What do I need to do on social media to actually get new patients you been posting? And you’re wondering how come I’m not necessarily getting that many likes or interests and definitely not getting as many new patients from it as I would like.
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Do you ever wonder, well, do you ever hear, Oh, I need to be on social media, but I ever wonder, what do I need to do on social media to actually get new patients you been posting? And you’re wondering how come I’m not necessarily getting that many likes or interests and definitely not getting as many new patients from it as I would like. So welcome to my show today on the social media trends this year for acupuncturists that you can learn from so that you can, can see where to spend your time and energy and where not to focus your time and energy. So that way you can focus on, on actually helping patients instead of worrying about where to find them. And I am Chen Yen six and seven figure practice make-over mentor@introvertedvisionary.com. So let me share with you a few of the top trends to pay attention to right now.
So you can decide whether to take advantage of them and whether it makes sense for you. So, one thing is that the attention span of people are, is starting to get shorter and shorter, shorter. I remember seeing a statistic. I was like, how, how the attention span is shorter than a goldfish. Can you imagine that? So things like, um, stories that can interest people are more likely to get attention, for example, um, are you doing Facebook stories or Instagram stories or Snapchats and things like that? So that’s one thing too, to consider the, um, second thing in terms of trend wise is that it’s harder to actually get, um, interest and new patients through organic traffic. And why is this? Because a lot of the popular social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and even YouTube is starting to get more this way, but in terms of how do they actually generate revenue it’s through people paying for ads.
So for example, Facebook, back in the day, did you know that back in the day when Facebook was newer, you could pretty much have a business page on there. And pretty much everybody who would like your business page would see your posts, but guess what percentage nowadays actually might see your posts organically? I seen studies as low as it’s like 3.5% of people who actually like your page might actually see your posts. So what does that mean for you? You might spend time posting and then you’re wondering how come, uh, very few people seem to be liking or sharing. Right. Have you noticed that before? And then, um, Instagram is, is a better platform typically right now for organic traffic compared to however guess who bought Instagram, Facebook. So just like how they’ve done with Facebook, it’s typically going to be, I mean, it’s, it’s likely to be where once they get enough interest, then it’s going to turn into even more and more of a pay to play platform.
So, um, there’s also in terms of what can you do to actually get interest on, on social media, if you aren’t planning on paying for ads or even if you are paying for ads, how can you make it more effective? So, um, one thing is to actually incorporate this one hack, which is for example, on Facebook, did you know, like this one hack I’m about to share with you can actually get you 10 times up to 10 times more views from your organic posts than if you just posted a text post, what is it it’s to do a Facebook live? And why is this? Because? So Mark Zuckerberg had come out years ago saying that he wanted to see Facebook take over YouTube for video and video is one of the most, the fastest growing social media platform right now, in terms of sorry, the fastest growing platform among all kinds of platforms and overall online.
Did you know that Cisco said that by, uh, they did a study on this, you know, 82, they were expecting 80. Let’s see it was 80, 82% of all internet traffic by 2021 was expected to be video and a Facebook, uh, high-level executive came out. This, this is a few years back saying, saying that video would be like number one, you know, the main way people would consume content. And, and, um, and then also in, in 2022, um, let, let me just look at this. So 82% of the global and, Oh, sorry, uh, a growing popularity of video internet, did you know that internet users spend six hours and 48 minutes per week watching videos online? This was in 2019, according to limelight. And so what does this mean? See, because how can, uh, especially with what’s happened this past year, more people are interested in being online, but what does that also mean? It means that there’s more noise and more, more people trying to get your attention online if you were just posting.
So how long does it actually take for people to actually get to, to know and trust you? Well, it usually takes more than just posting a few text posts, because how much can you actually know of someone just by, by seeing a few texts posts? Right. So, so then just speed up that trust. And, and there, I remember seeing some studies out about this too. I think it was put out as actually brought up by Forbes that more people are, are feeling like they need to have more trust before they are interested in working with anyone. Right. And so, um, nowadays than, than ever before. So this is something that is super important. And if you want to build that connection, um, it faster then being able to educate, because one of the reasons why people are coming to you is because you are, um, they are not educated about how you can help.
They don’t understand acupuncture, they don’t understand Chinese medicine, you might get excited about it, but people don’t really understand. So if they don’t understand, they’re not going to come in and how can you educate them to understand and be able to speed up that process much faster than just, you know, posting on texts on social media. And so, so video is a great way of doing that, whether it is on Facebook lives, uh, whether it is on, for example, you too, or you could put a video on your website to help explain your services so that people, um, understand it faster as well, and, and see being an acupuncturist and seeing your patients and them and your patients, potential patients deciding whether or not to work with you is it’s such a personal relationship with, with you as the, the acupuncturist. And so not only do people feel like they need to understand that it can work, they also need to understand.
I mean, they also need to feel that sense of connection and resonance with you and your energy. So, so then in terms of, of video, let me just give you a couple of quick tips related to this and, um, let me share with you because what if you actually get nervous and, uh, you don’t really like the idea of, of being in front of people, you know, with a camera kind of staring at you. So I’m gonna share with you a couple strategies that can help you overall. Um, and then I’m also gonna share with you strategies that you could do, even if you don’t want to be on video. And even if you feel like I don’t, I don’t think that’s for me. Uh, Jen, I’ll share with you a different strategy where you could just create one thing and use it over and over and over again, to bring in new patients.
So a couple of quick tips, when, when you do things on video, is this, what if you get nervous? So I, um, I used to feel this super performance anxiety when I, when I would be on, on camera or just speak at all when I was little, my dad, um, I grew up in a family, very strict research scientists. My dad was PhD. Um, first-generation immigrants from Taiwan, super strict, you know, when other kids would be, uh, like, um, Sunday morning, this is when I was around eight years old. When we would get the Sunday paper, I used to always feel a little jealous of other kids. Why? Because I imagined that they would, they would open up the paper or they get to, got to check out the comic strips. And what, what happened to me? I had my, my dad had me do current event talks every Sunday and I dreaded it.
I was terrible at it. And I cried all the time because he was very strict. Like he was, he doesn’t speak like my stylist. He’s very analytical and he critiques and stuff to the point where, where I just felt really inadequate. And because of that, I felt so much performance anxiety whenever, whenever I would speak. And I vowed to myself, I will never speak when I, when I grow up in terms of being in front of a girl or even being on camera. Right. And so, so then, but why did I end up deciding to, to actually speak is because I, um, I love teaching when I was little, I would get these kids. My idea of fun was getting the kids in the neighborhood around and then sitting around me and then I would go get my, get these worksheets from my third grade teacher.
And then I would get, I would have these kids, um, you know, do worksheets and everything. That was my idea of fide back then. It still is for me right now. So in any case, um, it was that desire to educate and teach people that led me to learn how to do this, but I will say that, uh, and the reason I bring this up is that if I can do that go from, from being extremely, having this performance anxiety to where, because I literally, uh, I would get so nervous when I first started speaking, uh, what I grew up that I didn’t, I would say something and then I didn’t know what I was talking about. I felt so, like I was sweating inside and my face turn really red and that I literally didn’t make any sense. It was that embarrassed.
I felt like such a fool. Right? So, um, the reason I bring this up is that if I can do it from the place of feeling like a complete fool and I winded a height under a rug, but then now getting to a place where I’m getting invited to speak nationally and more comfortable with it. I can say that if I can do it, then you could totally do it. And one thing, what’s one hot tip that you could use anywhere you go. If you’re, whether you’re at, you’re being asked to share about your practice and you feel really anxious about, um, whether it’s on video and you’re all of a sudden doing a video, or you’re doing some kind of, uh, talking kind of experience is this, you can just stick your tongue out.
So stick your tongue out,
Like the lion’s breath, right. In, in yoga. And, and that could just totally, totally put you in the present moment. So the heart racing starts coming down and your, your, the thoughts in your head about how you don’t know what you’re talking about comes down, and then you end up being more in a complete present moment. So that’s one hot tip. And I second hot tips. So let’s talk a little bit about, uh, a couple of the, um, Oh, the second hot tip is called the action. So, um, this is something that will help you, regardless of what social media platform you use, regardless of whether you do a text post, or if you do a, um, actually do more of a video, right. And, and by the way, a side tip for you, if you’re just doing a text posts, is that doing stories?
Oh, actually. Okay. I, I lost my train of thought for a moment, but we it’s just a reminder for you that remember doing, if you do a text posts doing like Instagram stories or Facebook stories is, will work better because it shows up, for example, Facebook will show up more on the top and people are more interested in hearing about stories as well. So, um, now, as it comes to call the action, one of the biggest mistakes, a lot of practitioners make is not actually give any kind of call to action that, um, that really leads people to, to book with you, or really leads people to take that next step, whatever that next step might be. And so that’s where you might be posting all these pretty close and, and inspirational messages and, uh, and things, and you, and then you’re, you’re still posting you’re, you’re like, hi, I’m here.
And how come nobody’s nobody’s reaching out? Or, or you might just say, Oh, call, call my clinic. And that’s about it. Right. So is there anything that you could vary that with because sometimes people, um, might not feel quite like they’re ready quite yet that way, or maybe they just want a different way of, of actually connecting with you. So, um, one thing that, that, that, that makes it easy and feels like it’s more comfortable. So for example, one hot seat for you is that you can actually, um, for example, if it’s on, on Facebook or if it’s on Instagram, you’ll, you’ll tweak this just a little bit, but it might be PME to get this assessment done so we can find out dot, dot dot, or you could say PME, if you’re dealing with similar health issues, we could discuss your situation, whether it makes sense for you to get it checked out.
Right? So notice that actually helps people think, Oh, maybe I need you to do something about this health issue or, or, or maybe I need to get, get it checked out. So it’s, it’s more of a, kind of, of a call to action that will actually interest people in, in booking with you. And then, um, if you want, if you don’t want people to PMU, you could ask them to click on a link to schedule an appointment, but how can you actually say that, right? In terms of, of whether it’s in a text post, or whether you’re saying it, um, video wise or verbally. So click on this link and book an appointment where we will do a such and such, and I’ve set aside a few spots for you to be able to get in with me week if you’re watching right now. So why is this really effective?
Because notice it gives a little more of a sense of an urgency, because if people feel like they could just do it anytime they might not do it right now, but if you’re actually letting them know that, you know, you’ve set aside spots this week for them, then if they’re watching right now and then to actually take action on that link, then it there’ll be more likely to, to actually do it. And I actually decided to make it easier for you, because these are just, just a couple of sample scripts from our template. That is the number one thing to supercharge, getting new patients from any social media platform, whether it’s a text post or whether it is a, um, a video kind of a post. So you can click on the link below that will be popping in, in the chat for you to actually access it.
And I’ll just give it to you also right now. So it’s introverted visionary.com forward slash C T a Scripps. So introverted, visionary.com forward slash C T a scripts. And then you can click on the link below in the chat and then, um, go there and download. You’re going to get the template in your inbox right away. Um, so go there right now, also, you know, by the way, for those of you who might feel like you’re, you’re in a place where you’re at your, if you’re feeling like you’re being, you’re frustrated with not getting as many new patients as you would like, or, and you just know you’re capable of so much more because you’ve had a dip in your income and also in your practice in terms of patient flow and feel free to also at that link, you’ll have an opportunity to book in for a free double my practice strategy session as well, to see what actually might be the most effective way to grow your practice faster this year, and actually have some help with it to grow, grow faster.
So in terms of, um, another hot tip that I wanted to give you about, about how can you be B uh, reaching where people would actually getting new patients on social media more effectively, for example, through, through video. And then I’m going to wrap up by sharing one hot seat that you can use if you decide, Oh, I don’t know about, you know, having to show up for social media all the time and creating all this content, right? Like I’m gonna share, share with you a hack where you could just create one thing and have it, use it, use it over and over again, to bring in new patients into the practice that our clients are using to do, which, um, when, when you tackle it, it’s like, it’s like it can end up even being on autopilot, which is pretty cool. So in terms of, um, the second, I mean, the, the tip other tip I was going to share with you about, about being more successful on video is that, um, let’s talk about a couple of the pros and cons of some of the platforms.
For example, a Facebook live is nice because you could literally just go live when you, when you feel like it. And, um, and then in terms of, or if you feel like it, right. And the, the thing about, about live, like I mentioned earlier, is that it, it gets sent out to, to up to 10 times more people than if you were to do a text post. Right. But the, um, the disadvantage of it is that if there’s not as much interest in that Facebook live early on in terms of, of for example, right, when you go live and in that timeframe, or at least earlier on within a day or two, then you might not get as much traction with your video, right? So that is a drawback with, with Facebook lives. Um, now in terms of, uh, length of a video, if you do do Facebook lives, it’s great to do over 10 minutes.
And some people say, well, why that long? Why? Because, because people are, um, sometimes they are, they’re coming onto Facebook at different times, but if you just do a video for like 30 seconds, then pretty much it didn’t give, give different people enough time to even hop on at all. And it’s already over. So for Facebook live to get more traction, ideally over 10 minutes is really good. Now another platform that you can use, and actually we’ve had, uh, we’ve had clients who just create one Facebook live, do it really well, and then run ads to it and bring new patients in the door. Right? So you just need to know what to say. That actually brings a new patients, and then you don’t only have to create what you don’t have to create a lot. Um, the other, um, ask the other possibility in terms of, of social media platform, um, for doing video to actually bring in new patients is YouTube.
So why is YouTube really great as a, to consider? So YouTube is people are actually going there to search for answers. They’re not just kind of surfing and then, Oh, they happen to see your Facebook live, right? They they’re actually looking for answers to their problems. So, and more people are actually starting to watch more and more YouTube videos. Um, just think about yourself. Do you ever watch YouTube videos too? Well, even if you don’t other people do as well. So, um, and the nice part about YouTube is that it’s like, it’s essentially a search engine. And, and then did you notice that if you, if you type things into Google, YouTube videos actually end up coming up, but not other kinds of videos come up as, as readily. I mean, Facebook lives do come up also. I’ve seen it, but it’s, but what do you, what do they tend to prefer as putting on top, like the first page?
Usually for people it’s usually YouTube videos. So what are some hot tips about YouTube videos? If you wonder, well, what am I going to actually say, say on YouTube questions and answers like frequently asked kinds of questions are good kinds of questions to, to put up on YouTube. And then, um, the big, and then another hot tip is you could do a video. That’s more about, you know, uh, how to, uh, how to find a good acupuncture, how to find a good acupuncturist, or you could, you could mention how to find a good, um, where to find a good acupuncturist and then put your city and state where you’re located in, because then, then that can also help with the search algorithms to actually help people find you locally. So those are a couple of, of hot tips in terms of length of a video for, for YouTube. Is that it also, it tends to build over time. Like if you, it tends to work better, if there’s a cumulative effect of your videos, if you do more videos versus just like a couple of them, right? Like if you, if you do videos at least once a week, um, over the course of a year, I promise you that you’re going to start getting more organic traffic. It’s definitely more of a long game than a short game. Right.
So Facebook live, it could be more of a short game if you do it well and do it early and do it, just do just one, like do one really well. And then do, you know, run, run ads to it. So now let’s wrap up with what, what is, what can you actually do if you’re feeling like, Oh my gosh, that’s just so not me where I feel like I have to create content all the time. It’s like, I don’t want to feel like I have to create, create new content all the time. I don’t have time for that. I just want to see patients. Um, so what can you do? This is what our clients actually doing. That’s, shortcutting all, this is actually creating just one webinar that converts and then doing it over and over and over again in front of different audiences.
So you could either do it in front of other audiences, or you could even get it automated and then have it bring patients in with just one webinar that, that works great, because then you don’t have to come up with new topic or content or anything like that. You literally just have to create one, that’s it, not 10, not 20, not spend time on social media all the time when you don’t have time, but literally just one webinar that converts. And what does that mean by one webinar that converts, it means that because there’s a difference between just educating people on, on what you have to offer, versus being able to also inspire new patients to come from it. It’s a very different skillset. How can you do both? How can you not only educate, but also inspire new patients come from it. So that’s something that I’m covering in an upcoming free training that I’m doing.
So, um, feel free to, if you have an interest in it, feel free to just type in the chat about it, and then that you’re interested and then I’ll, um, make sure to, to reply to you and send you the link to register for that. So, um, it’s really excited for you and about shortcutting things so that you aren’t feeling like you have to spend all the time on social media when you either don’t already have time for it. Or you’re like me more of introvert where, you know, it’s not like we always want to be displaying or our public lives. I mean, despite this way, everything about our private lives all the time, every single day, like 5 million posted a week or something, you know, in terms of like, Oh, I need to post like twice a day or three times a day, it just feels exhausting.
Right? So let’s simplify things have just few things like, or just even one, like I mentioned, right. Work well for you. So you can focus on seeing patients and doing what you enjoy the most. So with that, I look forward to, uh, Oh, and if you want the templates for the, um, free scripts that can help you with getting more new patients from social media, any social media platform. And the best part is that you can actually use these templates, like literally copy and paste. You can use this in all kinds of situations, even if you’re never on social media, whether it’s on your website, that you actually have an in a way to, to lead interested people into booking an appointment with you. Like what, what could you say that would get them more interested rather than, Oh yeah, just call it car office.
Right? Uh, or if you’re talking to people in, um, you can incorporate some of these things as well. So, so it’s, it’s going to be useful for you across the board and, and you don’t even have to be on social media, or if you want to be on social media, then it’s certainly going to help you instead of feeling like you’re just spending all this time posting. So, but nothing much else is happening for, from it. So go ahead and, and go, go to the link. And then I look forward to look forward to, to, um, you getting the downloads to help you right now, and then also getting you insight into, um, your practice and certainly happy to see if and how we can help you grow faster this year. So, um, yeah. Let’s have your practice take off this year.
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