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Acupuncture Malpractice Insurance – The Concept of Yin Fire in Pediatrics Part 2



I’m going to be, this is going to be part two of YinFire

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Hi, my name is Moshe Heller, and I’m from Moshen Herbs, and also Jingshen Pediatrics I’m going to be, this is going to be part two of YinFire, and I want to thank the American Acupuncture Council for hosting me. And so let’s go right into the slides. Okay, so the first herb of of this formula, or, and the emperor herb, is Huang Qi radix astragali, and it really works on supporting the, helping the spleen raise the clear qi up, and so it is it actually addresses the main mechanism, and Lidongyuan really like this herb to be included because it also helps support the lung qi and and the exterior and regulate the the opening and closing of the pores, meaning that it helps to close and prevent spontaneous sweating because of this relationship between the spleen and the lung.

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Li Dongyuan said that when the spleen is when the earth is deficient, then the suffering next phase will be the metal or lung. Therefore by support, by choosing Huang Chi, not only are you supporting the main mechanism that’s failing in the spleen, but you are also supporting the lung.

It’s also very interesting that I remember learning with Ted Kaptchuk this learning about Huang Chi, and he said and stressed the idea that if you want. Something. You wanna take something to help you do something? Take one Q. If you try to take RenQian for that thing, it won’t make you do anything, it’ll make you stop and think.

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So RenQian actually works more on this kind of ability to process thought, whereas HuangQi actually activates and make you, helps you, give you energy to do things. So that’s like at the core of this formula Baichu again is another minister that helps in the transformation of dampness and for, and the transport, transportation and transformation process of the spleen Zhegansao supports that too and helps in harmonizing.

It’s very interesting that DongWei is included in this formula because DongWei actually provides a balance for RenShen and FengQi and allows them to be more balanced by supporting the ying qi aspect of the, um, the process. And as we know, dang gui is the herb that supports the qi of the blood.

So it’s the more yang aspect of the blood. And that’s why dang gui is really important in supporting balancing qi and blood. And and harmonizing the functions of formula. ChenP is included also to support the transfer, moving the qi and supporting the transformation and transportation.

Meaning that the tonifying, cloying nature of the above herbs are mitigated by ChenP. And then the most interesting part of Buzongi Chitang is the last two envoys, the Shengma and Chaihu, which together are, they’re both in the warm acrid section and of herbs. So you might think, oh, this is not a great formula or combination for fevers, but Actually, Buzhou Nishitang is a very important herb for combination for fevers, as that’s what Li Dongyuan made it for.

And the idea is that the warm, acrid nature of Shengmai and Chaihu, other than lifting the yang and supporting that kind of uplifting effect it also helps in warming and helping with the issues of the spleen vacuity. So this is an amazing formula. It has a lot of variations and can be used for a wide variety of symptoms.

As when we read about it in Bensky, there are three main symptoms. Patterns that yeah, that it addresses, one of them, the collapse of the central gene, meaning we know it for collapse of organs like hemorrhoids and stuff like that. But originally that was that was an expansion of this formula, but it’s an amazing formula, as I said, and has a lot of application, a lot of variations.

I invite you to check it out. explore it and use it. And it’s it’s quite an interesting combination. Thank you for listening. And please visit first of all, Moshen Herbs. This is my herb, the herb company, which I Buzong Mi Qi Tang is not there, but there are many herbs that you can use and also Jingxuan Pediatrics is where we might present some of those lectures.

So this is the end of part two of the concept of yin Fire in Pediatrics. I would like to thank the American Acupuncture Council for hosting this talk. And I hope to see you soon. Thank you.

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