Hello and welcome. I would like first of all, to thank the American Acupuncture Council to put up this lecture. And today I will focus on what I think is one of the most emerging problems we see. And we also very clearly see it in the clinic is actually the suffering on the mind level, the strength of Chinese medicine that we see a three dimensional picture of body, mind, and spirit.
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So obviously this challenging time presents challenges to the body, but the real one, which will also stay very long time with us is the challenges to the mind and to the spirit. And from my clinical experience, Chinese medicine is one of the best medicine on earth to make change on this level and to bring back this connection of mind and spirit. So this lecture will be focused on it and we’ll focus on the diagnosis and the treatment on that level.
So let’s start with the slides. First, if we look both anxiety and depression are Western medical terms, not Chinese medicine. And I would like to start and kind of dive into the Chinese medicine dynamic, maybe by a quote of professor Yuval, Harari who say that the best defense human have against pathogen is that isolation is information. And it’s an interesting quote because more and more people around the globe are going into a solution. And there is more and more lack of communication and trust with the people who should provide us the dynamics and the, the safe safety and the safe instructions. And I think this quote more than anything else, kind of points to, uh, something very important about human life, because when we are talking about information and it is true, when you are informed with something, you can take it much more easy.
You know, even to jump from a certain place, if somebody explains you how safe it is, gives you all the safety measurements, he will jump. You know, if it’s not very high, if not, you will be afraid that something will happen. And the reason that we can explain in Chinese medicine, why it is so important, because thinking comes from the IE from the earth, it’s another forms of digestion. So if we look at thinking and earth, we can understand the same way as we, they just food with they just ideas and earth and the is, um, controlling the water, the fears. So when you understand something, you can control your fears and you can control your inner understanding. An inner wisdom brings you to the place where you can cope with everything. If the water is not control, if the fears aren’t getting to be, then there is an excit.
Then there is this fear that something will happen or something not good will happen. So this is just one part of the information part. So the more we are informed, the more we can understand deeper something, the more we can control the fear and anxiety, but isolation is actually the deepest problem because as humans, we should be in touch with other humans, we should communicate with other humans. For us. The fire is the most important part of human life and the ability to communicate, to love, to share and to have inner joy is the core essence of being a human. And this is, we know also the fire element is connected to the Shen, and this is where we house the Shannon. This is how we connect to something higher or bigger, which guides us. So their relationship of fire and water, if there is like too much fear.
And if there is isolation, you can see that there is also some disconnections from one inner self and treatment. Eventually we’ll go to that level. And it’s not just, uh, the mind, the mind and the body is connected. And the immune system is also very much related on the mind and already in PSU and 72 it’s clearly says, and it’s amazing quote, I mean, the more we go to the classic, the more we can appreciate the depth of Chinese medicine, the same zinc, cheat, the upright cheat, the immune system remains strong. Then she actually bad that she cannot invade the body is then cheat must be weak when invasion of shadier takes place. And we now today, by the way, we say almost 70% of people who will be infected by a virus, they will not be sick. And if there is a, an inner invasion of something, it means that something in the sanctuary in that privacy of the body was not working properly.
And when we go deeper into immunity and I gave another talk here about the immunity, or if you want to hear more, this lecture that they give about immunity, immune system is actually made of three layers of Cenci, which we are discussing now. And we are seeing the relationship between the health of the mind and our immune health. Also in Western medicine, there is a clear relationship between the emotions and between the psychological state and immunological state. There is psycho immunological relationship, which is clearly also seen even in biomarkers. But when we look at the immune system, we look at Cenci, we look at G and Gingy and when we wanted a good immunity, we want to have all of them connected, but definitely the Shen. She is the strongest. And this is what Sue in 72 actually tells us in an interesting way. When I was kind of diving into explaining how anxiety and depression works in the body, I called it clearing the cloud series, and this cloud is a kind of imaginary cloud, but I think it kind of help us to understand the location of the problem if somebody has anxiety or depression.
And if we do a proper acupuncture treatment, and that’s sometimes what I had from patient, you know, it’s like, you clear the cloud for me. I came in a rainy day where everything was great and I came out and it feels Sammy and I see everything and then present. So this cloud is to me, a kind of, um, metaphor to something that separates men from heaven. And when we want to understand clearly what it means, depression and anxiety in Chinese medical terms is talking about this communication of men in heaven. Communication on this level is distracted because when you feel connected, doesn’t matter, whatever happens around it, you can express and feel joy when there is a disconnection on that level. That’s when a mental state is set in like depression, anxiety, or any other, um, mental disease. So this kind of helps to show the location of heaven and heaven and Shen are located in the same territory.
And there is different points in the body, which I will talk about some of them. But if you look like the windows of heaven points or points that have the name, Shannon them, we will use two of them in this presentation. They explain why this point, why they have the name and why they’re so effective to connect again, men in heaven. And once this connection happened, then there is inner healing because eventually we allow the person to heal themselves. I mean, that acupuncture needles is just a miracle to allow this inner healing. So after treatment, this should be the situation when men and heaven are connected. When the heart is connected to something which is greater than us, it’s not on a conscious level. It’s just, we feel we are at the right places, human. And when we are disconnected, we feel alone and separated. And this is like the key questions and words that we see when there is a mental disease or when we even look at the patient.
And can we talk about anxiety is depression. As I say, it’s a very Western medical terms. And we have to understand that especially psychiatry is, is an observational medicine. I mean, you can take the blood. And so it say to somebody, you have a depression. So it’s more a list of symptoms. And there’s this five, like a list of symptoms. And it’s updated every time. If you have a number of symptoms from this list, going over two weeks, you have depression. If you have this and this symptoms, you have anxiety. So Western medicine and especially psychiatry is more looking at the behavioral disorders. And it’s quite difficult to define in Chinese medicine. To me, we are much closer to the human experience because we are looking at this three-dimensional model and we put the Shan and mind and emotion, and we define differently, uh, what will be called anxiety and depression.
Uh, by Western medicine, I gave a whole course just on taking the DSM five and breaking it up in Chinese medicine and called it the five types of depression, because you can really see all the symptoms, how they’re feeding the Chinese medicine model, because we are coming from an observational model. We observe the patient our way. We try to understand the world and the patient is immediately three dimensional. In his observation, it takes a minute to look at the patient and to know his inner state. And in psychiatry, obviously it’s close, but it’s more going into a whole list of symptoms, list me the symptoms you have, and then we can compare it to the list we have. And then we define, uh, your condition. So Chinese medicine is much more, I think, accurate in the way it understands and can treat deeper, um, probably in create even a deep healing.
So after a treatment, there is back this connection between heaven and earth. Sorry, I just went the wrong way. Here we go. Um, so just a little look, a little bit about, uh, the reason we’ll have anxiety and depression from Chinese medicine. It’s when there is a good relationship of men in heaven, the is awake and aware and present and human feel comfortable between heaven and earth. This is the human position. So when you are connected, you just feel comfortable. You just feel alive, you just feel not alone, and you feel that you are present. So when there is anxiety or depression, something in this physiological state is disrupted. As I showed, there is some disconnection on that level overall, um, briefly presenting the three models. When we look at depression, to me, it’s very easy to look at five types of depression. We won’t go into all of them.
When we look at things, [inaudible], we’re more looking at the relationship of fire and water, which has disrupted. And as you remember, we talked about the earth about thinking and also about centering. We talk about fire, about communication and join and about water of fear and gene. And this axis. This is actually the Saturday axis is the most important. When we talking about anxiety, something is distracted in this axis. When we’ll talk about stress and conflict, we can bleed the model of seven emotion and the whole movement of change the body. And then we’ll use a different set of pain points. Also looking at their psychiatric definition for depression. If you look at it from a Chinese point of view, it says depression causes a feeling of sadness and a loss of interest in activities. One enjoyed when we we’ve talking about once in joy, once the Shen was connected to the heart and you can have joy.
And then if we go on, we can see the same. If it can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems, and it can decrease the person, the ability to function at work and at home. And then if you’ll look slowly, slowly, the list, you’re welcome to open this and five, you will see how they are connected to the five types of shame and this non presence of shame that you can’t any more, be engaged in things that you were engaged before. So this is like a key idea behind it. So when you look at it, TCM reflection of this depression, eh, definition, we see this interest in activity. Once in joy, again, you will see that the heart is not connected, so you can’t enjoy life. If you look at the anxiety, it’s actually more interesting and much easier to explain. Anxiety is not the same as fear.
And this is again, we’re looking at Western medicine, but because we are using the term anxiety, I think it will help us to understand it better. So anxiety is not the same as fear, which is the response to real and immediate threat in anxiety. It’s some, it involves an expression of like a future threat. There is all the time, the fear that something will happen or may happen. So yeah, I feel this uneasiness constantly, and there is no threat at the moment. The threat is a future threat and a mode of time, imaginary threat. And then even if it’s real, it’s nothing that is happening here. And now it’s, I’m afraid that something will happen in the future. Sure. If I look at it from a, about this way, a definition from a Chinese point of view, you can see that there is a very interesting relationship between the Heartland, the kidney, and the very interest relationship.
If you look at it from a personal perspective, when the heart is connected in the relationship of how that these are good, then there is trust. The heart provides trust and the kidney provides lack of fear or feeling comfortable. And there is with your own gene, your own personality. So if you have no fear, you have trust. And when you have fear, you lose something in this basic trust in being alive, in trust in the world. So this is the local perspective. If we go two a is, if we go to a higher perspective, we see that we look at the three dimensional picture. That man is between heaven and earth, so that we have a greater trust in everything around us. We have a greater trust that even if I leave it challenging time, there is maybe some reason for it. We can trust it.
We can wait and see how nature resolve itself. It’s not all about men. It’s about men living between heaven and earth. So this trust is in a bigger and universal perspective, not just a personal one. And that’s actually, when we are balanced, we have a sense of something bigger than us and I want, so give me a case to illustrate how we are treating anxiety. And this is a manager just came recently, although is a very kind of being patient of mine years ago. He just returned back. And especially because he had the suddenly dispersed fast heart rate palpitations and of in the last few weeks, very severe insomnia. And this palpitation brought him to, it’s like a panic attack. You know, he’s afraid his heart attack. He went to the hospital to the ER few times, and this is a classic panic attack and anxiety in many patients like this.
And this number of them is a growing growing, especially now. So when I try to explain in a deeper way, what’s going on in him when your heart is not well connected, then you use this trust. So yours is setting in constant fear. I have a heart attack. My heart is failing on me. Something is wrong with my heart. So there is all the time. This fear from there’s no real dangers. You know, he had his heart checked in the ER, is this the is direct line, you know, to this company that can check even over the phone, everybody’s telling you how it is. Okay. Don’t have heart problem, but inside there’s a constant fear from a future threat. My heart will fail on me. A beautiful description was of the heart. The heritage ones is the heart beats is like a drum beating, telling all the other organs, everything is safe.
There is a constant beat, which gives you this kind of feeling of trust and safety. When the heart goes off beat, or it’s too fast, there is the sense of anxiety, by the way, it’s also the physical effects. The mind people after heart attacks also have anxiety or people who have problems in heart rhythm will develop like anxiety is the body affects the mind in his case, it was the mind affecting the body. So, uh, it was very clear that the gain is this lack of trust in, in his health. And if you look at the healing and that’s what I expect, you know, that suddenly there is no fear. Suddenly there is no danger and the points they use the team in order to achieve this deep healing were actually very simple, but the point and we’ll go and discuss them. So you’re going back to this personal experience.
So we use heart seven, which is a Firepoint, but it’s also an eras point. So remember if we look at fire earth water so hard, seven ozone, we use it very often. If you’ve gone understand the dynamic of this point, you can see how effective it is. And then keep me 25, which is called spirit storehouse or shanshan. And let’s go deeper into this point, by the way, this is a beautiful picture. Uh, there is a project I’m doing with two colleagues of mine. Butter’s coming needs, give from Poland and Ronnie yell from Israel. It’s called, uh, uh, Gates of life. And we have a painter from Poland, eh, Martina, Yankee, who is painting all the meridians. This is the painting of a Meridian of the kidney Meridian. And I’m highlighting the points. If you see the, the highest of this mountain, which is the chest area.
So we have kidney 23, 24, 25, all relating to the Shen, by the way to most interesting kidneys, all the meridians, but the kidney can easily explain this dynamic of fire and water is the only Meridian that starts on earth on the bottom of the foot. And then up in the heart it’s to do with our deepest transformation of gene, into shame. So again, fire and water is the essence of our life. And if you look at the kidney 25, especially, uh, this is like the drawing of the point itself. So, you know, you can see the storehouse and the shame we are trying to illustrate, uh, the book we are working as deep into the dynamic of the points, but the picture is a loss of bringing beauty and allowing to remember better, the points and points action. So Shane, you now it’s there with the spirit is Chang is a storage and the storage is both a place that you keep it safe, but it’s also treasury a place where you keep something vital.
So it’s where you store the spirits. So it refers to a place where you can take out of storage, but also, uh, it’s a place where when you need, you take from it, but if it’s empty, you have no storage. So both aspect of storage are relevant when we treat this point. So this is like, uh, I’m saying when there is fear stored inside, we can use this point to unlock this fear, especially actually even fear from early childhood and any patient to experiencing anxiety. Now it’s already deep in their early childhood, or it’s a place where you can take from storage when the person is very deficient after a long illness, very weak and has anxiety because of the gene deficiency. So this point works in both aspect. So again, it connects to this regional salts, uh, that can help you to sustain you through difficult time.
This is where you’re calling on the spirit after you’re exhausted and weak. And this is one of the points that has a very strong relationship between the gene exhaustion and Shan exhaustion. So again, it’s a showering treating the kidney in heart. So, um, it treats anxiety from unknown reason, like in this case and supports this gene and heart connection. I also treat acupuncture in a positive way. Remember once I treated the patient, who again, in the past that a lot of anxieties and now he’s coming after a while, but he’s already fine. So it’s more sorry. So it’s more, uh, uh, like a prevention treatment. So I use this point and he asked me, what, what do you treat me for? And I say that you live in the world and you move in the world without fears. So he looked at me and he says, this is my inner dream. And for patients with fear and anxiety, they are in a dream is to live in the world without interfere. And this point is, again, one of the Shen points that can exactly touch that level.
I’m just moving. And this is the patient, sorry, game. This is the patient. Uh, you can see his tongue, you can see the in deficiency. This is probably also one of the reasons why you have this prenatal already anxiety. And, uh, you can see in his eyes, even the fear, you know, and that’s like a normal picture taken. And here is the point skinny 25. I took a picture when he was with the points. And the other point that I use was hard seven, which you know, and here again you have from our future book, the heart Meridian and the heart seven is one of the points on it. Save all the heart channel traveling. Uh, and again, hard one. And the one is the two points, which are hidden if you think about it’s very deep. So again, we have the connection of fire and water.
So this is to do with the eh, picture and all the things you can see on the picture. And that can explain, uh, the point and the, the heart seven it’s Kunshan men and men is a door, but the door is like a passage. So you can pass from inside the outside and from outside to influence. It’s one of the places we can influence the shin in condition. It’s a Yuan point and an era’s point being in earth point, it balances again, fire and water. It’s just in the middle. Being in Yuan pointed, connects to your original cheat toward deep authenticity adult tenting art that we have. That’s why this point is so special. And we can use it both in, uh, again, in many problem with, especially in sleeping problem, memory, anxiety, exactly all the problems, uh, that he was suffering from. And another option is to go in a different way.
Um, again, especially for a sleeping problem, we can use the young child like extra Meridian, you know, in Sharon Young child meets in bladder one in the eye and that to do with opening and closing die. But interestingly enough, if we do the young child, we use bladder 62 and small intestine three. So again, we’re using bladder instead of kidney and small intestine instead of heart. So we’re using the young co-partners of the water and fire, and this is another reason why young chow can be so effective for sleep disturbances, especially this kind of sleep. So eventually we are using the, uh, fire and water to balance the in and the, the, the, uh, the earth and heaven in men and in a deep way to bring back the trust and to bring back this feeling of calmness and safety as human on earth and Chinese medicine goes far more beyond treating the mind in my understanding, and in my clinical experience, it helps people to, well, it helps people for, to grow inside, not just to fulfill their inner path in life, not to just to treat the pathologies.
And that’s the idea of treatment, not just to treat the anxiety and insomnia, but makes a person more on his path and more fulfilled in his life. So, as a final note, I would say the most magical part of acupuncture is the ability to transform, to touch heaven in a patient, alleviate the suffering and clearing the clouds and allowing healing and change. So when we use acupuncture in this respect, in this type of points, magical things are happening. And to me, this is the deep nature of Chinese medicine. So I hope you enjoyed this lecture and got some idea about how to treat and how the best way to treat, eh, and both anxiety and depression, but even beyond this, uh, to help inner healing and health. So be well, keep safe and help as many people as you can. Thank you very much for being with me. And again, thanks to the American Acupuncture Council to putting it up. So thanks and all the best.
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