Today’s edition of To The Point, very generously produced by the American Acupuncture Council today. My guest is Greg Lee and, uh, Greg has extensive background and experience in treating Lyme disease and the various co-infections the other tick-borne illnesses. Um, he is, um, going to tell you more about himself and, um, we’re going to talk specifically about using essential oils to treat these infections or, uh, various tick-borne illnesses. Um, and he’s going to explain why he used them, what the advantages are.
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You know, in talking about things like biofilms, which if you’re not familiar with is really very vital for treating them and the different ways that you can use to deliver essential oils in, in these patients. And, um, he has some very innovative ways in which he does this and, uh, you know, he was going to talk about the kind of oils he uses and, um, a lot of other things. So Greg, I wanted turn it over to you since, um, I’m sure people are really eager to hear what you have to think. Um, maybe you could tell us how you got into this first.
Oh, thank you, Virginia. And also want to thank the American Acupuncture Council for graciously, allowing me to come on and talk with you today. So, uh, today I’m wondering to talk about basically, what are some of the main blocks that I see, uh, in Lyme disease patients that are underneath their relapsing symptoms and how essential oils can help practitioners to overcome them. So, uh, basically this presentation, uh, is for two types of practitioners. Uh, one if you’re just getting started and you’ll learn about some essential oils that may be helpful for these patients that have chronic illnesses, chronic infections, and also for more advanced practitioners that have, you know, seen perhaps a larger number of chronic Lyme patients. And these are some remedies that can really help you get these patients beyond where they’re stuck or plateaued. Okay. All righty. So a little bit, uh, the agenda for me is like, why should you listen to me?
Who am I anyway? And then also what are the five main blocks? And then what are some essential oils that, uh, can help you overcome those blocks? And then also, uh, we’ll be talking about, uh, some delivery methods that are very helpful in treating Lyme patients a little bit about my background. Um, I, I’m an engineer by training and used to work on NASA projects. Um, robotics, Hubble space telescope used to work with our astronauts and doing experiments on them using robotics. I’m also was a partner in a leadership training corporation called Lionheart and also have a master’s of acupuncture from the Tai, which is now Maryland university of integrative health, and also, uh, Chinese herbs and liberal golf. My center we’re located in Frederick, Maryland, and in biotech research facility. I have lots of MDs PhDs, and I have fun conversations in the hallway with, and in our center, we’ve treated over a thousand patients with Lyme tick-borne infections, chronic illnesses over the past 20 years.
And one of the things that’s really helped is making custom engineered essential oils that are tailored to each person’s underlying issues. Uh, one of the tools that helps us as an experimental electrical frequencies frequency scanning system, where we can look at over a thousand different infections, toxins, inflammatory cytokine, uh, frequencies, uh, through that, uh, scanning system. So it really helps us to narrow in on what are the main issues that most are in need of treatment in the beginning. Uh, so why Lyme may be a hidden issue in your relapse relapsing, uh, symptom patients, because obviously we’re in the middle of a pandemic Lyme disease is a hidden epidemic within an estimator, a 2 million case, new new cases in the U S alone this year, according to a Brown university study. And unfortunately it kicks can carry over 80 different infections that are called coinfections besides Lyme disease.
And the testing that most primary care practitioners use is something called the L they still use something called the Eliza and also the Western blot. And according to one study, Western blot blood tests, the ones that are available from the standard labs are about 50% accurate. So basically half of the people flip the coin, flip a coin. Exactly. And according to the CDC, 90% of cases are misdiagnosed. I think they reported, you know, what is it, 300 something thousand, but there are now they’re saying these, this is probably approximately 10% of the actual number of cases out there. So, uh, and the presentation of these patients can vary depending on, you know, what lot of different factors in terms of their genetics, their ability to detox pre-existing conditions and other infections that may be present. So it can, a lot of patients, I started off treating a lot of fibromyalgia patients and behold, a lot of them actually had Lyme disease, uh, chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ms.
Dementia, Parkinson’s depression, anxiety. Those are all diagnoses. I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds of times in patients that have an underlying tick-borne infection, Lyme disease, or co-infection. Okay. So what I want to talk about is really diving into what are the main blocks that I’m seeing in these patients, and then how can I help you give you some tools and insights into these blocks and then some essential oils that are helping my patients to overcome them. So, first one basically is, uh, biotoxins where the I’ll talk more detail about these, but basically infections produce toxins. And then you have inflammation that they are immune system produces to try to say, Hey, we got an infection or we got toxins. We need to go and deal with it. And it produces different kinds of inflammatory compounds. And also these infections, uh, have evolved. They create something called biofilms, which are basically slime as a protection.
Uh, and then also, as I mentioned earlier, ticks can carry over 80 different infections besides Lyme. So the co-infections, if they can carry, uh, they’re not just, uh, it, it can be, it can range from all different kinds of pathogens. And, and also one of the major things that I’m seeing a lot of is environmental mold, uh, toxic exposure in patients. Alrighty. So, uh, we’ll move on here. It’s good. Dive into biotoxins. So Lyme co-infections other infections, parasites produce biotoxins that disrupt the host immune system often, uh, you may hear of the th one th two immune response. Uh, one of them is more for fighting infections like Lyme and others, more for fighting infections like parasites. Well, the biotoxins and say, Hey, go fight, go produce more inflammatory immune, uh, compounds and go fight parasites and leave, you know, reduce the ones that are gonna affect, you know, bacteria like mine or spiral keeps light lime.
And then also these biotoxins are small. They’re about the size of a water molecule. So since they’re so small, they can travel from cell to cell. They’re not just, they’re also in the blood too, but also their ability to create symptoms deeper into tissues that change and migrate, uh, and relapse because they’re so small and can go through, wander into muscles, joints, the brain, uh, go inside cells. And as, uh, patients are given anti-microbial treatments or remedies, or just do their own immune activation, they often report a toxic die off reaction, uh, of their infections, which has been labeled a Herxheimer reaction where you have a sudden influx of toxins, which drives up inflammation, which then drives up symptoms. And those symptoms can be like, what I described before could be, you know, brain fog, fatigue, pain, inflammation, swelling, gut issues, bloating, diarrhea, you know, uh, a wide range of the symptoms.
And they can change over time depending on, you know, the person and what they’re, what’s being, what kind of toxins are being released. And then this is a phenomena that was described, you know, in Chinese medicine texts over a thousand years ago. And the goose syndrome methodology, uh, was very fortunate to have time to spend time with dr. Heiner through off, uh, at his great, amazing, uh, home out in Oregon and, uh, learn, you know, wow, this, these Chinese medicine docs who just had the goose center totally are describing what I’m seeing in Lyme disease patients, you know, 1500 years later. So, you know, there’s this great history that we can draw upon a strategy for treating not only the biotoxins, but the other issues I’ll be talking about right away,
Always amaze you, how they figure this stuff out thousands of years ago, it’s just, yeah.
All could be Chinese, or we could probably solve half the world’s problems, you know,
A hundred years ago.
Are you still looking, trying to research that? So, yeah, but you know, there’s, uh, there’s something about, you know, inventing something that you think is new and getting credit for that, that, you know, it’s very entrepreneurial in the U S so, um, but, uh, let’s, let’s jump back into inflammation next here. So inflammation can, Purdue is often produced, uh, in response to infections, toxins, heavy metals. Many of my patients, uh, become metal toxic because for whatever reason it could be aluminum mercury or from dental amalgams, it could be a lead. It could be a cadmium that I’m seeing in these patients, in their scans, and this can increase inflammation and other symptoms, which can mimic a lot of Lyme disease symptoms. And as a result, it can affect, you know, all different systems and different combinations that can fluctuate that can change, uh, and over time, and is very hard to say, okay, here’s this one symptom that’s it’s signature of this.
Then the patients often come in with eight or nine different primary issues or symptoms. So it’s, you know, how do you begin to tease apart all this, you know, often one of the main new suspects is inflammation. And then given that this inflammation baby produced and greater quantities that they’re, uh, doing, they may not be able to eliminate or deal with effectively that they can get backed up, which in itself creates this relapsing symptoms. A lot of my patients actually have inflammation in the nervous system, especially the, the midbrain, uh, also, and that creates a lot of neurological issues, brain fog, memory, recall cognitive issues. So, you know, these inflammatory cytokines can go through the blood brain barrier and affect, you know, the mental functioning. And then number three, biofilms. You know, when I learned, I actually gave a talk at this, uh, Southeastern PA Lyme group, uh, biofilms about 10 and years ago. And I got up and I was really depressed because of reading about how, how difficult they are and how they’re going to do everything all in resistant and all that stuff. I got them from the crowd and it was about like 60 people in the audience. And I said, I’ve been researching biofilms. And, uh, basically we’re all screwed. And everyone started laughing.
I was like,
I didn’t expect this flux. I was like really depressed. And Bob having, can we overcome these things? And there’s so many of the front row goes, we already do that. So anyway, why don’t phones are basically slime? We’ve been slime, everything goes busters. You know, these are like the tiny little ghosts that come in and slime you and they hide from your immune system. They hide from antibiotics. They hide from herbal remedies, uh, under the slime. And basically there can be multiple pathogens in a biofilm that could be bacteria. It could be parasites, it could be fun guy. And they communicate with each other. They don’t fight against each other. They collaborate using something called quorum sensing, which is literally communication molecules. They swap back and forth. And through that, they can also swap drug resistant genes. And they’ve shown that under biofilms pathogens can acquire drug resistance from species. And then also when they’ve analyzed biofilms that they find that they may be become more difficult to penetrate because in the biofilm, which is basically getting a polysaccharide slimy stuff, uh, that it also had can with some patients or some samples, I, uh, extracted calcium, magnesium, iron, and other minerals and metals make it more difficult, more, uh, less harder to penetrate.
Do you advise your patients to stop taking minerals while they’re being treated for this? Or
I, there, there are. If there can get it more through natural food sources, that’s what I have them do. Uh, I mean, a lot of patients will do magnesium, whether it be oral or through Epsom salt bath, iron tends to be an issue in a lot of patients because it’s pro-inflammatory, but yeah, a lot of patients are actually, demineralize just because, you know, because there are a lot of patients that I see have something called crypto pile urea, where they’re actually peeing out their minerals. So they need to supplement with zinc and other minerals to help replace what they’re losing. So, yeah, I mean, it’s really a kind of a like, okay, we want them to have proper mineralization and vitamins. And we also know that some of those may be used to make the biofilms a little more impenetrable, but we’ll, we’ll get to some, we’ll get to some powerful remedies, essential oils that can help you with those things.
So it’s, you know, it’s more a concern, minor concern as opposed to a major concern. So, uh, biofilms are also where they can withdraw, hide out, you know, a person’s on a drug regimen and then get off of it. And then they can, re-emerge later to in flare up symptoms. All right, shall we move on to number four co-infections as I said, over 80 different ones can be tremendous transmitted by a tick bite. It doesn’t mean every tick has it, but when they’ve analyzed ticks and seeing what infections and that these are often, I would say, this is the norm. The patients that I see, they have four or more different infections, including line, but also co-infections viruses, fungi, uh, parasites, uh, bacteria. And they may have got from a tech they may have got from other sources. However, this is the norm that I’m seeing in patients. You know, maybe like 15 years ago, I would see a patient with just Lyme as the main issue, but now it’s, it’s multiple infections making it, uh, a much more complex symptom and treatment, uh, picture, uh, to help a person with, and
The area in the Northeast where I live the, when they test the ticks. Um, I would say close to two thirds are carrying multiple co-infections.
Yeah. So you may, if you’ve been around the tick world and Lyme world are the two most common ones that I’m seeing are one called Bartonella, which is a rod-shaped bacteria and a protozoa called Babesia, which is like malaria. So in Chinese medicine, we have a huge history cause malaria was, you know, throughout China and different, especially in the Southern regions, uh, the warmer and more humid regions. We have obviously mosquitoes and there’s a lot of more verbals and treatments for treating malaria, which can’t be helpful for patients that have the BZA. So, uh, these co-infections also produce toxins and that can also create relapsing symptoms. And as I mentioned, you know, they’re actually even finding like nematodes in ticks that supposedly have been able to be transmitted in different lights, you know, studies that they do from the tick into a host. So the theory is, okay, we’re getting not just Lyme.
We’re not just getting co-infections, but we’re getting all these other things that they are, you know, having their guts. So, um, and there was one study that, uh, uh, dr. Ellen McDonald did of, uh, brains from the Harvard brain bank of patients that had like glioblastoma. And I think it was, uh, one kind of dementia with Lewy body dementia that they, he found parasitic worms. And within the parasitic worms in these brain samples, there was Borrelia, there was Lyme disease. So lion can hide in bigger things. And so when you kill off the bigger parasites you’re offering, we’re then releasing maybe viruses and bacteria that are within those parasites into the patient. So it’s kind of a general, you need to be aware of that if you’re treating these larger, uh, infections and then environmental mold is one of the bigger issues that I’m seeing more and more of, because we have, you know, a roof leak in a home or someone’s car leaks or at work, and they have a place where, you know, it’s not, well, you know, there’s what are water damage?
That’s creating mold to be able to grow in those environments. And so one aspect of the toxic environmental molds is that they produce airborne spores to propagate through an environment. And the spores are actually food for bacteria. So what a mold does it a toxin to it. And so that prevents bacteria try to eat it, then toxin kills them. And so that’s why you have, uh, the airborne concerns of what are damaged like behind walls. And you don’t see any mold, but the, the, uh, airborne spores, the airborne toxins can come through and get people more sick. You know, I’ve heard it, you know, dozens and dozens of times when patients, I’m just not getting better, I’ve taken all these variants during those treatments. And, Oh, I found mold in my house, or I found mold at work and, you know, boom, Oh, when I get out of that environment, I feel so much better.
So it’s like this, you know, this continual, uh, inundation of toxins that’s really slowing down their progress and maybe actually making them worse. Because unfortunately, according to dr. Ritchie Shoemaker who did a lot of pirating work around mold and biotoxin illnesses, he found about 25% of his patients lack the genes. These are human leukocyte, energy genes, or HLA genes, uh, to be able to tag the mycotoxins with an antibody and eliminate it. So these people that are like just continual toxic, you know, are unable to dump these effectively and they become more, more toxic and more and more symptomatic.
And do you find that there are some people that are just more prone to reacting to mold? Because I think a lot of us are exposed to it, but maybe if somebody has a damp type constitution, or is there any other correlates that you’ve seen of people who are very sensitive to mold?
There are some people who, you know, Oh, they now have an allergic history, you know, of reacting to, uh, these kind of like allergens or toxins. Uh, they often seeing patients also diagnosed with something called mass cell activation, where your mass also like here first-line or defense against pathogens, allergens, toxins, and they can release histamine and hundreds of other compounds. And in some patients it’s like, there’s, these muscles are so activated that they’re just cranking out all these inflammatory compounds. And the person just had becomes a, you know, an inflamed, uh, soup that needs to be dealt with first, like calming that down, cleaning out you, the whatever’s triggering the muscles to over activate. Uh, so that’s one of the groups of patients that I’m seeing also, you know, I, you know, I kinda like with some patients, we will ask them to do their HLA genetics with our lime doc and some of the morning you’ve done it.
And then we can see with those patients, they have difficulty getting rid of toxins and they may be not only with mold toxins, it could be also with other bacterial biotoxins like Babesia and Lyme. They have difficulty with also. So, you know, it’s a matter of what are the ways we can get to these toxins, either neutralize them or draw them out of the patients. So I’ll be talking about some essential oils to help with that. All right. Yay. Let’s go. So four biotoxins that are produced by Lyme, and co-infections one of the main essential oils we use is tumeric now tumeric and different studies. It lowers endotoxins and also mycotoxins, which are from fungal mold. It’s great as an anti-inflammatory and also has some anti protozoal properties and different labs studies. And another one is federal, uh, federal it’s great, uh, for the gut. It’s also wonderful for neutralizing several different kinds of toxins. So it’s another a go-to for, especially if a patient has like a gut issues, leaky gut, or bloating, or other things that are going on due to some sort of gut toxin, uh, that’s that’s creating the relapsing symptoms.
Are you going to talk about how these are utilized later or topically and in which internally?
Well, we’re going to talk about two main, two, two of the main ones that I have, but, you know, we have, you know, I’ll run through and I’ll get as much to do as much as I can. Okay. So the next one is inflammation. One of our main go tos is eucalyptus globulin and a different, uh, lab, uh, studies. It reduces multiple inflammatory compounds that are often elevated in Lyme patients and coinfection patients. Another great one. This is probably the most research, essential oil is lavender, and it also lowers multiple inflammatory compounds. So
You’re using 11 doula and gusta folia there. Yep.
[inaudible] and the biofilms there’s research out of Hopkins that shows a cinnamon bark will inhibit the line biofilms, uh, uh, totally. You know, there’s no regrowth, I think after 14 or 21 days after the biofilms and other drug resistant, are they called persisters of Lyme disease are treated with cinnamon bark. And so in other studies that also is in fact against candida because a lot of my patients who’ve received months or years of antibiotics may have a candida overgrowth due to the antibiotic only off of their healthy gut flora and then candy to be able to then grow and also staphylococcus. Uh, and, uh, dr. Ritchie shoemaker’s work, he found it in two weeks of his patients getting antibiotics. He found drug Wars and the staff in their sinuses. So one of the great things about cinnamon bark is it can cut through the staff biofilms. And also one of the ones, uh, that is this very powerful, essential oil to be used in very small quantities is garlic, because basically you give this to a patient then around the world, they like,
Wow, you really are
Going to keep the Dracula away. Aren’t
One guy said to me, it’s just like, okay. And his studies inhibits lime and candida biofilms. So it’s really a very powerful, in many ways, you know, so you may have a different, uh, but now with social distancing, it’ll help you to maintain social distancing
Even when the pandemic summer,
And then co-infections, uh, and one of the two oils we use are cinnamon bark. Again, if it’s Bartonella, brucellosis and mycoplasma those a three bacterias that can be found in Kix and that they can transmit, and also oregano, which inhibits Bartonella brucella, and also a different species of malaria, which is very similar to the protozoa, the Vizio and number five is how do we deal with environmental mold? Because a lot of people don’t even know it until they get out of the environment, or they do some sort of testing urine testing for metabolites. Uh, Rosemary is effective against candida aspergillus fusarium, and it also reduces mycotoxins in different experiments. So these oils have multiple properties that can be helpful for these patients, not only to reduce toxicity, but also, you know, some patients are colonized and their sinuses on their skin or in their gut. And so depending on where we find it or we suspect it is, and we can start to deliver these oils more directly into those areas and also clove bud clove buds, a great any microbial and has, um, against these other, uh, fungi mold species, and also do some microtoxins.
So one of the main ways that we work with patients when they come in for treatment, yes, we are seeing patients, uh, have, is that we give it to them sublingual. And what we’ll do is we’ll use a Kerry oral, uh, 90% carrier oil, and then 10% of an essential oil, uh, of the different ones. Uh, usually if a person’s inflamed or toxic that won’t go to those anti-inflammatory or any toxin essential oils, I mentioned earlier, like lavender or tumeric and put that under their tongue. And that can then begin to diffuse, especially if they have neurological symptoms through the glymphatic system, into the nervous system. And also there are a lot of capillaries around the mouth, so it will diffuse into the blood and through that, into the nervous system also, and I’ve had patients come in and they’re like, their mind just can’t shut off and I can’t sleep.
And using things like lavender, uh, under sublingual, I can just see their, their mind calming down their anxiety, reducing their inflammation, just, you know, getting more, uh, less, you know, activated, uh, within as short as like 15 minutes. And, you know, sometimes I’ll do multiple sublingual oils on a patient first, I’ll do testing on them, see which ones are optimal for them, and then give them to them sublingual. And while I’m getting like Chinese medicine treatments and microcurrent and, you know, hydrogen therapy and other things that we do. And then also one of the great things I learned about, uh, from a dr Klinghardt was how due to the value of making things into microparticles or what he called liposomes. And so what we’ll do with patients is we’ll custom formulate their essential oils. And when they’re ready, we’ll formulate them into a microparticle microparticles, go deeper into the cells and different studies into the brain and to organs and under and into biofilms more effectively.
And so these are the hiding places, the reservoirs, where we are wanting to deliver that any toxin and inflammatory, any microbial essential oils. And this has been a game changer for so many patients in terms of getting past their plateau, where they can’t don’t feel like they’re improving, or they’re keep hitting that as relapsing symptoms. It really seems to take the medicine deeper into where it’s needed and create that improvement in their symptoms. So those are the two game-changing ones, the sublingual one that practitioners who are listening to this can, you know, look at right away. And, you know, obviously you want to see it, what’s safe, internal dosing. Cause a lot of people out there have said, Hey, don’t use essential oils internally, but fortunately, uh, there’s research, uh, publication, uh, essential oil safety, second edition by Robert Tisserand that shows, Hey, these are safe, dermal topical, and also internal dosing levels for different essential oils. And that’s been
Meaning just, um, certain ones or in general,
There’s probably, I don’t know, over 900 or I dunno, there, there, there’s a hundreds of oils in this publication and not all of them have internal dosing guidelines because I’ll be somewhere maybe toxic graph, toxic compounds, but he goes over the research that’s existing for different oils. And then what dosages can be a recommended as a maximum dose we take taken internally. So that’s been a godsend for us, uh, in terms of delivering these oils safely and effectively, internally in patients. And then also, uh, we’re offering a free report for listeners and the top five essential oils that reuse for Lyme disease. And you can get that at our website, And again, thank you AC uh, for generously allowing us to come on and provide this information to help, uh, our colleagues, because I think this has been a game changer for so many patients with Lyme disease. So, all right. So at this point, I’ll turn it back to you, Virginia.
And if you want to reach me, it’s luminous And again, thank you to the American acupuncture council. And I believe that we have, Yair Maimon as a guest next week. So until then, goodbye.
Bye. Thank you.
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