We want to discuss the, uh, low back pain and the significance of the stomach channel. So let’s take a look at that first slide. Our discussion, very short discussion about this topic is going to be looking at the stomach sinew channel from above the knee and into the rib cage region and its influence on low back pain.
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Hello everyone. My name is Matt Callison. I’m here with my colleague Brian Lau and everyone. Uh, thank you to the American Acupuncture Council so much for having us. We want to discuss the, uh, low back pain and the significance of the stomach channel. So let’s take a look at that first slide. Our discussion, very short discussion about this topic is going to be looking at the stomach sinew channel from above the knee and into the rib cage region and its influence on low back pain. Um, the techniques that we’re going to be presenting here today is just something that you can routinely check for low back pain patients to see if the stomach Sr channel is a contributing factor to this person that’s coming in with chronic low back pain. It could actually even be acute low back pain to go ahead and check that as well.
So I think we should probably get going. We’ve got plenty of, of information here. Um, the first slide or this next slide that we’re going to be getting into is going to be specifically about the lateral Rapha. Now the lateral Rapha is a very significant tissue along the stomach sinew channel. That can be a contributor to low back pain. Let’s discuss this very strong fascial connection to the lateral Rafat. Um, you can see there on that lower left-hand corner of that. Call-out if you can circle that there for us. Yeah, there we go. It’s a continuation of tissue from the abdominals, the fascia from the abdominals and the thoracolumbar fascia. Uh, for those of you that know about the thoracolumbar fascia, it’s gained a lot of popularity over this last 20 years, significantly over the last decade about its importance functionally, but also in low back pain.
So the thoracolumbar fascia, it has got three layers. You have a posterior layer that covers the erector spinae. Okay. You’ve got a middle layer that’s underneath erector spinae and above the quadratus lumborum and then you have a deep layer that’s between the quadratus lumborum and the LDO. So as each one of these layers connect laterally, it becomes the lateral Rafa, the thoracolumbar fascia specifically between the poster and the middle layers. However, if you also look at cadavers, you’ll see that that poster layer also has some contributions to the lateral Rafa. It’s a communication link. It’s a segway between the abdominal fascia and the thoracolumbar fascia, and it sits right on top of the quadratus lumborum and we can be able to pal that palpate that for Osher point. So, uh, the reason why we’re talking about the latter fr right now, before we go into an overview, just such an important tissue for us to be able to consider and then farther into this presentation and we’ll get into the assessment and the treatment of it. So let’s go into the overview of the stomach channel and Brian, do you want,
Yeah, yeah, sure. So next slide. Yeah, we have, um, just a real quick introduction or re-introduction of the stomach sinew channel, if you haven’t, uh, looked at it recently. Um, the secondary channel that includes the myofascial planes, uh, of the stomach channel, there’s really two main branches. Uh, we have one that travels up the anterior lateral leg and thigh goes around the genitalia and spreads out into the abdomen. Then from there, it travels up the chest neck and face to the lower eyelid. So this is the main channel that you’re seeing in this image and this kind of, um, 3d model image here. Um, you can see primarily that main channel coming up, the midline of the thigh are a little bit, uh, lateral on the thigh. And then up into the abdominal layers up through the chest, up into the neck and up into the face, um, that kind of follows the, the primary channel for the most part.
Uh, the second channel is another branch of this that you don’t really see from this image, but we’ll have plenty of opportunities to see it in the next few slides. Um, this other branch is on the lateral kind of starts from the lateral knee, goes to the region of gallbladder 30. Sometimes it’s in that translations, they might say it and it connects the shower young. That might be another way that it’s worded, but it kind of becomes a little bit more lateral as a sort of a segue between it and the stomach channel from there. It runs to the 12th rib and ends at the spinal column. This is kind of adapted from a Vanguard translation at the link shoe, which is a particular source that I really like. Um, but, uh, all of the sources say relatively about the same thing when you look at translations. So let’s go through each of those branches a little bit more clearly and to the next line.
So if we wanted to start at the distal part, um, from the lower extremities, we can look at the stomach DJing, Jen, how it travels along the anterolateral leg and thigh. I think actually these two branches actually, uh, start in this, uh, leg region below the knee. And you can kind of look on this image for the tibialis. Anterior tibialis. Anterior is just lateral to the tibia. This is where really the primary channel of the stomach, the stomach primary channel runs along this area. Stomach 36 would be noodling directly into the tibialis, anterior and happens to be the motor point, uh, for tibialis anterior. So that’s an actual primary channel point. That’s going right through that region. From there, we could kind of follow that up, uh, lateral to the knee, into the rectus femoris, continuing to follow that stomach primary channel. But if you look at this image, we also have the extensor digitorum, longest muscles.
Um, you know, there’s several slips of those. The two, um, create a poll extension for toes two through five and especially toes two and three are part of the stomach channel. So this in some ways is sort of the beginning of that lateral branch. It’s kind of a, between the stomach primary channel and the gallbladder primary channel. It’s part of the stomach sinew channel. You have those toe two and three slips that kind of drive up toes four and five would be gallbladder send new channel, but we’re on the stomachs in your channel. That’s going to connect into the vastus lateralis and start to become that a secondary sort of a branch that more lateral branch.
All right. So let’s go back to the main branch main branch is going to run up the rectus from Morris. You can see the rectus for Morris, this image that kind of dark line on the thigh is the kind of the fascial separation between rectus Morris and vastus lateralis. So that’s in my opinion where the stomach channel runs, but that rectus for Morris that more medial muscle in that picture is going to be the sort of primary channel branch of the stomach sinew channel that then connects to the a, I S it actually connects to the a S I S or it’s fascia. And then it runs up through the inguinal ligament up the abdominal layers up the chest, et cetera, kind of following the primary channel of the stomach. Um, so in this case, what we want to focus on for today’s lecture is the abdominal fascia in particular, because we’re going to look at how that connects and wraps around to the, um, to the thoracolumbar fascia and the lateral Rafa in the stomach channel. It’s all the fascia that lives in is found on top anterior to the M rectus for Morris. I mean, excuse me to the rectus abdominis. So it’s all the fascial layers that are on top of, or superficial to the rectus abdominis. Um, part of those fascial layers in wrap around the body, following the fascia of the abdominals into the thoracolumbar fascia, into the lateral Rapha, and then connecting all the way to the spine. So next slide.
So the lateral branch on the other hand is going to be a little bit more lateral on the thigh. It’s covering the vastus lateralis, which is a pretty big muscle. That’s the fastest part, I guess, but the vastus lateralis actually covers really a lot of real estate on the lateral thigh, really going into attaching all the way to the back of the femur. Um, so it really covers the territory of both the stomach primary channel to some degree. And the, also the gallbladder, um, primary channel, the iliotibial band would be running down on top of this structure. Um, so it would be a kind of in a pretty big area, but this is the link through that lateral branch. If you follow that fastest ladder up, you can see where it communicates the chair’s fascia. It attaches to the same region as the anterior portion of gluteus medius and minimus, especially minimis. So, uh, just that, that hip joint region, you can see where those two muscles are communicating. Then from there, it’s going to continue into the thoracolumbar fascia meeting with a lateral Rafa about anything you want to add on these are,
Yeah, that tissue with Cal patient is pretty significant when somebody has a posterior tilt or an N tilt of the anonymous bone, versus when it’s a neutral pelvis, you can really tell the difference in palpation of that fibers of the anterior fibers of the minimus and the medias, like I said, with quite a change in inclination with that.
Yep. And it’s an often, we actually had a discussion on our, uh, Facebook group on sports act, a sports, um, acupuncture group. And, um, we were talking about how often this fastest ladder Alice is ropey and rigid and dense. And I think if you palpated the thigh quite a bit, you can probably notice that you do know, you do find a lot of patients that have a ton of tension in this area. Right. So let’s move on to the next slide. All right. So we have a few, uh, three, I think, cadaver images. So just the general warning. Um, this was in the beginning, we have the warning on the bottom of the screen. We’ve already had one small image, but these are a little bit closer, a little bit, um, more obvious they fill up the screen. They’re a more obvious cadaver images. So just be aware of your surroundings, you know, if you’re at a Starbucks and there’s people looking at your screen, maybe, you know, get it into a position where they can’t see it, it’s better not to view these in public, don’t share these images, um, you know, keep, uh, it’s it’s, we have to be very respectful to the donors and make sure that we don’t do anything inappropriate.
So this is an educational settings. So we have these images, but, um, but don’t share them with the general public or be mindful where you’re watching this ad. All right. So next, uh, next slide, let’s start looking at this connection. So there’s two lines on this, uh, cadaver drawn over this cadaver, and it’s just the dissection image. And then the top one, uh, which is the shorter of the two lines that’s showing the upper border of the glute Maximus and sports medicine acupuncture. We’ve referred to this as the gluteal app and erotic line. So that’s going to be more superficial than the glute medius and minimus, but I just wanted to show that demarcation, the bottom line is traveling up from the vastus lateralis. Then as it kind of makes a curve, you see it connecting into the glute medius and minimus, and then it follows right up into that, uh, lateral border of the erector spinae, which is that top portion of the line, um, that is kind of that whole trajectory of that lateral branch of the stomach, uh, send you a channel going all the way through the lateral Rapha and a moment we’ll actually see the erector spinae lifted, um, so that we can, um, get a clear view of the lateral Rafa.
One other thing to highlight from this image, you can get your bearings straight is if you go to the very top of that, um, that line, the longer line that’s, um, from there, if you go to the midline of the spine. Yep. Right in that region, we actually have the erector spinae cut. So everything above that, you’re seeing deep to the erector spinae. That’s going to allow us to lift up that little flap of the erector spinae to see the lateral Rafa a little closer. So let’s go to the next image then. And, um, this is just the lines removed, right? So see if you can find that same territory we just discussed kind of look at that trajectory of the sort of channel, like portion going from the thigh all the way up the glute medius and minimus up into the lateral Rafa. Okay.
And now let’s look at with the rector SPI and a lifted. So that would be on the next slide. So there is that little portion of the erector spinae lifted. Then you can see deep to that, to the next fascial layer and that boundary of the lateral RFA. That’s just that little, um, band that runs just lateral to the erector spinae. So again, you can follow that line down from the thigh, from the lateral thigh, going through glute medius and minimus into that lateral Rafa all part of the stomach sinew channel, that lateral branch of the stomachs, a new channel and a pretty juicy area when you’re working with a lot of chronic back problems. Right. That’s pretty sick.
Yeah. It’s pretty significant, uh, continuation from the lower extremity into that latter Rafa, you can see that line with the erector spinae lift up and the thickness of that ladder Raffa as well.
Interesting. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Get that image in your mind though, because you’ll see some palpation coming up in a bit. Um, and this is where actually, can we go back to the previous image with the erector spinae down? Imagine you are pressing not on a cadaver specimen necessarily, but on a person, if you were pressing and you could kind of see through the skin and, um, and see that your, your pressure is going right to that lateral edge of the erector spinae diving, just deep to it, to that, uh, that boundary of the lateral rafting, that’s going to be where we’re going to be palpating. Um, so this is a, a lot of the types of things we tried to get across. Like these images come from our, um, uh, uh, anatomy, cadaver dissection lab that is on, uh, LASA right now. So these are part of, uh, you know, we have a bunch of videos and I’m really a little more thorough presentation on this, but even just looking at these images, you can kind of get an idea of, okay, if I were to press into that tissue and try to reach the next image, go to that, the next slide and reach that tissue that’s on that boundary, just deep to the erector spinae and know that, okay, that’s the lateral Rafay, I’m palpating for tension at that region.
And knowing that that’s part of the stomachs and new channels. So we have a lot of information right there that you want to take it and kind of go over that. It kind of kind of started the process a little bit, but I wanted to highlight it on the cadaver portion. So when we see it, we know what we’re looking at.
No, that’s great. This is going to be the cadaver dissections in module two anatomy, politician, palpation cadaver lab on Los OMS. But what you said, bright for the person to really understand where that lateral Rafa is, which is going to help significantly when they’re looking for Osher points in this tissue. And also when they’re palpating for, so the lateral Rapha attention test, which is going to be coming up here in just a couple minutes. So am I next? Yep. Okay. Let’s go to the next slide please. All right, here it is Latta Rafiq tension test. So you guys hear it for your notes. Um, you have this a step-by-step, you’re going to ask the patient to designate the pain level with palpation of this tissue on a scale of one to 10. Um, many people are gonna be thinking, well, you’re just palpating. The quadratus lumborum is actually the depth of the palpation.
That is significant here. When you look at the video that’s coming up next, you’ll show it it’ll show that Brian is palpating within the first quarter inch of the superficial tissue. Just touching that lateral Rapha that covers the quadratus lumborum. If we’re looking for the quadratus lumborum trigger points or motor entry point ratchet pop hitting more from deeper into that tissue. So there’s a difference in the palpation of it. A practitioner is going to attempt to decrease the tension and the pain of the lateral Raphi by using the following acupuncture, motor points, stomach 41 works great. 43 can be used on 36 being the motor point, as Brian said of the tibialis, anterior, the vastus lateralis motor points work really, really well for reducing the tension and the latter Rafiq. Um, same with the rectus abdominis points. We’re going to be covering that because there’s four different segments of the rectus abdominis motor points.
And it’s usually going to be the lower aspect that is going to be changing significantly, the tenderness of that lateral Rafa. So let’s look at this image here. You can see how Brian was talking about the, uh, channel going all the way up the vastus lateralis, going to the anterior fibers. I’m talking about the lateral image here of the patient. So you can see going up the vastus lateralis, going up the anterior fibers of the minimus, the media’s going across that iliac crest, which you just saw on the cadaver going right into that lateral Rafa right now from that tissue, the lateral Rapha is going to be following along on the poster and the anterior aspect of the abdominal wall, going to the rectus abdominis. So there’s your connection, your significant connection of the stomach Sr channel for low back pain into the latter Rafa.
And also the abdominal aspect is contribution to low back pain as well. There’s something that we’ve been talking about for a few years now, it’s called acupuncture as an assessment. Um, this is something where you can use a couple of acupuncture points just to be able to see if they will decrease the tension of a particular orthopedic examination. In this case, what you’re going to see in this next video is Brian’s going to be using a couple of points to reduce tension in the lateral Rapha. So let’s check out the ladder off a tension test and acupuncture as an assessment, let’s go to the, into the video
So we’re looking at the lateral branch of the strong stomach send new channel. So the lateral branch of the stomachs and new channel from the thigh comes up through the vastus lateralis, connects with the gluteus medius and minimus, and then to the thoracolumbar fascia. So one of the key areas we look for in this lateral branch that connects them to the lumbar spine from the stomach channel is the lateral Rafa. The lateral Rapha is the meeting point is the fascial wall. That is the boundary between the iliacus Dallas’ lumborum the erector spinning and the quadratus lumborum. So those fascial planes come together in a seam at the lateral Rafa, and we’re going to go right into that lateral Rapha at a Rambo level of L three. Doesn’t have to be exact, but L three is a good landmark, and we’re going to start to palpation following the angle. So here’s the erector spinae falling off following the angle of the erector spinae down into that valley of the lateral Rapha. And we’re just looking for tension, but also palpatory pain to that. So we can ask the patient on a scale of one to 10, how that, what that pain level is with palpation. So what does that pain level there? Three by three? Yeah, it feels denser. Doesn’t feel, it feels like it’s healthy tissue. Most likely go to a different area. How about right there?
Three. All right. So can you stop bad? But if this was a big pain producer for the patient, then we would look at reducing that with distal points for this assessment and come back and how pain and see if that changes it. So primarily we’re going to be looking down with stomach channel and we can include things like vastus, lateralis, vastus, lateralis Motorpoint would be a good one to consider. We could look at, even though it’s on the gallbladder channel, the most, uh, pasture and edge of the vastus lateralis would be a possibility. So that would be in the region of gallbladder 31, and then we could follow it down also into the stomach channel, just by palpating. It feels like tip anterior has a certain amount of tension. So I’m going to use Tim anterior. I don’t know if it’ll change much based on the fact that you didn’t have a high pain aspect with the additional palpation, but let’s go ahead and work on it anyways. So we’ll use stomach 36, 1 of the motor points for tibial anterior.
Now we’ll come back to the area. So there’s two things I can look for what my palpation tells me. Does it feel like that tissue softened? And then what does the patient report in terms of pain, quality back at the same area and scale the one from one to 10? Yeah. And it feels softer to me. She says the one now, and from a three to a one, I’m having a hard time finding the exact location where I felt that tension before. Cause it feels like it’s been reduced. So other points to consider the distal stomach channel points down towards the feet, stomach 41 would be a possibility stomach, 40 stomach, 36, just based on palpation, felt like a good starting point for me. And then also looking at points along the thigh.
All right. So let’s just talk logistically about what we just saw here. So if you’re going to be treating the patient in a lateral recumbent position like that, using acupuncture’s assessments going to be really quite simple, um, you can also check the lateral Rafiq, the tension tests when the patient’s going to be standing, which is nice because you’ll be bearing and load bearing. So therefore the tissues are going to be a little bit different. Um, in that case you can check for Osher points while the person is standing. You could still go ahead and needle stomach 36, or you can use some distal points to, to see if that was start to change the tissue. You can also do the, do the lateral Rafa tension tests when the patient’s Lang prom. Now that makes it a little bit more difficult when you’re trying to be able to needle the vastus lateralis points, but we will have more access to the distal stomach channel points using stomach 45 stomach 44 stomach 43.
Those points are going to be a lot more accessible when the patient’s link prone and they will also change the tension within the lateral Rafa. And that way you can be able to plug in those points and then continue with your treatment. Um, this is going to be, um, just kneeling some Osher points within that lateral rafting. And you could see with Brian’s angle that he is angling it more toward the belly itself. Not necessarily parallel with the table, like how you would be needling the quadratus lumborum so pressing into that ladder, I Fe looking for Osher points and just tapping on that tissue. Remember that lateral Rapha is going to be a thin tissue on top of the quadratus lumborum and you might have two or three different Oscher points within that lateral Rafa. That’s going to span the region from the 12th rib all the way to the iliac crest. So let’s remember the depth of where that lateral Rafiq is. I’m trying to be able get disperse Oscher points within that region. Bride. You wanna add anything to that before we jump into the next slide?
Yeah, just that it’s um, I think I have that needle in about L three. Um, I do find that that region of L three and the lateral Rafa tends to be, um, pretty responsive and, um, you know, it’s a, it’s a good, I, I often find that is kind of the greatest tension, but for those who followed, uh, Luigi Stecco his work, um, you know, he has these really involved system where he talks about these different points, that parallel acupuncture points to some degree, but he calls them the centers of coordination. Um, and they’re like fascial unions between certain, certain regions of Paul on the muscle. Like this would probably be, I’d have to go back and look, but it’d probably be the, uh, include like the quadratus lumborum the erectors and coordinating movement between those. Um, but it’s in the fascia itself of the lateral Rafa. So this is one of his points, one of his centers of coordination, um, is that, that, uh, L three lateral Rapha mark. So kind of interesting. And I do find that that’s, I don’t know if this works super well, but I know a little bit of it, but I do find that that L three region is usually pretty predictable predictably. Um, more of the center of, of, of tension of that lateral or FFA. Sometimes when I need a lead, I have a slight inferior angle though. Like you said that 45, but, but slightly inferior.
Yeah. So predictable Osher point within that. [inaudible] so that’s great. That’s good. All right. Let’s see what the next slide is, please. All right, let’s go over the best slash motor entry points. There’s two primary for the vastus lateralis. One of them will be extra points, team food two, which is located just one to two soon, lateral from stomach 32, which would be food too. We know that stomach 32 is located six soon up from the lateral border of the superior lateral border of the patella. Uh, so following that up, make sure that you are going to be in the vastus lateralis, not in the rectus femoris. You’re going to slide over then one to two soon, um, into sheen futu, if you cross fiber, the vastus lateralis, it will often facilitate, uh, which would also be at the definition of a trigger point. Uh, if shin futu is going to be referring somewhere, then that would end up being also location of point.
Um, so this is going to be a branch off the femoral nerve going into that vastus lateralis extra point sheen food to a pretty powerful point. So it makes sure when you are kneeling it pretty slow and methodical needling, otherwise it can be a strong cheese sensation can come up really quite quickly. Now the upper fibers of the vastus lateralis, which oftentimes, um, can atrophy on many patients where it’s not really quite used, if they’re having some mechanical problems with the extension or knee flection, those upper fibers, if you divide stomach 31 and the superior border of the patella divided by thirds, it’s the meeting point between the middle and the upper thirds. Uh, you’ll definitely find an off SharePoint within that meeting point. That’s going to be another motor entry point from the femoral nerve going into those upper fibers. Um, the needle technique, that being that should actually be a little bit deeper than that, uh, should be more like, uh, 0.75 to 1.25 inches because the innervation is actually going to be more to the medial side from that femoral nerve.
So you have to go a little bit deeper into that mass lateral, so you guys would be able to make that correction. That would be great. All right. So let’s now I believe let’s go to the next slide, our rectus abdominis motor entry points here. You can see four needles on the left and four needles on the right. It’s an old bleak angle going into the rectus abdominis. The needle is starting at the spleen channel and then directing it toward the wrench channel going. Uh, th the objective here is to try to be able to get the needle to go to the poster aspect of the rectus abdominis. That’s where the innovation side is more on the poster aspect and not necessarily on the Antar aspect. We have to be very mindful to make sure that we know where the tip of the needle is going, and it’s not going past the rectus abdominis, therefore into the peritoneal cavity.
So be very, very mindful of where that needle is going, but your goal is to cross fiber, the rectus abdominis, and angle it. So it is going to be affecting more of that poster aspect. Um, there’s a great video. That’s going to be in the motor entry-point protocol. This will be in module two part of the online recordings that we have thankfully have finished. We’re coming really close to getting them all aligned. Um, it’s been over a year endeavor and what an adventure that has been I’m sure Brian can agree to that. Um, so those are available on Lassa OMS, um, the research for the rectus abdominis motor, point’s the largest diameter of these intercostal nerves. That’s going into the rectus abdominis or the ones that’s going to be located in the lower half. So that means number three, and number four, that’s on this particular slide.
So you want to locate stomach 23, which we know is going to be too soon above stomach, 25 and needle towards stomach three from the spleen channel, right? So the rectus sheets you’ll be connecting the spleen with the stomach then. So the needle is going to be going from the spleen channel toward the stomach channel, going into the motor entry point for that particular muscular segment of the rectus abdominis. I believe that particular one is innervated by the T 10 intercostal nerve. I could be wrong. It could be T 11. Um, again, but those, the research was showing that’s more of the larger diameter, um, um, uh, nerves coming across into that motor entry point. The next one to choose here would be also just below stomach 27, which we know is going to be located to super low stomach 25. That was nice about this too, is you look at it’s pretty much at the same level as the lateral Rafa as well.
So with low back pain, many times practitioners are not needling into the abdominals. And boy, you can really great get really good results by combining treatment on the back and also treatment on the front. So if you’re not treating the abdomen with low back pain and maybe your results haven’t been as good as you want to please make sure that you are going ahead and needling into these, these points, you’ll see that it actually will help significantly. And just as a side note also, um, I’ve had many patients have actually had constipation and I’ve used this needle technique and it works really quite well, more for the excess type of constipation, not necessarily for the blood deficiency type of constipation, but it’ll change Paris dialysis pretty well. All right, Brian, I think we’ve got a myofascial release technique that you’re going to be showing that’s really a great for spreading here. So do you want to introduce that?
Sure. Uh, so Matt mentioned getting better results by including the abdominal layers, especially if you’re doing these assessments and you find that, you know, somebody reports a seven out of a scale of 10 on the palpation of the lateral Rafa on a pain scale, and you need all the rectus abdominis, uh, as a, um, assessment or the vastus lateralis. And you find that when you go back and pal plate that maybe it’s gone down to a four or a three, so that’s telling you that that’s a component, you know, part of their low back pain. Maybe it’s not the primary source, maybe it is, but a component of their low back pain has to do with that tension in the thoracolumbar fascia. So sure if that, if that assessment showing improvement and why not put those needles back again as part of the comprehensive treatment and, or, and I say, and or maybe the person doesn’t have enough, cheetah include that many more noodles, or for whatever reason, maybe you don’t do the needles that you can do the myofascial, or maybe you do the acupuncture and the myofascial.
But speaking to this tension in the abdomen and possibly on the lateral quadriceps is going to be important for these patients. So this is a technique on the rectus of the dominance and it’s working, you know, the rectus abdominis has the six-pack six-pack muscle, it’s actually an APAC, but each of those little packs are there because there’s a tendonous transcription that separates one of the four segments of the rectus abdominis. Um, you know, so that, that’s what creates the six pack, but actually there’s a, uh, pack on each rib cage that doesn’t show up when people have really developed at abdominals. So it’s a, technically, it’s an APAC, but we’re going to be working in those tendonous transcriptions to free tension in the fascia. And this would not be uncommon to refer to the back, especially in the 20, uh, stomach 25 region. But let’s go ahead and look at the video for that.
So we’ll be working now with the rectus abdominis, but specifically the tendonous inscriptions of the rectus abdominis. This would be really relevant for when there’s pain at the thoracolumbar fascia, or especially at the lateral Rafa because those abdominal layers wrap around and become part of the thoracolumbar fascia and can add tension into the lateral Rafa. So in your assessment with the thoracolumbar fascia test, if you find that it reduces palpatory pain by doing acupuncture assessment at the rec fem, these would be techniques you could do after the needling. So we’re going to start at stomach 25. I’m going to use my fingers, pads and my fingers to sort of find that tenderness inscription, I’m going to sink perpendicular. Usually I find that a little bit inferior, like I’m kind of dropping in perpendicular and a little bit inferior helps to hook into that tendonous tissue, that fascial tissue, you don’t have a bone to push again. So I can’t just go straight in and resist against the bone. So I need to find a way to hook into that tissue. And this is a good, that little kind of curving motion seems to get a good hook, a good investment on that tissue. And then I’m spreading my fingers apart. So you can’t see it much. It’s a small movement, but it’s just like you’re unzipping a zipper hook in and spread.
Sometimes patients actually will feel this refer towards the back or even into the lumbar region.
You can work up to the next one, well, into the tenderness inscription sink in and spread
You can notice that as we’re working here, she’s starting to be able to take a little bit deeper of a breath, cause it’s freeing that tissue that can clamp down and resist the breath. And we’ll be at the cost of margin. I can continue to do spreading apart, or I can go up or down. If the person has a very hold in, compressed lower rib cage, I might want to bring the tissue out if they don’t have good tone in the abdominal muscles and it’s over flared, I might want to move the tissue up or I could just bread. And either way, I’m working along that costal margin,
Mindful that I don’t want to go all the way to the xiphoid. I’m just going up towards the xiphoid
One last pass. I can be at the attachment and again, spreading at that rectus abdominis attachment where the fascia starts to meet the pec major
And then I can work at the final attachment site at the pubic bone. I want to start above the pubic bone. So there’s the pubic bone I started above so that my pressure can get deep to where the rectus abdominis dives deep today, a posterior border of the pubic bone tendon, a tender area. Is that okay? And I can do a slight minuscule across fiber, or I can try to lift the pubic bone and decompress. This is another region that might refer into the lumbar region.
Right. So you don’t need to do all of those areas. You might pick and choose one or two regions. Stomach 25 is often very frequently involved. Costa margin’s frequently involved. All of it’s going to free the breathing take tension off the thoracolumbar fascia. And you can consider this technique when there’s a stomach, send you channel relationship to pain, such as facet, joint problems,
Especially a great technique to be able to use after kneeling, because it also takes pain away or soreness away from the needles as well. Um, there’s a lot more great Mahvash release techniques that we’re showing. And that’s from the assessment and treatment of the channel, send you module two, available a loss of OMS, um, really great techniques to be able to use right after the needling that can reinforce what you’re trying to accomplish with the acupuncture.
All right. It’s a slow treatment. Yeah. Yeah. It just, it’s kind of a slow, you know, you don’t want to rush through those treatments at the same time I was talking and I was teaching. So it seems like it would take a long time, but you can actually get through those, those, uh, even if you do all passes, all four passes, you can do that pretty much quicker than I was doing it there, you know, there was teaching and discussion and where and what I was doing and all that. So it seemed like it would be a long, long time spent, but not, not so much in practice.
Hi, Brian, it’s always a pleasure to be able to hang out with you and to be able to share knowledge. Thank you very much. Thanks very much at the American Acupuncture Council. Also next we’ve got, uh, Lorne Brown is going to be coming in and discussing some great things. I’m sure Lorne has been in the field for a long, long time and a great pioneer in himself. So check out Lorne next week. Thanks again to the American Acupuncture Council. Thank you very much. You guys for attending and we’ll see you again. All right. Yep. Bye-bye.