Acupuncturist Business Insurance – 3 Practical Benefits

acupuncturist business insurance

All businesses have a fair share of risk exposure. However, when it comes to companies belonging to the alternative medicine industry, such as acupuncture clinics, the risk is doubled. Why? Because acupuncturists tend to get complaints from patients arising from various issues – like malpractice.

As a licensed acupuncturist in practice, you should put a level of protection in place, safeguarding your business and professional reputation. An acupuncturist business insurance can deliver just that.

Here are three benefits of buying insurance for your acupuncture business:

When a patient claims that your treatment program isn’t effective

What if, after several therapy sessions, your client suddenly stops seeing you for the remaining appointments. A message then follows, asking for a refund for a treatment that did not work. Of course, that claim can be tricky and could end up in a court battle. Such a scenario can cause financial strain on your business because of the associated legal fees. However, when you have liability insurance that covers litigation and restitution fees, you should be okay.

Damaged equipment inside your clinic needing repair

Your acupuncture equipment isn’t immune to dilapidation brought about by natural wear and tear. When used every day, they will eventually break down and need some repair or even replacement. An acupuncture treatment table, for example, can cost between USD 300 and USD 2000 to replace. In multiples, these prices could translate to several thousands of money. However, when you have acupuncturist business insurance that specifically covers the equipment from damage, that could help maintain a healthy balance sheet for your business.

Cybercriminal attack your computer system

When a cybercriminal breaks into your system, stealing crucial business information, that could be a heavy burden for you to carry. It is not only about compromising your business information but your clients’ as well. Stolen social security numbers, birthdays, medical records, and more are matters needing serious attention. Your acupuncture business insurance – with cyber protection provisions – can take care of this issue.

Online looking for a reputable acupuncturist business insurance? Contact us today at (800) 838-0383.