I’m going to do a presentation, which is part two on the importance of clearing blocks before treating the face.
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Hi, my name is Michelle Gellis, and I would like to thank the American Acupuncture Council for giving me this opportunity to talk to you today. I’m going to do a presentation, which is part two on the importance of clearing blocks before treating the face. You can go to the first slide.
So last time I did a presentation on the importance of clearing blocks before treating the face, part one. And you can find that at the AAC website. And it is also available on my website, Facial Acupuncture Classes.
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So a little bit about me quickly before I get started. I am currently on the doctoral faculty at Yosan University in Los Angeles, and I’m a former faculty member and clinic supervisor at the Maryland University of Integrative Health. I was there from 2003 until 2021 and I teach facial and cosmetic acupuncture classes internationally.
So last time I talked about what an energetic block is, and I would just like to do a review of that quickly. So an energetic block essentially is a break in or an impediment to the smooth flow of chi. and blocks can prevent treatments from being effective or can prevent treatments from holding. And in the Lingxu we are taught that only when stagnation is cleared away, the channels can be vented and yin and yang can be harmonized.
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So When you’re performing acupuncture, whether you’re doing facial acupuncture for cosmetic or neuromuscular conditions, there is a lot of chi and blood brought up to the face. To help with the circulation of the face. And if that chi cannot flow smoothly through the meridians, through the channels, to the points, then your treatment will not be as effective.
So last time the blocks that I talked about were a possession and aggressive energy. This time, I am going to talk about husband wife imbalances, or an HW, and also entry exit blocks.
A husband wife imbalance is probably of all the blocks that I covered today. Last time, or of all the blocks that can exist that we treat, an HW is probably the most serious of the blocks and If someone has an HW, it is a sign that their health is declining, their natural healing resources have been depleted, and Yin and Yang.
are losing their their functions, their functional contact. So left untreated over time, the person’s health will deteriorate to the point of them being beyond health.
Due to the severity and the nature of this type of block, the and the number of needles usually used during facial acupuncture treatment, it’s imperative to clear this block, if it is present, before doing any sort of cosmetic treatment on your patient. Otherwise, you could further deplete your patient, leaving them weak.
and at risk of serious physical or emotional deterioration. So how do we determine if someone has a husband white imbalance or an HW? So what you will notice is, so normally the left hand pulses, the pulses on the left side, are stronger than the pulses on the right. But if someone has a husband wife imbalance, then the right side pulses are going to be stronger in quantity, so they’re going to be bigger, stronger pulses, and they will have a different quality, sharp fighting quality to them.
So the right side pulses will be stronger than the left side. So the right side pulses are considered to be the wife’s side pulses and the left are considered to be the So you’re, you have this imbalance where the, Wife pulses are bigger.
So what it looks like is this. Normally these pulses here are your wife pulses. These are the husband pulses. So these are the pulses that are on your right side. So we’re going to have the right side of fire. So we’ll have
your fire, and we’re going to have your earth pulses and your metal pulses. So this energy goes like this. The part of fire on the right side says Sanjiao. And So your Sanjiao pulses and your pericardium pulses will be bigger than the left side of fire, which is heart and small intestine.
So your right side pulses are all going to be larger. And so you’ve got all this process. But there’s a block right here. And the energy is not making it over to the water and the wood, which is all about growth and expansion. So we’ve got all this process, but there’s no growth. So how do you treat it?
You are going to go, first thing you do is you’re going to start down here and you’re going to tonify the metal points. in water. So you’re going to go to bladder 67 and kidney 7. So you’re pulling, you’re trying to break this block here by pulling the both sides of the yin and yang of water. So bladder 67 and kidney seven, you’re pulling that energy over and you’re going to tonify.
And then you are going to pull the energy from earth down to water. So kidney three, Then you are going to bring the metal to wood, and that point is liver four, and again these are all tonification. And then you are going to tonify the source points of small intestine and heart to bring the energy to heart four.
and small intestine with heart being last. So between each set of points you’re going to check pulses to see where the where the block existed.
Sorry. Okay.
The next block that I’m going to talk about is an entry exit block. And the reason why these are really important when you’re working on the face is because there is either an entry or exit point for each one of the zong on the face. So here we have the exit for small intestine, the entry for bladder, we have the exit for Sanjiao, the entry of gallbladder.
the exit for large intestine and the entry for stomach. So if this is the Chinese clock and energy moves around from one, from liver to lungs, the large intestine to stomach right around the Chinese clock, if there is a block while the energy is moving around through the meridian system, through the Chinese clock, then there is a place where the chi is not getting through.
I’m a J. R. Worsley trained five element acupuncturist, and one of the things that J. R. did was he set up the meridian system. So for each meridian, he gave it a Roman numeral, and part of the reason why he did that was it makes it easier to talk about To while your patient’s in the room. Let’s say you’re supervising in clinic and you have a student and you wanna talk about the patient, but you don’t wanna alarm them, you could say, do you feel this quality on one?
So they are numbered according to the flow of energy through the body, according to the Chinese clock. And we always start. with heart as one, and so heart is Roman numeral one, small intestine is two, bladder is three, kidney is four, pericardium is five, sangio is six, gallbladder is seven, liver is eight, lung is nine, large intestine is ten, stomach is eleven, and spleen is twelve.
And do note that the entry exit points are not always the first and last point on the meridian I have marked out. You can see here, for example, Large Intestine 4 is the entry point on Large Intestine. And Gallbladder 41 is the exit point on Gallbladder. Lung 7 is the exit point on Lung. So it’s not always the last point on the meridian.
So if you don’t remember where the exit, what the exit and entry points are. You can refer to this chart. So again, the energy goes from heart to small intestine, to bladder, to kidney, to pericardium, et cetera, et cetera. And then once it gets to spleen, once it gets to 12, it goes back to one again, right around the clock.
So I used a highlighter to show the different pairs. So if this is a pericardium, pulse chart. When you’re feeling the pulses, what you’re looking for are going to be breaks between, so you’d be looking for a break between the paired meridians, so small intestine, to bladder, right? So this would be a 2 3 block.
So if these pulses are larger than these pulses, then you have a block. So small intestine to bladder, Would be a 2, 2, 3 block. Then you go again in order, you go from kidney to pericardium. Then we go from sanja to gallbladder, from liver to lung, from large intestine to stomach and from spleen to heart. So you can see.
the way the the blocks could occur. The ones we’re most concerned about are going to be the ones on the face. So between small intestine and bladder, between large intestine and stomach, and between sand jaw and gallbladder. Those are the ones that have either an entry or an exit point. on the fifth.
So again, we identify them on the pulse, and if the pulse of the lower numbered meridian is stronger than the pulse on the higher numbered meridian, according to the Chinese clock on that chart I showed you, then we have what we call an entry exit block. Some people call them exit entry blocks, but it’s just semantics.
In my book, I changed the, this is from one of my PowerPoint presentations, but in my book, I I changed it to exit. entry block because it’s an exit entry block, which you’ll see in the next slide. So the treatment is you’re going to tonify the exit point of the lower numbered meridian, which is the stronger pulse.
Then you’re going to tonify the entry point of the next meridian. And by tonify, the way that we do it is you’re going to insert the needle, And in the flow of energy, in the direction of the flow of the energy, and you’re going to turn it 180 degrees clockwise, and then take it out.
There are entry exit blocks that exist. on the chest, and these would be between spleen and heart, kidney and pericardium, and large intestine and stomach. And these have to do more with the heart and the lung functions. Here we have, again, the entry exit blocks on the face, and these are going to be closer to our senses.
So I already went through all of this. So this is what I was trying to explain. If this it’s like a kink in a garden hose. If the energy of the smaller numbered meridian, let’s say small intestine, bigger then the energy on the next numbered meridian, so bladder, then we have an exit entry block.
And so when I feel pulses, I put my hands on both wrists and I go around and I feel two to three, And then I go 4, to 5, to 6, to 7, to 8, to 9, to 10, to 11, to 12. And then back around again.
And I already said this. The last block is a CBGB block. And that is a less common block. It is between Ren and Do. And REN and DEW are like the seas that feed the rivers. So the rivers and are the meridians, but the repository for all of our all of our energy is through REN and DEW and REN and DEW.
If there is a block between rent and due, then that energy is not going to be able to get out to the meridians. And what you will feel on the pulses is all of the pulses will be very low. And this can happen due to sexual abuse, trauma, or if a husband wife imbalance goes too long without being treated.
The treatment is you’re going to tonify CV1. And you’ll tonify, so you there’s special draping that you’ll have to do, and you’ll have to have gloves, and you talk to the patient ahead of time about what it is you’re going to do, but you are going to tonify CB1, you take the needle out, change your gloves, our new gloves, you’re going to tonify CB24, then you would tonify CB1.
Take off your gloves, put on new gloves, and then you would tonify GV28 and you check the pulses again.
My book is hopefully going to be out the first week in September or thereabouts, maybe the second week in September. And it will be called Treating the Face. It’s a comprehensive manual for acupuncturists and allied health professionals, and it’s going to cover everything from cosmetic and neuromuscular facial acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, Red Light Therapy, Microneedling, The Anatomy of Expression, Self Care, Skin Care, Nutrition.
Everything involved with treating from the clavicle. And if you are interested in getting on the waitlist to pre order, you can go to my website, facialacupunctureclasses. com, and there is a place where you can pre order. Sign up to be in my waiting list. So thank you again to the AAC for this opportunity, and I look forward to seeing you next time.