of things are not the same language that will trigger them into worry. Okay. So this is one of the exercises that I give to my patients and it helps them to develop that fertility mindset. And it’s an exercise. So oftentimes, we don’t realize, and this applies to everything, that we speak negatively to ourselves, all a lot.

And that’s what causes a lot of that tension and stress. Can I do it? I can’t do it, or I’m not good enough. So what I have my patients do is think of two or three of these secret fears or limiting beliefs around conceiving a child or even being a parent. So things like I hear often, my eggs aren’t good, there must be something wrong.

It’s taking so long. I’m all alone or I’m too old. Instead, what they need to do is replace each one of these with something that’s gonna be empowering to them and help pull them forward. My eggs are in my body are strong. I’m completely functional and normal. I trust my partner will be a good parent.

My hormones are perfectly balanced and the time is now. So these are things to counter the negative beliefs. Oftentimes, you can’t stop ’em. What you can do is replace them. And another thing too is really that visualizing that it’s gonna happen. So oftentimes I have them create, I don’t have it in the slideshow, but create the a vision board really, whatever it is that you want.

Looking through a magazine, this beautiful car, this beautiful home, or what is that? That it’s really important that there is a positive image for them. So they keep moving in that direction versus looking at things or worrying about things that are, that haven’t happened and really aren’t true. So the second thing the second tip is to remove the causes of unnecessary strep.

Stress and to help your patients with the strategy. So one of the strategies is helping them with that mindset. This is also an exercise to encourage and support that. So one of the things that I would say is clear the cookies on your computer or your phone, all of the searches. Oftentimes, I’m sure you find that patients are searching their condition finding all of these like chat rooms that have problems and really the worst things that are there.

And then you get stuck in an algorithm that has a lot of clickbait and negative stories and tragedy, right? And so this is something that they need to stop doing. And really if they have a question to, to talk to you about it and you help them also, what I find is when my patients are going to fertility clinics that they’ll tend to filter for the negative stuff instead of the positive.

So they’ll . Tell me, oh, my doctor said I might have this, or this could be a problem. Or they’re testing for something and then they tend to focus on something that’s negative and not on what is actually positive. And then oftentimes in a medical office, there’s this kind of a, I don’t want to have, encourage too much positive expectations so you’re not disappointed.

So they like to manage disappointment which is . In my opinion, not their job, . And then the other thing is really what I call, French Way. If you’ve ever heard of that, people who are not helpful. Start to give you their opinion or talk about all the negative things. Oh, I know someone who had never happened and they spent, a hundred thousand dollars on I V F, or, then they had children, problem child or something like that.

And so these are really things that you teach your patients to create this container. For this thing that they want. And this not just applies with getting pregnant and having a family, but it also applies to everything else. If you wanna lose weight or get healthier, start to run a marathon.

Do things for your, develop a practice. It’s really you have to look at who are the people surrounding you and if your patients are coming to you. For help and assistance in this area, they’re already looking for something different, so we don’t wanna feed back to them the same kind of negativity and fears that they may have.

And a lot of that too is gonna have to do with, our dialogue. How do we talk to them? Do we use a lot of western dialogue or do we help to shift them into the language and metaphor of Chinese medicine? So the third tip that I suggest to my patients is to ditch those digital apps.

And those are because they cause a lot of stress. And the other thing, and then is to teach your patients how to monitor where their fertile window is, and using a low tech way to do it on paper. And the reason that I have my patients do it on paper is because the digital apps. Do they take into account like an average of a standard and really with, women individually, there might be variations in the cycle.

So oftentimes one of the problems that’ll show up is that my patients are saying like, oh, but my app says. That I should be ovulating at this time or that I should do this, or in some cases I’ve seen that an app will change their ovulation time, like go back and change the history of it to accommodate an algorithm.

And then what you have is someone trying to fit into . What a standard is, which is not necessarily for them, right? It’s like a general and we’re really looking individually. And so the other thing too is you might ask yourself, why would we use charts and thermometers and pee sticks when there are all these electronic monitors, right?

And fancy phone apps. And so here’s the thing. Electronics are a huge trigger for a stress response, and stress is one of the biggest barriers for conception, right? So this also relates to the previous exercises, like what else is, causing stress, which will disrupt hormones.

So no matter what, we know, we also need to address the diet. Now this can be a trigger for patients that might have eating disorders or previous eating disorders because it can trigger something. And also in our fast-paced, Daily life, we tend to have things delivered and it says it’s organic. But the other thing too is that all these organic drinks are in these plastic bottles.

And and also we’re trying to reduce sugar and artificial sweeteners are also become a problem with hormones and the microbiome. So cutting out processed foods, not only does it mean like fast food, I also consider things that are processed even though they’re quote unquote healthy.

So really the focus on whole and organic foods and really no alcohol is, not good for the immune system and also causes like a lot of other problems. So I don’t need to go into, for the and most . Patients are, especially the women are not drinking alcohol or even caffeine.

The thing is that their partner also needs to be like doing something as well. So a lot of the time the burden is on the female. Part of the couple and really both male and female need to participate. And even though it wasn’t in the other slide, that becomes a real issue when and I’m sure you see it, is the woman is focusing on her cycle, her chart, and when she’s fertile.

Totally stressing out. The partner may be like, whatever. And that creates a lot of distress because they’re not working on this together. So as much as you can include both of the couples or both, male and female or if it’s a, . Same sex couples in, in any way that you can have them participate as a couple, then it increases their support, especially at home, right?

’cause there’s only so much we can do. But really those are things to address. And in my practice I do ask like, how are things with your partner with it? Because when one partner gets super stressed out, That creates that can create a wedge in the relationship. And then we, I see that a lot, and sometimes the other partners, I don’t even recognize them.

They’re like so obsessed. They can become obsessed. So I put in with a star, an excellent prenatal vitamin. Now here’s the thing. A lot of patients that show up, they have done lots of research and I also find that they’re taking like way too many supplements. And this is gonna be something that’s more individual.

I would look at things that are gonna be basic in . For needs especially like B vitamins, some vitamin D like something like that. Some zinc definitely for men are gonna need to take something, some zinc, vitamin D, vitamin E, to improve the sperm. But also I just have a little star there because oftentimes, Taking lots of vitamins is equating to taking a pharmaceutical right?

Kind of not really looking oh, I don’t really need to eat well because I take vitamins. And really eating whole foods is also a practice, right? It’s something part of self-care, something you’re doing for yourself, something that you’re choosing every time instead of . Like robotically just, taking things.

And again, the partner needs to be taking supplements. It, I also added in here eliminating plastics as I mentioned. Like a lot of the drinks, even though they’re healthy, they’re in a lot of plastics and everything is in plastic. And also a lot of soaps and shampoos because those actually break down like cell membranes.

And they are hormonal disruptors. So those are our things to have your patient kind of Hey, maybe eliminate change some of these detergents and hand sanitizers. So the next is inflammation. So inflammation from . The chemicals were exposed to all around us. The pollutions the limp system is, something that helps to process metabolic waste and all hormones and nutrients and waste products actually go to and from the cells.

They pass through this intracellular matrix known as our lymph system, and we can’t remove. Toxins properly or hormonal imbalances and different kind of enzymes and stuff if our lymph system is not working properly. So all of the, that kind of inflammation and waste gets deposited in the tissues.

Now, if you’re working with patients that are undergoing fertility treatments and they’re taking a lot of hormones. One of the big complaints is that they start to gain weight around their middle. And so they get a lot of swelling, they get inflamed. And so really important is to have them do some lymphatic massage or you can show them some exercises, to move the lymph.

Exercise is one of the things that’ll help. But more like gentle exercise like yoga and tai chi, like all of those things that we prescribe our patients. But not just because it’s mindfulness, but really these are the movements that are gonna help to remove inflammation and metabolic waste and ultimately, that helps to balance the body.

And it’s also good to give them as an exercise so they’re being proactive. I. They’re on their fertility journey. I cannot emphasize more the importance of sleep. And this really ties back to what is the, our balance of yin and yang. And one of the things is like sleep deprivation is not only gonna interfere with your circadian rhythm, it’s the biological clock.

And that’s what actually . Tells the body when to release different hormones. Now, it’s not only important that you’re getting seven hours or uninterrupt like deep sleep. It’s also important that it’s at night, right? So we take advantage of the nighttime and that we’re producing enough. Melatonin, which is known as the hormone of darkness.

So that will actually then have restful sleep and have energy during the day. So studies actually show that. Sleep deprivation actually really affects men in a way. And it’s interesting because men are considered more young that it’ll affect their sperm production and really, and it’s important that they sleep at night in particular.

So there are studies around that. And really the sleep effects in relation to fertility because it is part of hormonal production, right? So this is something where we don’t have to prescribe hormones ’cause it’s not in our scope. To help to balance hormones and then also if your patients are undergoing fertility treatments to really not work against what they’re doing, right?

So you want your body to be in rhythm Alright, so just a review. I actually gave you six things mindset removing the stressors, ditching, digital addressing inflammation food and sleep. And that’s the end of the show.


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Grief and Fertility Challenges: Part 2



So we’re going to continue with grief and fertility challenges, and let’s go to the slides. Then there are the women who are diagnosed with secondary infertility.

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Disclaimer: The following is an actual transcript. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors.  Due to the unique language of acupuncture, there will be errors, so we suggest you watch the video while reading the transcript.

Hi, this is Dr. Martha Lucas, and we are going to today continue with the presentation on grief and fertility challenges. So if you didn’t get to see the last presentation, the first part of this, make sure you go back and watch it. I want to thank the American Acupuncture Council for hosting this webinar and remind you that.

I have a private practice in Denver, Colorado, and Littleton, Colorado, and I am happy for you to contact me if you have any questions about this presentation. So we’re going to continue with grief and fertility challenges, and let’s go to the slides. Then there are the women who are diagnosed with secondary infertility.

Now, this is a little bit of a nebulous term, and it means these women have had a successful pregnancy. They’ve given birth, but they are struggling to get pregnant. I. The second time, and it’s interesting to them because they’re like shocked. What happened? I had a baby already. I, and statistics show that once you have a pregnancy, once you give, have a successful birth, that your chances of getting pregnant are higher.

The second time, but there is this thing called secondary infertility where women have a little bit of a hard time getting pregnant that second time. Now why? Did they get, have some scarring on the fallopian tubes? Did they have a previous C-section that led to some scarring? The causes can be varied.

And grief can also become a factor in grieving the idea that their child doesn’t have a sibling. Because again, I’ve worked with many women who only have one child. They, for some health reason or whatever, they couldn’t have another child, and so they have a layer of grief about I wanted to have more than one child.

My whole life, all I thought about was being a mother and having a . Whole slew of kids around. I want my child to have a playmate. Some people feel sorry for their only child. They feel like maybe they’re lonely. They don’t have anybody to walk to school with. They have to play by themselves, and all of that can increase their grief.

They can grieve who they used to. To be before their diagnosis. Now, it seems that everything is about appointments that you have to set up, you have to show up for, you have to infuse all your energy into all of these processes and procedures, and sometimes all of this. Grief, just even generalized grief, not even fertility.

Challenge grief can take away the comfort that we used to get in the little things like taking a walk or meeting a friend for lunch or reading, going to a coffee shop, or going to a park and reading. And then even the bigger things, not being happy at family gatherings in with grief sometimes, especially longstanding grief.

It. It just takes away the satisfaction or joy that you get in what used to be joyful experiences. Sometimes women who used to pursue hobbies or their passions are now too tired, too distracted, or too sad to do those things that used to bring them joy. They feel like they used to be a generally happy, optimistic, hopeful person, but now they feel like a shell over their formal.

Former selves, they say they watch those things in life happen. Like they’re watching them on a TV screen, they’re not really experiencing them. They’re in the room, they’re in the family event, but inside they are not experiencing the happiness of the event. They want to engage in life the way they used to before they had to start their infertility treatment, but they just can’t do it.

They just long for their pre. Diagnosis self, but the grief just takes over. Now what about the woman who suffers through recurrent pregnancy losses? This includes what is called a chemical pregnancy, which the pregnancy test results get lighter over time. I. Hormone levels go down and then, and sometimes unfortunately, that first promising ultrasound ends in a loss, losing a child and deciding to continue with pregnancy treatments can be the most excruciating emotional experience that a woman or a couple can have.

They for them. It seems like the losses go on and on. The things to grieve go on and on. So this is partly what we need to support people through when they’re going through this in their fertility treatment. And unfortunately, infertility is lonely. Even though you have a million appointments and you seem to have a support system, all of that does not take away that grief of trying to have or grow a family.

The wonderful support does not inherently change the circumstances of the woman plus the woman. You know it, we all want support, right? But. Part of the problem with the support is the person feeling like she’s constantly explaining what part of the process are you in right now? Or feel the myriad of responses of people saying, oh how did that go for you?

How did that last treatment turn out? Constant answering questions about what’s going on with your treatment. Where are you in the process? Are you going to do it again? There’s all of that, that even though support is good, having a support system is good. Part of a support system is having to talk about it.

And then of course the drugs, a lots of them cause powerful treatment effects, which is a good thing. But they also have strong side effects. For example, oral birth control pills. Can have very powerful side effects. And the rate of depression in women taking birth control pills is five to 50% being more common, most common in the progesterone dominant formulas.

So what does it mean in Chinese medicine? How are the organs involved? The liver is known to regulate the flow of chi and emotions. We all know that the commander of qi, it stores blood and regulates substances. Emotions cause physical disease. How? Through stagnation. Through stagnation, that causes deficiency through stagnation that causes excess.

Through the deficiency of blood. For example, the liver, blood, heart, blood, the heart governs blood and stores the she emotional stress can make heart, blood and yin deficients. See, thereby of course, there we find the shen is disturbed. The emotions are disturbed and important for fertility challenges.

Blood flow to the uterus becomes compromised. Spleen helps make digestion work well. We need the digestion to make good blood in order for us to have a successful pregnancy because digestion, that doesn’t work well and worry. Remember, in a previous , Presentation I was talking about how worry makes the digestive pulses go backwards.

All of that disrupts the flow of chi in the earth, in the center, in the spleen and stomach pulses, and that is again going to negatively affect blood flow to the uterus. Worries effect on the spleen also can lead to poor appetite, fatigue, sleeplessness, brain fog. And again, all of those are gonna be a negative effect on the woman who’s trying to get pregnant.

Grief gets stuck in the lungs so the immune system is affected and the flow of Q throughout the body can be compromised because that is part of the lungs. Job right now, you’ll recall that spleen and stomach, earth and metal lung, large intestine are the immune system. So that’s why if the lung pulse is stagnated or short because of grief, then the whole immune system can be compromised.

And again, if the lungs can’t manage the flow of Q and blood, then you’re gonna have a negative effect in the uterus. The lungs are about taping in the new and letting go of the old, but old grief and continuing grief can get stuck in the lung pulses. Some people lose the ability to connect their inside world with the outside world, and metal is about that communication.

The release of grief is essential to allowing the body to heal and get the communication with the inside and outside going again. Otherwise, the person is what we call armored. They become very heavy because of their heavy emotional burden. Grief can be separating, isolating, and it can be cutting them off from their

Relationships with the rest of the world and an important message for people who are experiencing grief is it’s okay to feel your grief. You don’t have to hold it in, as I said, and any one of you have taken a class from me, know that I tell people emotions have to be expressed. You must let them out.

You can’t leave them in ’cause they’re gonna mess up your chi. Mess up the flow of oxygen and blood in your body. And I tell them it’s okay to use your voice while you’re crying. The frontal lobe, our San Jou area will go round and round and round and round and round when you cry in silence with the same message over and over and over and over again.

But when you use your voice, when you’re grieving and crying, that . Cuts off that San Jal frontal lobe running around in a circle. So it is okay to feel your grief and it is okay to use your voice in your grief. So here’s in a, here’s a little bit of a picture of what the lung large intestine pulse might feel like.

You, it might feel like . The lung large intestine, pulse is short, it doesn’t flow. You’ll notice at the top of the picture there is the sine wave. That’s how the normal pulse would feel. Yang and yin yang and yin flowing through all of the positions. But the lung pulse in grief may feel like it’s a shorter pulse, or that little dot indicates like a naughtiness, almost like a little ball stuck in the pulse.

A spinning bean pulse, if you will. Plus the trauma of the fertility challenge and experience can leave the earth position empty. Remember, if the energy can’t flow through the lung large intestine, again, you can see it’s a flow yang and yin yang and yin all connected. But if one that’s the normal pulse on the top there.

But if the normal pulse that flow is. Stopped or stagnated by the lung pulse, then the spleen stomach isn’t going to be getting any . Energy either, and that’s the trauma pulse, that deep emptiness in the spleen stomach. And this person, believe me, if they’ve had past trauma, then this whole fertility challenge experience can key into that.

And then they’ve got a. A double problem. They’re not making good quality oxygen in blood. It’s not being floated around by the lung large intestine. And then of course, that leads to a negative effect on the flow of uterine blood. I. The patient’s experiences may also reignite, as I said, old patterns of trauma, grief from childhood, the feeling that your life is outta control.

Because believe me, as lots of women going through all of these challenges feel like their life is outta control and that their body is outta control. Their body just will not do what they want it to do, which is get pregnant and have a successful birth. So all of that can lead to that empty spleen pulse from old trauma.

Now this is what we want the normal pulse to look like. We want the left and the right to connect with each other, the kidneys, to connect with the left side and the right side. And again, if in that large intestine lung position there’s a knot or it’s short and it’s not flowing, then you’re not going to get the flow of energy through all of the organ systems.

And you’ll notice those are sign waves. The infinity symbol is a sine wave yang and yin, and then a sine wave yang and yin. So we need for the kidneys to be able to support all of the other systems. Gallbladder liver to small intestine, heart, and then back to the other side, a continuous flow of sine waves.

That is the goal of every acupuncture treatment. So that’s why if grief is negatively impacting , The one position or more than one position? It is impacting more than one position because it’s stagnated. So it’s not allowing the energy to flow over to the other side. So this is the importance of figuring out how we can release the grief in that position.

Now, one way to do it is to use. Low points, right? Maybe you open the lung and the large intestine low, or you open the spleen, stomach, low points, anything that’s going to allow you to start relieving that stagnation in the lungs. I love liver. 14 lung one, liver 14 lung one pointed out. That’s an entry, exit point, treatment, and it will take some of the pressure off of the lungs.

Plus for grief, lung two is a very important point for lifting the clouds releasing the clouds or . Releasing grief, so you know, us thinking about how can I open the lungs? Sometimes I’ll do liver 14 lung one, also kidney 27 pointed out just to really open, physically open the flow of.

The chest, allowing the person to feel more. Sometimes we need to use sky points because again, the person’s energy is stagnated. They’re not in touch with their spirit anymore. I enjoy the idea of using something like Pericardium three, heart five, heart seven. That way again, I am opening up the heart protector because

Longstanding grief can definitely start to affect the pericardium because its job is to protect the shen. So sometimes going straight for the heart pulses, going straight for the heart channel with people isn’t the best choice because their shen is tender. So approaching it from the pericardium and then moving into the heart sometimes is a better

Option but the main goal is getting the lung and large intestine channel open so that it will flow over to the other kidney side. So again, you might open kidney four, the low point on the kidneys to get that energy flowing, and the kidney is more likely to accept it and get consolidated and strong to help the woman through this fertility challenge.

As I said, we can use the low points kidney four. The, at this time the person and the kidneys might be in a . Protective mode. So opening up the kidney pulse is very good for that. I want to thank you for watching. I also want to thank the American Acupuncture Council again.

Also you can see my teaching website is lucas teachings.com and my private practice site, which as I said is my . Clinics are located in Denver and Littleton Colorado is acupuncture woman.com and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. .