Research on Effectiveness of Pediatric Acupuncture for Pain
Dues research support the effectiveness of acupuncture help with pediatric pain?
Pain is a condition most commonly treated with acupuncture in people of all ages.
Nearly 31% of children suffer from chronic pain including migraines and tension-type headaches, abdominal pain, acute post-operative pain, and dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls.
A study found children receiving acupuncture treatment experienced significant improvements in various types of pain including headaches and migraines, back pain, and painful extremities. 40% of the pediatric patients reported a complete resolution of symptoms.
Healthcare continues evolving to less-invasive, natural, and drug-free methods, with acupuncture now a first-line complementary healthcare choice.
Remember, the American Acupuncture Council (AAC) offers an unparalleled track record in acupuncture risk management.
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