Hello. I’m Dr. Yair Maimon. I would like to thank the American Acupuncture Council to put up this show and to share this knowledge with everybody today, lecture is about a bit unusual lecture. It’s all about tears on the verge of tears in Chinese medicine. My interest in Chinese medicine started from understanding better human life and to kind of get a better knowledge of who we are, what we are doing here as humans. And, uh, and this led me into investigating different aspects. It’s obviously a Chinese medicine and one special aspect to do with human life is humans are the only one that have hearing. And as we know, tears have a great value and an impact, uh, on, on our life as humans.
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So I set up this exploration of tears and why human tears looking into the classics. And I would like to share with you some of the findings and, and, and to go deeper in, into tiering from the physiological and pathological point of view and chapter 81, it was actually the first one that kind of caught my eyes about tears when it had a very interesting view on it, on sadness and in tears.
And it says the gene of water is easy and the jingle fire is Shen. So, first of all, it’s talks about this two hours aspect of gene. One relates to fire and one relates to water as well. We’ll see the more, we’ll try to understand tears. We’ll see the distance. So unique meeting in the eyes of the Shan from the heart and the gene and the water of the gene coming from the bladder and related to the, to the watery nature itself of the kidney, the interaction of water and fire. It causes sadness of both dizzy and the shame. And this is why the tears is running out through the eyes. So this is the explanation already. It’s so good. 81, about this interaction of what they’re in fire. And it shows us also the connection of the heart and Shen in the eyes. The more we’ll explore this connection, the moon, we’ll see this direct deep connection of the Shen and the eyes, and also the gene and the eyes.
And as we know, only human tears. And if we go deep into understand attending Chinese, uh, medicine, and I’m doing now a lot of work with my attitude into understanding the nature of it, acupuncture and acupuncture points and going into the inner alchemy. And whenever you exploring in their alchemy, you have to position this deep of this deep understanding of positioning men between heaven and earth is the key point. And men can communicate both with heaven and can communicate with earth. And this explain us very deeply peers, because when we look at it from the human perspective, you through this connection of the heart, and the shame is what makes us who we are human is our ability to sense and feel and see the purpose in life. And the deeper meaning is what makes us unique. And on this number one, understanding the tears relates to the heart and relates to the Shen.
And the heart is the one that houses the shed. And as we know, all the emotions are filtered through the heart. So when the heart is full with emotion, it overflows to the heart, to the eyes and to create tears. This is mentioned in link shoe 98 and 36. And actually even in this, in LinkShare 36, it’s X talks about this [inaudible] this deep, uh, pathway or Meridian, or my zone mites called, which talks about this, uh, pathway from the heart to the eyes to form tears. This whole ancestral mind is a very interesting to do as our relationship was the gene in our ancestral energy and our individuality. And, uh, when, when we look at the explanation, I bought this relationship of the heart and the eyes, the emperor says that it’s again. So in 81 that the heart is the specially concentrated essence of the five Zangs.
They all come to the eyes and the eyes is their orifice. And that’s when men has the virtue and the cheese hormone. When men, men has a vitro, the cheese harmonious in the eyes and that’s practitioners. When we look at the patient eyes, when the eyes, they have the good shine to them and the good structure and the good kind of expression, we know that all the five dogs are in order or can work in order for me, it’s the greatest prognosis in the clinic. And, and the, the, the greatest worries, if I see that something in the eyes are not going in the correct way, and this is also unique because you can see the visual of the person also through the eyes. This is why I call this lecture also in the virtue, but also we’ll see on the suffering. So both will manifest through the eyes, through this connection of the Shan and heart in the eyes.
Then the eyes are also called is, is, you know, Shen men. The same is hard. Seven, the gate of the channel, the gate of the spirit. And this is the place where the spirit enters and exits. And this is the place where we have an exchange. So interestingly enough, all the things are going are happening in the eyes and also the peers. So we are already building this deep understanding that the highs have a special, um, aspects in human life. They have a special importance and it’s to do with the shame, but it’s also to do with the Shen, like it’s a gate. So something is coming out and coming in from the eyes. And so the eyes is like a mirror of our spirit. And the eyes is also where the bladder channel starts. So the eyes is also where the gene is connected.
So this is the place. And if you think about tears, as you know, tears are fluid, they’re water, they’re actually manifestation of gene. So this is again, this place where gene and Shane are meeting. So this very unique meeting of something very essential of life is happening in the eyes. If you look at the eyes, all the different aspects of the spirit are presented men. There’s different way to understand and diagnose the eyes. But the inner counter is to do with the shame or also with the heart. The white of the heart is to do with DePaul or with the lung. The pupil itself is to do with the Z or the kidney. And we know when there is a lot of fear, the pupil grow. And when the pupil is over dilated all the time, it shows that something in Dezeen the DJing in the kidneys room, also, when you see that people had the drug abused or were traumatized, or even head trauma in the past, you will see the size of the pupil slightly enlarged.
And the colors of the eyes is to, with the home and the liver. And then the eyelids are to do more with the, and Blunden wine is really another place that we have to investigate and understand because bladder one is where the tree tears drain from. This is the area where there is this manifestation of the gene, the mistake manifestation of the brightness, and the, also the watering of the eyes come from that area. So interestingly enough, the kidney channel starts at kidney one at the bottom of the foot and the bladder channel, which is the young of the water. And the end of the water starts in the eyes. I’m doing another work to him in kind of feel looking with another two colleagues. Maybe if you heard my other lectures, we are talking about unfolding all the deeper dynamic of the Meridian system and understanding the inner alchemy, especially they in there are committed, always take alchemy, which is behind the channels and the points.
So this is one of the places you can see that there is a deep form of exchange to do with the water and fire and to do with the kidney and bladder. And that’s why blood there. One starts at the eye and keep the one starts at the bottom of our feet and in the earth. So you see that the yin and yang of water who have an interplay with Jean and with our inner, uh, essences are one of them is starting in the eye. And one is starting at the basic connection to earth. So understanding bladder one is also to do with understanding the mechanism of tears and the reason for human to tear, and it’s called bright eyes or DJing mean, and this is if we look also anatomically, this is where the tear ducts are, uh, excreting the tears, um, from their formation area.
So, and by the way, one of the great treatment for blocked tear ducts, especially in children can be bladder 67 or small intestine one, but not a 67 is the one we’ll use very often. And it’s very effective time blocking the, uh, ducting dye. And this is the reason why, because it’s the opposite to a bladder one. So this is the place where this power of the gene is manifesting and connecting with the power of the Shan. And this is as we started this place of human life of connecting heaven and earth and connecting this deep human potential and expressing it to the world, even if the swell words are sounding a bit big, but this is the true human design. And this is the design of the eyes. This is the design of the way we can express our deeper inner part. And this is also in the clinic, how we diagnose and see, and for the ancient Chinese, who looked at the nature of men and the universe, uh, and, and they were the one exploring the deep physiology of human life.
This is one of the way to understand why blood, the one is where it is, but the one, by the way, it’s the place where all the young channel are connected. It’s one of the most connecting place for being there, all the Ang channel express, except for the large intestine. And this is the place where they [inaudible] extra meridians, which are to do again with opening and closing your eyes with moving from awareness and being awake to withdrawing and going in for moving from the energy to moving up to the eyes, into the head. And then as you’re closing down it’s night. And so, so many things are to do with bladder one, and there’s many treatments relates to bladder one, uh, actually one day, maybe I’ll go every night just to blend the one I did on some points. Um, cause there’s really many extra, especially extreme cases of insomnia, of, um, a epilepsy and narrow collapsing and others that can be treated with bladder while it’s appointed.
I use in the clinic, I can’t say very often, but I use it quite often and many people are afraid to needles, but it’s a very transformative point, has all acupuncture is very transformative. So, um, it affects the pituitary gland by the way. So it has many, many functions and it explains also the location of the point of all the, uh, meridians that are meeting there. And that’s why it has such a large implication. So until now we kind of explore the eyes, bladder one and human on this. Very, I can say deep aspect of being a human of connecting heaven and earth and the deepest aspect of being able to connect and express heaven. And in the other part of the lecture, I want to live, move into the men level and into the earth level and on the main level. So we are moving into the number five men level is always expressed on the number five, and this is the five element, but all the other aspects of deeply understanding that and number five, and then we’ll move later to the earth level.
We’ll move to the Jean and water. And this is our deep essence and our individuality. So, and so when we’ll move to this gene level and our individuality, uh, we can, again, Komatsu in 81, and it says, tears is the Supreme yin, the very pure essence of the kidney, the water of the ancestral essence that come up. And that’s why a lot of time you can feel that your heart or your eyes are full of tears. When you have certain memories, sometimes it’s a clear memory, but sometimes it’s kind of, you can see a movie, you can see something and suddenly your eyes are full with tears and you didn’t even understand why, but something in you is recognizing something, recognizing the scene, recognizing that something which is going on because it’s to do with our gene, with our ancestral energy, that has also a feeling of our ancestral life. And because we do carry all our ancestors in our gene. So this is the pure, very pure aspect of the ene of the gene, which is manifesting on the level of the eyes. And, uh, and it manifests something which is to do with our own. Um, I can say story here on this earth or on the individual,
Uh, um,
Lineage and transformation. And so again, we talked about having now I talked in this last sentence a little bit about the gene and individuality, and now I want to move into this five aspects of how as men we experienced the tears and how tears are manifested manifesting on the men level. And the men level is to do with our emotions, with the way the emotions are moving through the heart. There are seven emotions, but really there, you can look at a five main physiological emotions, which has to do with the five elements. And this is the movement of this emotions are moving through the hearts and each one of them actually manifest in tears. So we have really five different types of tears. And it’s interesting because, uh, I read quite a lot about tears. And then there is a lot of research. You’ll be surprised how much research about the reason about tears and tears, countries, different tears contain different substances.
And there’s many substances in tears. There is hormones like Kralik teen. Um, there’s an Kathleen’s, there is corticosteroid hormones, uh, and Catholics for example, are natural painkillers and tears are actually seen as a powerful pain relief. And, you know, when people are in great pain in the childhoods, it’s very, and they suddenly bring peers in Sunday. There is a dramatic pain relief. So, um, and the crying also, this is, again, more from Western medicine, sends many signals to the brain and some of them are signals that are really relieving pain. And that’s why when there is extreme pain, people will hear, or even the heart pain, but also physical pain and people who can peer, they have this natural killing natural, uh, um, pain relief effect from the tears. So suddenly the tears themselves are enhancing this pain relief, but tears overall are relieving pain.
And when we go deeper, this is another reason why we tear is because of some pain, either inner pain or external pain, the tears that we all are very, uh, always know it’s the grief, the tears of the lung. So this is the metal cures. And, uh, and this is to do, as we also seen in, in, um, the swing, uh, 81 at the beginning, this is like the, the lunchy, the deep grief is pushing this tear out through this mechanism of the heart. And then we have this tears and there are tears of sadness, tears of separation. But in, in a way, we can also say that there are tears of flooding, golf, something of, of a lounge ourself through connecting through our Shen of letting golfs something and, and, and taking the beauty out of it and letting go of the physical part of it.
Um, interestingly enough, again, also the pension tastes like something which is very, very pungent will make you tear. It was also to do with this mechanism of the lung that making this movement of fluids up to the eyes. And, you know, if it’s something very, very pungent, you will get tears. And this is to do with this mechanism. There is also, the tears are coming connected to the, uh, all the openings. And, and also when there is a tears and before the tears, there is also over watering of the nose and you know, that you get this Sabi nose. And so this liquids are pathing from the eyes also through the nozzle Coventry. And this has to do, uh, with the lung and to do with the metal. Um, so it’s very, as sometimes you can even access tiering, uh, treat through metal and through the lung.
Um, it’s an interesting passage. Uh, also it’s when a person is very sad, but doesn’t cry. So the fluid doesn’t come up to formal tears. This will injure the kidneys, and we know there is a whole process of over grief or grief for over too long, too long time. Well, we can the gene. So this is another connection of the lung to the kidney. Obviously it’s connected in breathing and the ability to breathe, breathe deep, but also from the eyes. So actually crying will enable to release and move the kidney gene in a positive way to connect to the land and, and this, um, in the sense, the tears from grief, our physiological and this, if they’re purifying and they’re allowing space, and this is the main thing, aspect of the log is to create space and to purify and to let go. And, and to when there is sadness, there is an appropriate sympathy and ability to then the difficulty to lap go.
But the tears are allowing this process to go naturally. And this is what helps us to grow. And if it did stop, then the person is stuck and there is lack of growth. And there is a lot of pathologies which are coming another interesting cures. The eyes are related to the liver, and there is many passengers, uh, that relates to deliver and tears. And, uh, and obviously wind when there is when the I will tear. And there is. And so in 23, this is mentioned and, uh, also in, so in 42, there’s a lot of passages. If you start to look at there, um, eh, the majoring does many, the passengers that slowly, slowly, slowly, you can to get a deeper, deeper understanding of tears. And the nature of tears Andrews makes the Chico app and the eyes relates to deliver into the home. So too much anger will also create tears.
And, um, and this tiers, by the way, they use also from ween and also cues from allergy, which will be related to liver and inward are to do with protection. I’m also protecting the eyes and cause interesting. There’s been a research, actually, an even published research from the Weitzman Institute in Israel. And they researchers found, it, found that in women’s studies here, there is a substances which reduces direct testosterones in aggression. And there were even trying to develop this kind of spray, was this substance against a rapist and it gets raped. You know, so men were aggressive or, or so you can actually spray and it reduces testosterone. And it does, you know, when a woman cry for a man, there is a reaction, but it’s okay, interesting that there is actually a substance that you can not isolate. And, uh, so, um, and, and the substance itself reduces to tester testosterone in men.
And, uh, it has been also found out that emotionally then tears, when women tear, it reduces the sexual arouses in men. There’s been, by the way, a lot of research about tears, social aspects, emotional aspects, communicational aspect. Here we are focusing only on the Chinese medicine part, but believe me, the deeper I went into tears, I was Shopkins even there’s a whole books about just research on that tears. Um, so, and I’m given in frustration, we’ll make the deliberate to tear, but also there is tears of hope of seeing the future of, of suddenly being hopeful fully about something. So they gain, there will be this tears, which relates to the wood on every aspect. I’m trying to show the negative tears, but also the positive tears. And there is the heart tears that reflecting. They’re also lonely. I mean, as a broken heart, tears is one of the tears that many people experience.
And this is the kind of classical way to see the relationship of the heart and the emotion of love and broken heart. Cause we say broken heart, but in Chinese medicine in actually has a meaning. It relates to the heart and this overflow for emotions are going up to the eyes and create tears. But there is also the other aspects of cues of joy and laughter and being inspired and being touched by something it’s the same. The tears are related to the heart and our ability to join and enjoy and, and, and laugh and share and, and being in a good spirit, uh, which is to do with our hearts. So only human cry and this response reflects the virtue, our ability to connect, to get excited and to get inspired, but also it reflects the deepest pain in men. And this is like a small thing that I want to finish this lecture with is explaining the different aspects of human pain that relates to tears because the emotions that are overflowing to the heart and, and, uh, uh, relating to on one hand TA pain and also neck on a very deep aspect, also healing, uh, are very specific.
So I would like to kind of focus on the three different aspects, the tears that relates to pain, but also the tears that relates to compassion and the tears that relates to healing. So here we are on a different level of explaining human tears. And as I said, even before, also in re in research, it has been found out that he is a pain reliever, but, uh, when the heart is overwhelmed with emotion, then the tears are coming and they’re purifying and they’re relieving the pain. And they’re an enabling healing. They’re also enabling us sometimes to suddenly understand and see something. And it’ll be many people will experience it. After they’ve been tearing underneath, they can get a deeper insight into their emotion. And there is tears of compassion. If we see another human in pain or in suffering, we are hearing in a way to ease their pain.
We are tearing because we are, we feel compassion close to their pain and as human, this is the way we should relate to each other. We should feel compassion to each other and we should try our best to alleviate somebody’s pain. And this has been the normal human behavior. If somebody doesn’t hear doesn’t have feeling when somebody else is suffering, then it shows that something very deep on the mind level and Mondays emotions is altered. This is not working well. Uh, there’s a few lectures just on this topics, uh, which are explaining why are behaving sometimes. So strangely and even the yellow emperor mentioned in sometimes 80, well, it says no theories because the spirit has no compassion. And if the spirits have no confess compassion, then the wheel has no sadness. So it is something very deep at this on the human level at this person, which is not working well.
He has no compassion and no sadness and no ability to reflect it. And that’s really explains a lot of psychiatric and psychotic situation. So we see that the tiers of the heart are very unique and the tears of the hearts are this deep longing for oneness. The tears of the heart is deep ability to the heart to connect to the shame. And this deep connection can bring healing and can bring, uh, our ability to, to not just to connect to something higher, but to connect to, to human experience overall. And, and this is to me, I think the place where I started to explore the whole aspect of tears, because I had a very deep feeling that this is to do with this uniqueness of men and this tears of the, how does the most touching this uniqueness of being, uh, this deep longing, or this deep feeling also of oneness, uh, not just with the world, but with something which is greater than us.
Um, I have, by the way, some other lectures here, I’m just really touching on this aspect of tears. Um, so if you’re interested, there’s a very interesting lecture about this different types of the depression, where I follow, um, different. I actually taking the DSM five, which is the way how you classify depression and bringing it into the Chinese medical understanding and my main interest in, in my own deepening, my, my knowledge and ability to treat him in Chinese medicine is focused either on gene, where I’m interested in cancer and do a lot of research in cancer, but also how to communicate well to cancer patients and on Shan, where I’m interested in, in how acupuncture can transform on the deepest level human life, both pathology on the physical level, but also on the mind and chin level. So if you’re interested, you can always visit the TCM Academy where I’ve quite plenty of lecture there. Um, so you’re welcome to watch them. So this is like a bit more on tears and to summarize, uh, with the tears of the heart and the joy, I would like to leave this lecture when they,
On the happy note, especially in this times, you know, when there is a lot of loneliness and isolation, we should connect more to joy and heart and communication. So from Shane to Shane, thank you very much and all the best and all the best of health for you all. Um, this is another opportunity to thank the American Acupuncture, Council to put up this show and to facilitate it for the benefit of our community. So thank you very much and all the best.
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