The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many companies from different industries. That includes the acupuncture sector. Many already have scaled their operation down to their skeletal workforce. The goal is to improve the level of protection versus this health emergency.
As an acupuncture liability insurance provider, we would like to reiterate that it is our goal to keep supporting our clients in any way possible most especially in these challenging times. So, in this post, we want to give some tips about good practices that every acupuncture clinic should consider implementing.
The following will help protect acupuncturists, their staff, and clients from COVID-19.
Opting to virtual consultations – With the help of modern technologies, acupuncturists can make use of virtual consultations. They can use video conferencing for case assessment. Of course, patients should still receive appropriate, evidence-based advice and guidance. Managing any health issues such as pains or disorders should not be a hassle in spite of distance consultation.
Practicing physical distancing – If there is a need for an in-person consultation or during treatment, physical distancing should be followed. This practice should be part of the ‘new normal’ while the medical community is still working to find a COVID-19 cure.
Wearing facemasks, PPEs – While on duty, the use of a mask and other necessary personal protective equipment should be considered. Along with proper handwashing, doing it can help improve the level of protection against COVID-19.
Choosing cashless payment – Instead of paying cash, acupuncturists may require clients to pay cashless. They can opt to go for electronic transactions, credit cards, debit cards, as well as using online payment platforms.
Of course, acupuncture liability insurance coverage should be part of the minimum requirements in running a clinic these days. This is to ensure that acupuncturists, in their practice, are protected from liability lawsuits even during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
For liability insurance inquiries, contact us at (800) 838-0383.