If you are an acupuncture clinic owner, you understand that your business must have some protection. You can realize that by obtaining acupuncture owners’ insurance. However, getting one can be more complex than it appears to be. For one, not all insurers can offer an insurance policy that best fits your unique needs. For another, an overwhelming number of providers say they are the best in town, which can challenge your decision-make process as you choose from plenty of options.
If you are to buy acupuncture owners insurance, here are some options to consider adding to your custom-designed policy to have more comprehensive coverage.
Professional liability insurance. It offers protection for you from potential malpractice lawsuits., which is necessary considering how delicate the nature of acupuncture services and our litigious society are. Remember, acupuncturists like you are still vulnerable to lawsuits – even in the absence of professional errors.
Business personal property. It offers protection to the named insured for lost, stolen, or damaged property of the business, such as equipment. For example, a treatment table, furniture, or other business property not a permanent fixture of the building structure can fall under this insurance policy.
Premises liability. Commonly called slip or trip and fall insurance. This endorsement covers the potential risks of a guest on the premises alleging damage to their personal property or injury in the clinic area, such as slipping from a wet spot on the floor, tripping on a frayed rug, or fainting and falling off the treatment table.
The acupuncture industry has been experiencing a rapid expansion in recent years due to rising demands. We expect this to continue as data suggest more and more people seek alternative treatments. Make sure your business is ready for a potential surge of more clients and issues that may come along with it.
Protect your acupuncture business today. Get a comprehensive insurance policy.
Online looking for a reputable company that offers acupuncture owners insurance? Contact us here at the American Acupuncture Council today at (800) 838-0383.