Not all acupuncture business insurance policy providers are created equal. Although there are many of them that claim they are the best in the industry, this should not easily convince you. What you need to do is to carefully scrutinize their portfolio. Doing so will make a big difference in terms of the quality of service that you will get.
The question then becomes: What should be your deciding factors when looking for an acupuncture business insurance policy provider? You should include the following in your list of criteria:
Industry experience. No question about it, this should be on top of your list. Some have been providing insurance coverage for acupuncture companies for a year or two, but there are those that have been in this profession for decades. And that can make a significant difference. Note that industry experience refines service expertise. An acupuncture business insurance provider that has been in a decades-long service is way better most of the time, if not all the time, than the newly-established ones. With that said, it makes sense to take into account industry experience as one of your criteria in picking an insurance provider.
Reviews. Your prospects might be claiming they are the best acupuncture business insurance providers in town, but try to checkout the reviews they have received in the past. Are they getting positive reviews? If negative reviews are way more than the positive ones, then that is rather telling. That means you have a compelling reason to cross these prospects out of your list.
Insurance coverage. What are the insurance package inclusions? The best way to answer that is to compare quotes from different prospective acupuncture business insurance providers. That means you need to request quotations from at least three top recommended companies. Then, carefully examine their offers. Ask follow-up questions as much as possible.
The charges. Of course, last but not least are the fees. Try to do some research about the average cost of acupuncture business insurance policy in your area, and then make a comparison. If your prospects are charging way higher than the average market price, consider crossing them out from your prospects list.
Looking for a reputable company that offers acupuncture business insurance policy? Contact American Acupuncture Council today.
Call us at (800) 838-0383.