…when we think about health and we think about wellness and Chinese medicine, we think about yin and yang, cheap blood fluids, the meridian system and the organ systems.
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Hi, my name is Shellie Goldstein, Dr. Shellie Goldstein. Welcome to the American Acupuncture Council. Today’s presentation is Facial Acupuncture for health and Wellness. I am specialist in cosmetic facial acupuncture, but today we’re gonna talk about health and wellness because they are com overlap and they interlink.
So let’s get started. Let’s start with the PowerPoint presentation.
Most of us know who are acupuncturists, that when we think about health and we think about wellness and Chinese medicine, we think about yin and yang, cheap blood fluids, the meridian system and the organ systems. As a specialist in cosmetic facial acupuncture, what I love about treating
The body and treating the face is the correlation between the face and the rest of the body. We know that we have meridians running up and down the body. We know that we are affected by the state of health of our organ systems. We also know that all of the young meridians. Either start or end on the face.
What we may or may not remember is when you think about the organ systems, each of those systems has a sense system. Now, whether it be the eyes, the nose, the ears, the mouth, meaning, What we see, what we smell, what we hear, what we taste, and they affect and are affected by the state of health of each of the organ systems and the meridians, because remembering that the meridians run through the different organs, assume their name and pick up the characteristics of that.
System, that organ system. But then again, the meridians affect the organs as well. So we know it’s that yin y balance, that the complimentary dynamics between the meridians and the organ systems and the health of our body. But also remember that when you see things, when you hear things, when you smell things, when you taste things, it creates a sensory stimulation, some type of proprioception where we are in the world, but also.
Not just on a physical level, but on an emotional and energetic level as well. So when we surround ourselves with beautiful things visually, we feel relaxed, we feel at peace. As opposed to when we see something that’s awful or horrifying or frightening, then those emotions get reflected in the body as well.
The same with our, or with our sense of hearing. If we hear soft music, like we heard as we were starting the live stream of this presentation, it’s very soothing music. It’s very lovely and it brings peace and harmony within as opposed to seeing, hearing something loud, abrasive, shocking. Disturbing. It sets up that a different dynamic within the body as well.
Same with smell, same with taste. So the emotional activity that gets triggered when we experience something is very much a part of the reflection of what’s going on inside and reflects in terms of affecting how we are. Feelings, feeling both on a physical and emotional and a spiritual level. So in that sense, the face is a very important part of the diagnostic and treatment of health and wellness.
So we can diagnose what’s going on in the body by looking at the face, because remembering that our muscles are tissue. Interstitial tissue, the connective tissue, all of the different aspects of the layering from skin to bone holds that memory, particularly the connective tissue holds the memory of that experience.
If we process that experience and let it go, then it let’s go in the connective tissue of the di of the face. When we hold onto that experience, that also gets reflected in the face. And so we can look at the face as an big organ, one big facial organ map. And when we look at different parts of the face, each of those organ systems are reflected.
For example the forehead and the eye. Browse is related to the liver and the gallbladder system. The spleen and the pancreas is the eyelids and across the bridge of the nose the kidneys run underneath the eyes and on the chin and the ears. The lungs are the cheeks. The heart is the tip of the nose and the stomach and the intestines is, and the reproductive organs are around.
The mouth and what that means is that disharmony in those organ systems is reflected in the face, whether it be in terms of wrinkles tissue sagging skin disharmonies, acne, rosacea, breakouts, or just red pitted skin rosacea. Any disharmony on the surface of the skin or in the deeper layers of the skin is reflected by the organ systems and a reflection of the organ systems in turn of their health and wellbeing.
And then when there’s a disharmony in the organ systems, it is reflected and pass through. The different meridians. So what’s nice about treating the face is that it’s a wonderful tool and an opportunity to both diagnose what’s going on in the body, but also to treat, because as we treat the face, we have an effect on the state of the lungs, the state of the liver, the state of the spleen, the state of the heart, the state of the kidneys.
And we can harmonize both from a meridian’s perspective, but also from an organ. System, we can make a difference just by treating the face. Now, we know from our cosmetic acupuncture world that we’re not when we treat wrinkles, when we treat sagging skin, when we treat different skin conditions, we’re not just treating the surface of the skin, but we’re treating from within as well.
And that means that when we treat. For cosmetic facial acupuncture or for health and healing. We don’t just put points in the face, of course not. What we’re gonna do is we are going to do our diagnostics, tongue pulse pattern of is harmony, and then we’re gonna treat accordingly and we’re going to use the face as a treatment, as a diagnostic tool and a validation of what we find when we do our tongue pulled and questions.
So what I would like to do today is help you to understand how to treat the face by going through a very simple facial exercise. It’s an acupressure exercise, so it’s something that you can do at home. It’s something that you can . Do on yourself. It’s something that you can do with your patient and acupressure.
We know that acupuncture and acupressure are both ancient healing techniques that have been acknowledged for their effectiveness by both Western medicine and eastern medicine, and supported by thousands of scientific studies around the world. We know that acupressure and acupuncture are based on the same fundamental principles of acupuncture point activation across all of the meridians.
We know that acupressure is basically pressure applied with the hand fingers or an instrument assisted device at specific acupuncture points to adjust and balance the flow of energy. And the National Institute of Health Database offers hundreds of studies on the use of acupressure in the treatment of dozens of conditions, including a allergies, chronic fatigue, constipation, insomnia, musculoskeletal disorders, heart disease, pain, and stroke.
And we know as acupuncturist, there are many more health issues that acupuncture and acupressure treat. I wrote a book in 2016 called Your Best Face. Now look Younger in 20 Days with a Do It Yourself Acupressure facelift. And I also created the Touch and Glow Acupuncture assisted. It’s an acupressure assisted tool.
In my book, I outline a number of different techniques for facial harmony. But also for health and body. And the acupressure technique that we’re gonna learn now is based on some of the systems or some of the parts of the book that, that I wrote and the photographs that I took for the book.
So let’s get started. Let’s just have you sit back, relax, take breath. And relax, blow out. Exhale. Let’s lift your shoulders up. Drop them. Lift your shoulders up, drop them. Rotate your neck.
And stretch it out. And I’m actually gonna lift my glasses up so you can see my face, because I’m going to walk you through an acupressure technique that is going to improve health and wellness of not just your face, but your body as well. It’s very relaxing and I think that you’ll enjoy it. So let’s start by opening the neck.
I’m going to. Place my fingers at the top of the Ss c m. So if you go to the jaw area and slide your fingers up to the top of the neck to where the cervical, where the skull meets the cervical vertebra. And slide forward to the top of the Ss c m, the sternum Plato mastoid muscle. And then we’re just gonna massage down the Ss c m to the clavicle.
I just massage. Now I’m gonna do it five to 10 times. And in doing so, what we’re doing is not only we’re relaxing the neck, but we’re also helping to reduce tissue inflammation by improving lymphatic drainage, which means that if you have allergies or if you have any type of congestion in this area, what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna feel that coming down in the form of kind of a saliva on your throat, you may need to swallow good.
Okay, now take your fingers, go behind your neck, and you’re just, you’re gonna take these four fingers and you are going to place them starting at Bladder 12 T, nsu, and Gallbladder 20 Thank Chi and Andon. If you don’t exactly know where they are, it’s okay. Just place your fingers at the base of your oput on the outer, outside of the spine.
And feel for areas that are tight and just gently massage these points with the pressure that feels comfortable for you. And it doesn’t matter if you go clockwise or counterclockwise. Just massage those points five to 10 times good. Make sure that you breathe good, right? Excellent. And now slide your finger to what we call triple heater 17 or yen.
Yen is where the star is on the image. So you you have the corner of the jaw and the lower aspect of the ear lobe. It’s in between the corner of the jaw, directly under the ear lobe. We’re gonna massage this area. This point is the access point to the facial nerve. So the facial nerve is the nerve, the motor nerve that innervates the entire face and controls all the muscle activity on the face.
So by massaging this point, not only does it improve lymph drainage, but it also helps just to relax all of the muscles of the face. Okay. And now with this point we’re going to take our fingers and keep your finger on this point on Triple eight 17. And then just massage up and down the front of the ear.
So we’re covering Teen Quo, teen Gong and Erman Gall butter two small Intestine 19 and heater.
And then slide your fingers around the back of your ear, back to triple heat 17. Massage triple heater 17 again, and continue to massage up and down the ear in front of the ear
about five times, 10 times, and slide your fingers behind your ears again. Let’s do that one more time. Massaging triple leader 17, and then up and down the front of the ear
and behind the ear. Great, and now let’s slide up to T Young T. Is located in the temples at the end of the eye area. You massage that area. So this is great for any type of stress around the eyes and the face.
And then we’re gonna treat The three points on top of the eyebrow, , and sanju. So again, you can do it with your three fingers. 1, 2, 3, and just place them at the end of the eyebrow, the center of the eyebrow and the middle of the eyebrow at the inner campus of the eyebrow sort a massage.
And big relaxing breath. And now we’re gonna go to our favorite point. It’s yin tongue and we know that yang is the main point for relaxing the body, mind, and the spirit. We don’t do this for about five to 10 times.
And move into the inner aspect of the inside of the corner of the eye to bladder one. And again, this point is used for any type of eye disorder, which we know affects the liver system, and it’s used to relax and open and brighten the eyes. And then we can stomach one and stomach two, or right on top of each other, above and below the orbital bone.
So use the flat part of your finger to capture both of them
and just massage ching cheese. See by feel relaxing.
And then back to
and let’s repeat that sequence again. Oops, sorry. We’re gonna go back up to the eyebrows, the top of the eyebrows.
End tone.
Water one.
Stomach one and stomach two.
Cool. And this time we’re gonna slide down the nose. To lateral to the side. Yeah. Lateral to the side of the nose, and we’re going to type. Stomach. Three is underneath the eyes, lateral to the side of the nose, small intestine. 18 is at the outer canthus of the eye, lateral to stomach three. And then stomach seven is lateral to that in front of the ear, and we’re just gonna massage his points.
Three fingers, just massage his points.
Good. Don’t forget to breathe.
And then slide down to stomach four. Deep tongue. It’s at the corner of the mouth.
We use this point a lot in facial acupuncture. It is the connection to all of the muscles of the face that connect from the mouth to the eyes and to the collar. Very important point. And then take your thumb. Place your thumb underneath your jaw. And then the top and the fingers, the first four fingers, and then just slide out to stomach six stomach sixes.
I use it the corner of the jaw. The angle of the jaw. We’re gonna slide, slide,
slide. And then come back. Come back to the S C M
and slide down to the clavicle.
Now let’s repeat that again. I won’t talk this much. So again, ing your fingers. See on Zoom,
circling around feeling for those tight areas
and then slide to offense directly into the.
And then massaging
ting gong air mine, and slide behind your ears. Come back to triple heat. 17.
Slide up and down in front of the ears. At this point, you should start feeling new, smooth, relaxed. It’s a great, this combination around the ear is really good. If you can’t sleep at night, great. Insomnia. It’s really relaxing, super smoothing,
and up to nne, massaging, nne.
It carries so much stress in our eyes
and then coming back.
Nice. Get that little extra massage.
Let’s do that one more time. Slide up.
Under the. I wanna use a little lighter pressure under the eyes
Now to get there, we’re gonna come down. Slide around the corner. Angle of the nose, fingers. Inner canus of the eye. Center of the eye. Center of the eye, outer campus of the eye. And in front of the ear massage
do come.
And thumb under the chin fingers slide out to stomach six, which I g.
And then back down the.
Feel better. I do. So this, again, this is a great short treatment that you can give yourself, you can, and help your patients by showing this to them. It’s very simple, very effective. And I hope you have a nice day. So thank you very much. If you want to learn more about me, you can visit me@hamptonsacupuncture.com or follow me on Instagram.
Again, my name is Shellie Goldstein. I also teach a number of classes through the Pacific College of Health. And we have a symposium coming up. So thank you very much, and again, thank you to the American Acupuncture Council. For having me here today, and I hope you have a lovely, relaxing, peaceful, healthy day.
Thank you. .