American Acupuncture Council Will Fight For You

American Acupuncture Council Will Fight For You

American Acupuncture Council Will Fight For You

Does the American Acupuncture Council fight for its members?

The answer is YES!

No one expects a problem, but if a claim occurs, the American Acupuncture Council is the fighter you want in your corner.

The American Acupuncture Council’s reputation for being tough on claims is top-notch!

Every year, the American Acupuncture Council defends its members, produces dozens of malpractice dismissals, and commands thousands of dollars in court-ordered sanctions against abusive plaintiffs.

Remember, the American Acupuncture Council (AAC) offers an unparalleled track record in acupuncture risk management.

There is a reason acupuncturists have trusted AAC with their business for 50 years.

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