to speak to everybody today and to give them information related to my latest book, Natural Eye, Natural Brain Support – Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Alzheimer’s and Dementia and Other Related Diseases.
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Hello there. Good afternoon. My name is Michael Edson. I am a licensed acupuncturist practicing over 20 years in presence of natural eyecare. And you see the website, I like to thank the American Acupuncture Council for the opportunity to speak to everybody today and to give them information related to my latest book, Natural Eye, Natural Brain Support – Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Alzheimer’s and Dementia and Other Related Diseases.
I am a filling in for Virginia Duran today. And I’m excited to speak with you. The book. Is was the reason I wrote the book for a number of reasons. One, because I have had relatives with Alzheimer’s who are passed away from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. And one of the main book from natural eye care that Dr.
Grossman and I co-wrote he’s my partner is natural. I K you got to healthy vision in here. That book is an 800 page book and goes into how to treat eye disease naturally. And while doing a lot of the research for the book, what was really amazing to me was that the nutrients that actually support the retina and the rest of the eyes and the optic nerve when I was doing, looking at the research I kept on coming with.
Additional research related to the fact that they, these nutrients, of course, the blood brain barrier. And we’ll talk more about the blood brain barrier shortly, but it went to the brain and the brain uses these nutrients to keep the brain healthy. And the critical for preventing Alzheimer’s preventing dementia reducing brain fog and just keeping a healthy cognitive.
So I started collecting all that research and gathering it. I’m sorry. I have to find my pen here. Okay. And gathering it and accumulated over 3,200 peer reviewed research references related to how to keep the brain healthy and in the book. And we’ll go into more detail. I cover over four 50 nutrient.
And those nutrients, it gets complicated because a lot of nutrients have many different functions within the brain. So there’s a chart with over 19 19 categories of what different ways that these nutrients can help the brain. And I have an X mark in each category for each nutrient, and we’re going to go into many essential nutrients during this conversation.
Okay. I think we can start with. All right. So that is the name of the book. You’ll see. That is fruit and vegetables during critical to keeping healthy. Okay.
All right. The brain is really an amazing organ. It’s the most physiological active part of the body. As you can see it only 2% of the body rate represents 25% of the nutrients. With a hundred billion brain cells and sinaps seven to 10 synopsis per second. And we’ll talk about what a synopses in tobacco with seven to 10,000 cells a second.
We’re talking about trillions of interactions per second, and it’s really, if you think about that, how is this even possible? So there’s a lot of chemical activities that go on between neurotransmitters and hormones and. Interactions between the brain cells. But the only way that I can think of, and this is theoretical is that it’s some form of light.
Cause that’s the only thing that could travel that quickly, that can do so many transactions. And so that leads me to we’ll talk about chill all the time. So maybe that is what also what she is, and that travels that quickly in the body to help promote these types of choices or transactions that go on in.
Which is quite remarkable. And I talked about the eyes and the relationship to the eyes and the brain, the optic nerve is actually brain tissue. So it makes sense that what affects the optic nerve affects the brain. What affects the brain affects the optic nerve. The retina was created in the womb and the womb from from brain cell from brain cells.
So this correlation between. Healthy efficient and healthy brain function is very strong. As a matter of fact, from an eye exam that can often seen, they can also see early signs of Alzheimer’s, which is the beta amyloid buildup in the retina before it’s ever diagnosed as Alzheimer’s not withstanding multiple sclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, and many other conditions.
Appear on the retina often before, before it becomes obvious that it’s a health condition
it’s Alzheimer’s disease epidemic. And particularly related to the fact that people live in LA. And it’s for the most part nature related disease. In my opinion, there is a genetic aspect that we’ll talk about for sure that usually appears more people who are maybe 40, 60 years old. But the reason that these types of diseases are happening as they get older is the underlying causes of what can cause or contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.
Now, withstanding poor circulation. Inflammatory conditions, auto immune conditions, poor digestion. We don’t produce it many times in our system to break down the food. People become more sedentary. Maybe the emotional balance is not, they’re not, don’t feel as engaged in society. All these things play a part in both vision and brain health.
As you see that of 6 million people today. And it’s growing dramatically every year. It’s really an epidemic. Okay.
It’s a multi, multi neuro neurodegenerative disease, which means that there’s many parts that take place that cause dementia and Alzheimer’s and other types of improv, consents, and other types of brain illnesses. And it really needs to be looked at that. Because you can’t, it’s not a single issue problem, even though beta amyloid builds up in the brain and you also have something called tap protein in February and fibers that cause brain damage.
Why is that happening? And in order to really deal with Alzheimer’s and dementia and prevention, you have to look at the underlying visas, why that’s happening. And I mentioned a few here. Let me mention a few before, which is chronic inflammation. Blood-brain barrier, compromised blood brain barrier is what prevents unwanted materials from reaching the brain.
And that would include pathogens and metals and other types of materials that you don’t want to get to the brain. And when that gets compromised, then materials are getting to the brain that are causing brain damage as well. I mentioned nor epinephrin here, cause it’s one of those.
Hormones, essential hormones that acts as a neurotransmitter, the brain neuro-transmitters what passes information from brain cell to brain cell. And so neuro-transmitters are really critical. We’re going to go into more of that and it did mention that bit amyloid, neurofibrillary, tangles. HyperCat protein.
I was, what’s seen in the brain through MRIs when they see Alzheimer’s disease cow protein in a normal balance helps keep the micro structures of the cells to have that gets effected than the self structure start. The weekend. Beta amyloid in normal amounts is very important for motor transmission and brain function.
But when it builds. It starts damaging brain cells, also affecting mitochondrial function. And I know all of, what mitochondria is, it’s the energy cell of the body. It’s the battery of ourselves that keep the battery at the end of the cells functioning and energized. So my mitochondrial function, I was supposed to be looked at by.
And in the book I go into the nutrients that support the mitochondria support, the blood brain barrier, reduce inflammation also help reduce beta amyloid plaque and hyper phosphorylated tau protein and neural or tangles. These can be done through diet and exercise. The 40, the 3,200 plus studies in the book that are all in the, and the neuro neurological Magazines.
And then the research is in there. So it’s not, it’s medically proven, but it’s not really followed by the medical community.
Let’s start with diet and lifestyle. Cause obviously these are really critical. Eating a healthy diet is essential. What is a healthy diet? What like what the best diets having. Is to have lots of fruits and vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are really great. It’s very low in refined carbohydrates.
Obviously you’re avoiding fried foods and unhealthy oils, and we’re going to go into the fried foods and what not the foods to avoid. So you want to keep a low carbohydrate diet particularly all the white foods. What do you have? White rice, white pasta, white bread all the refined carbohydrates.
You want to keep a low sugar diet? Stevia is a good alternative if you want to sweeten something up. So there are different diets. The Mediterranean diet is good. The south street diet is good, but again, the common thing is a low refined, very low refined carbohydrates sugars. And. Some people like meat, I say eating meat, it should be as best as possible grass fed organic needs.
And and then foods to avoid avoid diabetes is, is an epidemic in society. And I think the numbers are up to 70% of people that have diabetes or have. So high sugar is one of the really severe detriments to, to the brain. What happens when we have excess sugar in the diet, the brain actually produces along with the pancreas its own insulin.
That’s how important insulin is to energy production within the brain. So when this excess sugar, that means the brain has to produce more insulin to break down the show. Insulin also keeps beta amyloid in check. So if you’re not having the insulin available to keep the in check it’s one of the reasons beta amyloid can increase and stop causing brain damage.
Insulin is also critical for other functions of the brain related to cognitive function. So avoid all sugary drinks, even juices to limit a very high in sugar aspartame and artificial sweeteners. They’re toxic to the brain. They produce as pertain produces a Spotify acid and methanol, which is toxic to brain cells.
And And it causes also hyperactivity in the brain. So you want to avoid those at all costs. Again, Stevie is a good alternative avoid generally foods that are in aluminum cans. Okay. So cause aluminum producers aldehydes and aldehydes prevent the breakdown or. Cause increases in production of protein in the brain.
And that is that would, could include amyloid plaque and tau protein and diminishes the body. The protein analysis is the body’s the brain’s ability to break down protein. It restricts the body’s ability to do that. Keep meat down to a minimum. The studies have been clear that diets, high meat.
The likelihood of the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. So meats are not withstanding, but with the hormones and the pesticides that are added and void fry foods. So five foods cause damage to the brain toxic to the brain and they also they. They increase ROS reactive oxygen species, which is a very aggressive form of free radicals that put down healthy cells.
So we all know that free radicals have a, have an extra electron at the end, and they will Quip that electron from a healthy cell causing it to be unhealthy and die. And that’s why the antioxidant is just because the antioxidants provide the extra electron to neutralize the free radicals. And we’re going to go into antioxidants and essential nutrients such as gludethyon which is a master antioxidant.
This is one of the few along with superoxide dismutase that can neutralize the full spectrum of free radicals in the body. And it’s the, actually the antioxidant. And the greatest quantity in the brain and the studies have shown that people with Alzheimer’s are significantly deficient include a thigh on the brain.
So you wonder why the doctors are telling people to minimally supplement with glutathione, but that’s only one of the many ones that are deficient, while I’m on the topic. The other ones that are deficient B complex is between. Vitamin T3. Some of the minerals such as magnesium, selenium sink these are all critical and when deficient, they can cause a brain damage because the free, radical, the cause of the free radical activity.
But also what’s really fascinating is that deficiency in somebody in these nutrients can actually mimic Alzheimer’s dementia. So in fact, for people that are that have a diminishment of. They may look like the habit and they may be being treated for it by the doctors for Alzheimer’s.
But yet, if the efficiency is just because of the nutrient deficiency, that could be the underlying cause. And not that they actually have dementia Alzheimer’s exercise cuts across all. I mentioned 19 categories. I mentioned that I have in the book, it cuts across all 19 categories. By the way curcumin does as well.
Ashwagandha’s really good. They basically a thigh on these do cut of course, most, if not all the categories of what they help to help with the brain stress. We live in a society, highest stress. We know it. And I was looking at a study this morning that said 3.2% of people in the United States are suffering with PTSD.
And that could be the trauma that can be due to the chronic stress associated work relationships, money, and stress can actually reduce the size of parts of the brain, including the Mignola, which among many other things, processes our emotional memory. Stress is important to keep that under control meditation, yoga, Qigong.
These are all taking regular walks in the words. These are all really important breathing. Remember to breathe. When we get stressed out, when we get upset, we stopped breathing. Stop, take some nice long breasts, calm down, get everything going again. Emotional balance. We know that the five elements of Chinese medicine, wood fire, earth, metal, and water.
That keeping emotions in balance are really important. Being angry and stressful cake is excess cortisol production in the brain and cortisol and causes excess hyper excitability. And that can actually be as a point of cortisone is for neurotransmission can cause destruction in brain cells as well when it’s, when there’s too much in the brain.
The colon archaic system is essential for brain functioning. And for neurotransmission is the communication between cell, the cell the brain cells a set of colon. I mentioned because that’s one of the critical, among many actually born into critical neuro-transmitters in the. Coleen is one of the underlying precursors, the acetylcholine.
And what’s interesting about set of Coleen is that’s one of the main treatments that the drugs try and address is the imbalance of a set of calling through a set of colon. Esterase so set of colon esterase and shed a calling, keep each other in balance. So what the does. Is it helps reduce acetylcholine, acetylcholine esterase to try and keep the set of calling up.
But the drugs don’t work. My, my relatives got the drugs. They just continually get worse because they’re not looking at the wider picture of what the underlying causes of the imbalances are and addressing the underlying causes which can be again, stomach them inflammation chronic stress.
Metal exposure to environmental exposures. The inability to interference with neurogenesis is the body’s ability to produce new brain cells. And we can do that up until the 1990s. I didn’t think that they thought that the brain cells that we were born with were the ones that we would die with.
The brain produces to produce new brain cells all through life until we die. And then a lot of nutrients, including ashwagandha and many others actually promote neurogenesis, new brain cells epigenetic. Epigenetics underlying is the thought that again, they thought that genetics, the way we were born, not only was the way we looked, but we were controlled the diseases we got later on, but, and they thanked the fact that epigenetics is environmentally also causes cells to turn on.
So that how well we were nurtured us children and fed and how well we take care of ourselves through our lives, actually prevent, can prevent not all time, but many of the times, certain cell genes that we don’t want turned on or turned on. mentioned some of the food sources for Coleen. The book talks about food source for different antioxidants as well.
I mentioned the culinary system is related to Alzheimer’s practices, hunting. And many other psychiatric disorders as well.
We did talk about mitochondria as being critical, to relate to all these diseases I missed. I looked this year and when beta amyloid builds up as associated with Alzheimer’s, it actually can create this function within mitochondria and quiz, a cycle effect. So the more mitochondrial dysfunction, the less energy is available for the cells to function properly in a more self-study.
As well as oxidative stress, we talked about the free radicals that need to be neutralized with with antioxidants essential antioxidants. I mentioned some of the nutrients in here that support mitochondria alpha-lipoic acid cocuten some of the B vitamins resveratrol, and this is all in the book, Shandra.
Magnesium by the way is also very important for managing and breaking down a beta amyloid plaque. So create division beta amyloid plaque. That’s another reason why you can get an increase in bid on what plaque as well. So I’m really talking about a whole body Prototron health story. That’s a whole body approach act function for doing that for 3000 years.
And in order to deal with Alzheimer’s and prevention, you have to take a step back, who is this person related to this disease and what are the underlying causes of it that may be related to that. And then dealing with that, because the drugs I mentioned Donepezil and another one Mateen which has to do with reducing GABA.
So that That it helps balance out the corner metric system and GABA can be increased through foods as well. So again, whole body approach, the body’s meant to be meant to heal is trying to heal. What can we do to help that along?
I mentioned the blood brain barrier critical it’s mentioned things here that, that caused a breakdown in the blood brain barrier. Astrocytes. Cells in the body that are cells in the brain in relative high amounts, the part of the glial system and the critical also for keeping the blood brain barrier healthier.
I mentioned aspartame and artificial sweetness. They also break down astrocytes it also prevents the excess glucose from reaching the. Some, I mentioned the vitamin, a vitamin C that help keep the blood-brain barrier already healthy. A B6 B12 baseline is in robot, obviously in resveratrol.
We already talked about this and we talk about a number of the nutrients. There’s quite a few of them that can help keep everything in balance. We talk about yin and yang. And part of it is really keeping everything in balance in the body. And a way to do that is through food diet, exercise, Chinese medicine, even I bet a medicine yolk, which Yukon gut-brain connection, very powerful. The gut represents 70% of our immune system. There’s a very strong connection in your gut, in the brain to the gut and actually produces on neurotransmitters and hormones. And communicates with the brain all the time through the Vegas nerve. It’s a big problem within society that there are gut imbalances that can lead to candidiasis and leaky gut syndrome.
And these can be caused tremendous inflammation can also cause a breakdown in the blood brain barrier and neurogenesis the diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s so walking causes. My microbiome microbiota break down, excess sugar, poor diet, excess dressed emotional balances medications obviously excess use of antibiotics.
So we really need to focus on that. If there’s a whole community of doctors right now called functional medicine doctors, that really start with the gut as being the basis of where disease starts from gut imbalances. Okay.
Central nutrients are making these already. That tend to be deficient. I also add here cookie 10, taurine, DHA. These all are critical for brain functioning for Alzheimer’s dementia and other, and Parkinson’s as well.
Chinese medicine practitioners out there pretty much. I understand that’s what the organization is. So the kidney Meridian overrules the the, our hormone production and endocrine system. So the home, we have a lot of hormones that reach the brain that are in the brain and act as essential.
Neuro-transmitters among. Function. So that’s willing to look at the hot Meridian. Obviously we know it has to do with spirit and Chen and all circulation, but also long-term memory. The spleen Meridian has to do with short-term memory, as well as analysis and concentration, the dual Meridian overalls, all neurological activity.
So we’re obviously looking at older meridians, but these are the four key ones. I just mentioned a couple of PA patent formulas, but there are many more out there. The Buena Juan brain tonic, or the GN now on oh, good ones to look at. But when you do your intake, we’ll figure out where you want to go with with which herbal formulas might be most helpful for your patients.
It’s different complimentary medicines. I didn’t talk much about essential oils, but they play a big role. In terms of helping support concentration reducing common symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s is poor sleep, anxiety, poor social skills pound community paranoia poor concentration, poor ability to make decisions, analytical functioning.
So essential. Either applied directly or in an ad, Mr. Fire can do a long way and really balancing out those imbalances associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
So stem cell research is still in progress. We don’t, I think it’s got a ways to go. If this account, my contact information, you can order the book from natural eye, even from Amazon. If you want to reach me, have any questions, I’m here to answer those. You have my email address as well as my phone number.
And I thank everybody for the patients to listen to my rapid discussion today. But there’s a lot of material to cover. I want to give you a sense that we can do a lot to help people and the doctors are not doing it
and also join us next week. Bring that back up again for on Friday. Yair Maimon will be here giving a presentation as well. Thank you so much.