Acupuncture Malpractice Insurance AAC Bill Reddy on the Affordable Care Act and the AOM Profession

The following is an actual transcript of the American Acupuncture Council Live Event with Marilyn Allen and Bill Reddy. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible; however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors. If you have any questions about the transcript or would like to request any transcripts from our previous shows, feel free to contact us at 866-802-4476.

Marilyn Allen: Hello, everybody, and welcome. I’m Marilyn Allen. Thank you for joining us this morning. We have a very special guest today. His name is Bill Reddy. He’s a Licensed Acupuncturist. He practices in Virginia, and we’re very happy, because he has served on a number of task forces for NCCAOM. He also serves on the Executive Committee of the Integrated Health Policy Consortium. He’s the former President of the Acupuncture Society of Virginia. He’s also the former President of AAAOM. He’s very involved, both nationally and internationally, but he’s going to talk to us today and chat with us about the Affordable Care Act, and maybe some other things, if we have time. Hello, Bill, and welcome.
Bill Reddy: Hi, there, Marilyn. I did want to mention, I was Vice President of the AAAOM, so I don’t want to puff up my status.
Marilyn Allen: Oh, okay. Bill, tell us just a little bit about how you’re involved with the Integrated Health Policy Consortium.

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